HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-24-REC-min 13S 75 TOWN OF LEXINGTON 2022 01Juin, 12A3 pin't Permanent Building Committee TOWN CLERK 5 Permanent Members LEXINGTON MA < "PRIL1V Jon Himmel Co-Chairman Charles Favazzo Co-Chairman EX1N61 > > > > Peter Johnson,Philip Coleman, Cells Brisbin, Elizabeth Giersbach, Frederick Merrill Police Station Members: Semoon Oh, Wendy Krum Associate Members: Curt Barrentine,Henrietta Mei PBC Minutes for the meeting held on: 03-24-2022 Meeting was held remotely via Zoom Members Present: Jon Himmel, Charles Favazzo, Celis Brisbin, Elizabeth Giersbach, Wendy Krum, Henrietta Mei The Meeting was called to order at 5:00pm. There was brief discussion about the meeting minutes that had been sent out for review for 03 February and 24 February 2022. All parties had not had the opportunity to complete their review so these minutes will be taken up at the next meeting. The primary agenda item was to review the Value Engineering list for the Police Station project. It was decided to discuss each item as the review went thru the last and forego an initial overview, since the items were briefly discussed at the last meeting. There are 21 items on the V.E. List and each item was discussed in some detail. The final recommendation of the PBC was identified on the VE list, attached, with a: Red Square— "PBC does not recommend adoption of this item" Yellow square —"PBC Not offering an opinion" Green Square —"PBC Recommends pursuing this potential savings" The VE List also shows that the Department of Public Facilities and the Police Department had previously reviewed the list and took similar action on each item, for their recommendations. For each item on the VE list, the PBC added a comment, where they felt appropriate, regarding their recommendation. At the bottom of the VE list is a summation of the possible project cost value that could be realized by following the recommendations made on the list. All PBC recommendations and comments are noted on the attached VE List, however there were 5 VE items that the PBC made an additional recommendation for, as noted below. #4 Rear Dormer— PBC Recommended that the Rear Dormer could be looked at as an additive Bid Alternate. #7 High Density Storage — PBC recommends moving the High-Density storage to the FF&E phase but to keep the appropriate slab depressions in the building to allow for flush install. #9 Reduce Generator to Critical loads only - PBC did not support reducing the load coverage but did suggest that an evaluation be done to determine if having two, smaller generators provided an advantage. #16 Move Window blinds to FF&E— PBC supported elimination of any electrically powered blinds and have manual blinds only under the FF&E phase. #18 Change Terrazzo floor to porcelain tile— PBC added a Recommendation to consider Terrazzo tile as the project will retain the durability of the material but should realize a cost savings over the poured Terrazzo floor. An update on the status of the proposed High School project was requested. DPF Director, gave the following update. Ajoint mtg between School Committee (SC) and Select Board (SB) was held on or about March 9, 2022 to discuss the potential High School Project. There is a Special Town Meeting scheduled to be held on 4/11/22 to request approximately $1.825 million dollars for a Lexington High School Feasibility study. The Town had been notified that Lexington was invited into the Eligibility Period by the MSBA for the High School, however, the invitation will not be official, and no work can begin, until June 1, 2022. From that date on the Town will have 270 calendar days to complete the required tasks in the Eligibility period. At the joint SC /SB mtg the composition of the future School Building Committee (SBC) was discussed. The MSBA suggested qualifications of the future SBC members and it was suggested that they would not necessarily use the entire PBC committee as the base membership of the SBC, as had been done in the Past. This discussion was reported as a work in progress. It was noted that the Town's Integrated Design Policy had requirements that should be considered when the discussion resumes on how the future SBC is formed. Meeting Adjourned 8 PM. Lexington Police Facility V.E. Review Value Engineering Item/Scope Possible Cost Recmnd Comments Reccomended Defer Not Reccomended v 0 0° a N Potential Savings 1 Deduct Social Services office fit-out $105,000 Exposed framing on inside of offices,no floor or wall Architect This Space was added to the design to reflect input received from the community finishes,no ceilings. Heat,Ventilation,and electricity converstation. Defering this work will see increased costs at the time it is brought to area but not fitted to offices. performed. DPF Defering the balance of Construction will only increase costs. Police The Community expressed a desire for this space. PBC SB 2 Deduct De-EscalationTraining Fit-out $50,000 Exposed framing on inside of space,no floor or wall Architect This Space was added to the design to reflect input received from the community finishes,no ceilings. Heat,Ventilation,and electricity Iconverstation. Defering this work will see increased costs at the time it is brought to area but not fitted to room. performed. DPF Police The Community expressed a desire for this space. PBC SB 3 Deduct Glass&Millwork partitions $75,000 Replace with solid drywall partitions and HM doors Architect Was in response to Community input for visibility and provides transparency to Administrative staff. DPF Police The Community expressed a desire for this transparency PBC SB 4 Remove dormer at rear of building $43,000 Architect Provides natural Light in to Locker room areas and reduces need for artificial light. DPF Police The increased natural light will provide a healthier workspace for staff. PBC SB 5 Change Brown Stone to Cast Stone $116,150 Change Brownstone Base at Fa4ade ad at door Architect The Brownstone was chosen to provide a natural base to the Police building.The surrounds to