HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-20-SEPAC-min • Muzzey athletic field pathways • Rindge Playground and pathways—this fall it will start—connecting playground, reservoir, and basketball courts with an ADA path • Center rec restrooms— needs updates—hasn't been updated since the 70s • Old Res Bathhouse—was ID'd as least accessible area Coming next • Center courts resurfacing • Golf course building accessibility Summer recreation will come out March 1St, check lexingtonma.gov/recreation for updates Approve meeting minutes from 11/19/21—motioned, seconded and approved unanimously • Co-chair Report: o Middle school ILP and DLP program ■ Hastings ILP which historically feeds to Clarke. Now they will have geocoded school placement for these kids. This does not solve the initial issue of keeping kids with their peer group. Parents can petition the Superintendent. Got some encouragement that it will be looked on kindly. ■ DLP program—Due to feeder patterns and OOD placements, the middle school doesn't currently have a program. Next year they plan to hire and bring it back as there are 2 children who would be in the program. ■ Extracurricular programs—not all are accessible to IEP students. If they don't have space in their school schedule to take a class in their school day,they are not able to participate in the after school program.Jarred Cassidy—art director and Johnny Cole and director of extra curricular activities are working on those conversations to move that forward. Will continue to follow up. o Half day Fridays—for the middle and high school students on IEPs who had Services provided on Friday afternoons—we asked that students be able to get those services made up if there's a new half day once a month. Ellen Sugita's answer was that students are not entitled to compensatory services since it was a school calendar change. We suggest parents reach out to the team if that is the case for your child. o Staff shortages and transportation issues ■ Staff shortages in SPED—aides have been pulled to cover gen-ed, concerning because that specific aide's support is detailed in the IEP and in the aides contracts. No clear short-term solution, but the suggestion was made to increase the pay rates to attract more applicants. ■ Dyslexia group expressed concern with the evaluations being used to screen for dyslexia. LPS said evaluations are done individually, difficult to comment on as each student is evaluated on a number of criteria specific to them.The workaround is to educate parents on the best evaluation tools to request. The Dyslexia group cited 4 middle school parents who had asked for evaluations in upper elementary school and their kids were found not to qualify for support but they are still struggling. One goal is for LIPS do a community wide presentation on what they are doing and how that information can be shared, as there is a need for transparency so parents know what to ask. ■ Buy-in for LIPS to host parent and staff sessions for UOD—first week of May. Representation from UOD and LIPS ■ Staff participation in UOD professional development day— how to prepare students who may have those disabilities being covered. o Other Updates: ■ Battlegreen Run—record donations- received $2130 from direct donations plus $1618 share from general proceeds ■ Staff appreciation—cookies for all sped teachers and staff, aides, therapists, 504 counselors, ETSs. Coletty's cookies—supporting a business that employs people with disabilities. • Treasurer Report o Donation from Battlegreen run is not yet reflected. Dues, and other donations for"In a Different Key", Big expense was the cookies for the staff appreciation o Asking for a $25 donation from those who want to display at the special needs fair— optional o $3700 of the$5K needed for the "In a different key" screening has been funded by the fundraising committee • Nominating Committee: o Heidi Mann, Emma Harding, and Stephanie Hsu were motioned, seconded and approved unanimously to serve as the Nominating Committee • School Committee Updates: o No big updates—lots of people have signed up to sub at schools o This will be Scott Bokun's last SEPAC meeting • Event Updates: 0 2 transition programs - 1/27 o Feb 16th—Q&A with Dr. Hackett and Ellen Sugita o Film Screening 3/31 0 4/9 Resource fair at Community Center o School committee forums—to hear from candidates • School Liaison Updates: o Bowman:Jess Q—not sure if the email aliases are working correctly— not hearing from anyone. Co-chairs are copied on them.Test your email and let Jaina know if you have any problems receiving it. We have a goal to make the parent liaison roles more visible— • Support Group Updates: o Human Rights Committee: ■ Reaching out to gather stories from the community and hosting focus groups in Feb/March. HRC also has an inbox for anonymous contributions. They are looking to understand what worked and what didn't for folks in terms of support during the pandemic. ■ Lexington Subcommittee on Neurodiversity—already have great people on the team:Jeanne DeSanto, Larry Freeman,Julie Fenn,Johnny Cole, Carol Webb, - looking for high school kids who could join that and share their perspectives/voices. o Dyslexia Support Group: ■ Peer to peer mentoring is on-going: older kids get community service hours, younger kids appreciate. ■ Jennifer Gaudet—Asst. Spt for curriculum and development will be meeting with kids who will share their perspectives on dyslexia ■ Dr. Sally Shaewitz—Yale Center for Dyslexia &Creativity contacted Nicole after seeing the article in the Lexington paper. Nicole will schedule a time for her to come talk to the parent group, and hopefully eventually teachers, and staff. ■ Arlington SEPAC talk last night— presentation Demystifying the New Dyslexia Guidelines. Would be great to have her present to us. Meeting adjourned 8:35pm