HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-17-LBAC-min RECEIVED 2022 27 Apir, �0 IISium TOWN CLERK LEXINGTON MA 1"OW11 of Ill,,,eilligtoll Bicycle Advisory Committee 3/17/22 17 IM a iir 111 2022 71.00 IlplM / oin Zoom ATTENDEES Members: Betty Gau, Ram Reddy, Jim Cadenhead, Mike O'Connor, Matthias Beebe, Suzan Chen, Dave Armstrong, George Gagliardi Also Attending: Susan Barrett (Transportation Manager) , Omar Khudari , Peggy Enders, Bob Hausslein, Mark Sandeen (Select Board) , Richard Canale (Battle Road) Guests: Open: 7:00 pm Friends of Lexington Bikeway (FoLB) / Bike Lexington 7:00 — 7:30 pm 1. Treasurer's Report - We have $22,150 in hand. Need to pay for Plowing. Talked about Budget Lines - Plowing, Education, Advocacy, Infrastructure, Stewardship/Beautification, Safety 2. Plowing Update Invoice not received 3. New England Tour de Cure update - Dave and Betty attended - They need volunteers (use Signup widgets / google Tour De Cure and choose Massachusetts), maybe LHS and Hanscom Base folks. Raised $90K, Goal $500K. They have the Routes. Peggy asked for pictures/info to advertise/tweet. Dave to get from Tim. Omar, David and Betty will work the communication with Tour De Cure/Tim. 4. FoLB Mission - Education, Advocacy and Stewardship New Logo/Banner formalized Bikeway cleanup - May 1st Sunday 9AM - 2 hour- Bob will organize - Remove Garlic Mustard. Section Leaders needed - Need them 1 week earlier, for survey, to look at the scope. CAAL helped last year. Susan B - Can be promoted in SAGE. Bob to provide Susan B the information. Events www.11exblilkewalllkbus.Q.r . are poste at ............................................................................................................................................................................„ Bike Counts - More details next meeting. Cycling Savvy - May 20, 21 - Training Dates in Waltham - s:// clllin sevv .oir Oevern Owell l eirrI..irrie..tullll couirse irrie ..20 21/2022 05 20/ 5. Upcoming Events Close 7:35pm, Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee 7:35 — 9:00 pm 1. Review and Approve February 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes Presented, Seconded and Approved by all 2. Town Meeting Article 12 b) and n) discussion and vote Greenways Corridor Committee Letter of support to Select Board Article 12 B: Townwide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, Article 12 N: Battle Green Streetscape Improvements Mark - Good chance 9-0 vote Good video of the BattleGreen Streetscape roundabout was watched Jim and Dave first and seconded. All voted Yes to send the letter of endorsement of these two articles to the Select Board. 3. E-bike Bill S.2309 Review Betty sent documents. LBAC had sent letter in Feb and Sep 2019 to Select Board and then Town sent letters to Legislature - asking them to show support for e-bikes - certain Classes only allowed (Peggy explained) Current Bill - Classifying bikes. Same classification as 42 other states. Susan B - Jim Malloy is asking if he also sends a letter in support of this bill as many other Mass town managers have been doing. Jim wanted us to vote for endorsement and send a letter to the SB before he wrote his letter. . Jim move to endorse letter and OK for Jim to send and approve S2309.. Dave seconded. All voted Yes and approved. Betty will send the letter of endorsement to the Select Board. 4. Lexington High School Student Survey Update Arnav - Went out Monday. 100 responses received https-Hdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1 plINtH3u3VnudPyUsgfD1 FHQIIsWTd D B J 3ssZCV_Y-g/edit#gid=1681433982 Very important information for Bike Ped Plan Some specific feedback- -Ice on Roads - huge problem -Muzzey Street - very difficult to navigate - no space for bikes. 5. Liaison Reports Mark Sandeen: - Article 12L - Sidewalks Cedar Street - $75K. More kids are biking rather than walking. Ross - Granite curbs original. Will look at bike safe curbs. Peggy-Raise sidewalks instead of Granite curbs. Jim - Field trip to check it out. Check out Mass Ave-left-handside before it crosses Rte 95. Richard-Would like to see data - where cars go onto sidewalks if there is a 4-1 slope. He is looking at Rte 2A data. Committee members to research it. Concord Ave/Avalon to Metropolitan Roadway. Bob Peters (could not attend) /Talked to Ram before the LBAC meeting Town Meeting - Planning Articles - Open Space Residential Locations. 2 articles 38 and 39 Special permit - Hayden and475 Bedford. All modes will be considered Richard Canale Battle Road - MassDOT first only resurfacing. Asked them to look at Speed (40mph today) /Safety. 25% design - 33 bicycle signs. Footprint road - so no need to accommodate cyclists/pedestrians. Lincoln Town - asked for crosswalks - but no narrowing and no speed limit. Convinced Arlington to agree. But 100% Design does not have this (signs) as part of the plan. Lexington concerned. Trying to get Federal Highway (Katherine Clark) involved. Omar- LBAC should tell MassDOT even if we are outvoted. Town did ask to reduce speed. Lexington may have funds / grant to do it in the second phase. Tabled for separate discussion. 6. Tough Ruck Event Permit on Bikeway www ,t o,uc..I.hr u,C lk, a /me6a has information April 16th - Saturday - Town has given permit LBAC- - How to keep bikeway safe during the marathon - Compensation —what could Tough Ruck organization provide to town - How to handle spectators - Volunteers to keep spectators off - What will the signs say - Should they be put a week before not 1 day before. Town communication. Facebook. Mavens. - Should the bikeway be closed - Maybe not 7. Bike Ped Plan Update - Mike O'Connor - Short meeting with Archana. Lead with and emphasize Safe Routes to School. Should have actionable goals. - Town Meeting will vote soon AND then a Task force will work on it. RFP go out June 1, hopefully. 8. Signage Project Update - Jim C - Peggy, Omar and Dave met. Process of getting Burmah Shave signs. Leaning towards Shining Sea signage. 9. Tri-Town Bikeway Meeting — LBAC host on March 22, 2022 @7:30 pm - Lexington Hosts - Next Tuesday with Bedford and Arlington - Agenda sent 10. Other Business - Richard Canale - talked to Doug Lucente - will meet with Ross, Sheila, Jeanne Kreiger. To get a Lexington position - one LBAC person will be requested to attend Upcoming Dates: • Tri-Town Bikeway Meeting March 22, 2022, 7:30 — 9:00 pm — LBAC Hosting • LBAC Meeting —April 14, 2022, 7:00 pm • Tour de Cure Kick-off Ride at Revolution Hall —April 23, 11:00 am — Friends / LBAC Ride (Test Run) Close 9:11 pm