HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-19-SBFRC-min (AM)Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Reuse Committee Town of Lexington, MA August 19, 2021 8:00 AM MINUTES Attending:Cristina Burwell (left 8:40), Anne Grady,Jeff Howry, Carolyn Goldstein, Mark Manasas, Meg Muckenhoupt (Appropriations Comm. Liaison), Melinda Nasardinov Absent: Claire Feingold T horyn (Cary Library Trustees Liaison), Lester Savage, Paul Smyke, Doug Lucente (Select Board Liaison) Guests: Elaine Ashton Recording Secretary:Cristina Burwell This meeting was held both in person (Hudson Rm, Cary Hall ) and online. The meeting began near to 8am. 1.Approval of Minutes a.7/15 - HELD for wait of attachments (Jeff to send to Cristina to send to Committee) b.8/5 - Motioned by Mark, seconded by Melinda, with unanimous approval 2.ANNOUNCEMENTS - Jeff announced that he wanted to bring Marilyn Fenollosa (CPA) to the next meeting. In concern for the amount of work the committee needs to do during meetings, it was requested that Jeff have this meeting offline to learn about possible CPA funds so as to provide the next step to help in the follow-up to this committee’s work, and report back to the committee. 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS - none 4.PUBLIC FORUM The introductor y script was reviewed.Regarding staffing the forum, Melinda will be taking notes, Mark will be handling technical webinar coordination, and Claire will be facilitating the presentation and discussion. 5.Outreach - It was noted that a multicultural center would not be able to be realized if someone/group does not step forward to spearhead this concept, and it was suggested that we reach out to local cultural organizations to possibly form a joint task force to push this concept forward. It was also suggested that we invite key players in the cultural sphere to a future meeting, and use the time to gather information from 1 potential partners about their interest and how they might use and suppor t the building. This was broadened later in the meeting to include the Lexington Historical Society’s interest in any museum concept, and what their suppor t or involvement might be. This partnership might extend to the individuals who proposed the museum (Osborne/Dalton), or historical centers, as well as the Library (Anne noted that we have nothing for the 19th centur y). Mark & Jaclyn offered to assemble the list of potential organizations, and it was suggested that the second meeting in September be used to host this discussion. Jeff offered to reach out to the most recent LHS president about the museum concept. NOTE: As the second meeting for this committee falls on Yom Kippur, it was suggested that this be rescheduled for September 23, and organizations invited to this date/time. It was suggested that “forums” might be these public meetings where groups are invited to further a conversation around a particular concept - i.e., focused discussions around some of the leading concepts. T his is to be an agenda item at the next committee meeting. 6.Other - a.Future meeting times came up for discussion - in particular, changing the committee meeting time due to school star ting up, and a later start time for elementary schools making in-person meetings impossible for 2 members (though 9am also difficult for members who are expected to star t work then). This topic will be discussed at the next meeting, considering these times, evening times, or ongoing zoom/hybrid meetings. b.The committee’s deadline for recommendations is coming close at hand, and it was brought up and it was questioned what this means for the group. Jeff said that he is drafting a letter to the Select Board to request an extension. c.“Lexington Heritage Center ” (around 2008) minutes were obtained by Mark who is working to scan them to make them publicly available. This was a concept around the Stone Building. 7.Adjournment - motioned by Anne, seconded by Carolyn,and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at around 9:20am 2