Cast Stone Town office building is brick to grade,while the Cary Building has a granite base at the front,so it was thought that the brownstone was a good tone to align with the Town Office building materials. DPF May impact HDC approvals Police PBC SB 6 Fire Supression at IT and Evidence Rooms $160,000 Change the Clean Agent Supression in these areas to Architect The use of Clean Agent is the Best application for use in the Evidence and traditional water Network rooms. A completely wet system is not reccomended,and a pre-action system adds a human component that interupts the fail safe system. DPF Clean agent Fire Supression application in these rooms seems appropriate. Police PD is concerned about the preservation of both equipment and Evidence against leaks,accidental activation,etc. PBC SB 7 High Density Storage $225,000 Eliminates High Density systems entirely with no replacements $175,000 Changes High Density systems to standard files and metal shelving $75,000 Moves Hig Density Systems to FF&E(potential Savings) Architect The High Density system was included in the Bid Process in an attempt to streamline installation.This equipment is routinely provided under the Furniture/equipment process at which time the scope can be adjusted to the current budget.Some savings likely. DPF DPF supports moving to FF&E.We have successfully taken this approach on other projects Police PD supports providing designing the structure to carry the required loads, but moving the Item to the equipment budget.The use of High Density systems in both areas will drastically improve theDepts ability to properly maintain both evidence and Records. PBC SB 8 Parking Garage/Vehicle Maintenance notdetermined remove exterior walls and leave as open air parking Architect This deletion would eliminate the maintenance bays and leave program needs with upper floor of building extending over"outdoor" unaddressed. If these walls are eliminated it would alter the make up of parking remaining walls to accommodate changes in thermal needs. DPF Removal of the garage walls would change the overall image/design of the building and impact HDC approval Process,considerable re-design would likely be required. Police Removal of the garage area is not reccomened by the user. PBC SB 9 Emerg.Generator to Critical loads only $200,000 Architect 80%of the building would not be supported during power loss.The Police station is a critical operations facility and needs power in all areas to respond to Community needs in an emergency.The new Fire station is also an Essential Facility and has 100%emergency power. DPF DPF defers to the Police Departments Operational Needs Police The Dept,needs to be fully operational,especially if there are crisis situations, such as power loss. PBC SB 10 Reduce Landscaping by 15% $36,000 Architect This represents a flat reduction of undefined scope to support a value engineering process. DPF Police PBC SB 11 Interior lighting changes&reductions $100,000 Architect Based upon Fixture cost estimates,Light level analysis and energy modeling, adjustments can be made to fixture type and qty without impact to the user DPF Police PBC SB 12 Reduce AV Scope $100,000 Architect ]Reductions can be made,based upon evaluation of Cost Estimate assumptions and a final AV coordination mtg.,without effec ting Building user performance. DPF Police PBC SB 13 Streetscape coordination $150,000 Architect Funds were carried in the estimate for an unknown level of coordination with the Streetscape project.A coordination meeting has defined project needs. DPF Police PBC SB 14 Simplify ceiling design in meeting rooms $50,000 Architect 7FProvide alternate ceiling layouts and details to provide a more business interior and simply the design and cost. DPF DPF supports the simplified design for ease in access and maintenance Police PBC SB 15 Reduce Locker quantity&type $30,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Architect Reduce Uniformed Officer Locker quantity and replace with support staff lockers. DPF Police The PD feels that they can still meet growth expectations,no changes in Female or Gender Nuetral locker room PBC SB 16 Omit window blinds in all windows $40,000 Eliminate all window blinds $8,000 Move Window Blinds to FFE for Potential Savings Architect Could be provided under Equipment/Furniture process with possible savings DPF DPF supports moving to FFE-We have done this before. Police PD feels that window blinds are a necessary treatment for windows. PBC SB 17 Reduce Ballistic Wall protection $50,000 Architect The overall scope was reviewed along with usage expactations of the spaces and the savings opportunity was dicovered. DPF Police The Police Dept supports the re-evaluated assessment levels and is comfortable in reducing the scope of the ballistic wall panels PBC SB 18 Change lobby Terrazo Floor 10,000/ 20,000 Porcelain Tile/Vinyl Tile Architect The Terrazo floor product provides the most durable long term flooring solution. The Public Lobby will see tremendous traffic and the Terrazo floor will provide the DPF most maintenance free and best longevity of any option. Police PD defers to DPF reccomendation PBC SB 19 Change Curtainwall to storefront system $25,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The Curtainwall system provides more enhanced thermal protection and supports Change to a lower performing Curtainwall system Architect the Towns Energy Directives. DPF DPF does not recommend Police PBC SB 20 Reduction of pavement $5,000 If pushing back front parking to improve green space there is a net reduction in paving Architect Simply a by product of reducing four parking spaces DPF Police PBC SB 21 Storm water Management $200,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Omit underground infiltration chambers and provide Switching to storm water retention ponds will greatly reduce the useable green retention pomds Architect space Changing the design of the systems would require a redesign of the stormwater DPF systems and push the overall project schedule. Police PBC SB