EVENING, May 29, 1946.
The meeting was opened in the Sele ctment s Room at
8:05 P.M. ; this is a joint meeting with the Board of Select-
men. The following members were in attendance :
J. Milton Brown, Chairman
Lewis L. Hoyt Michael J. Hopkins
Thacher Jenney Jasper A. Lane
George M. tiynes Raymond L. f'.hite,
Town Accountant
Present at this meeting were Rev. H:•rold T. Handley
and lTfebster Thomas , Trustees of Cary Memorial Library. Their
reason for bel nr present was to discuss Article 65 - the
article calling for )125, 000.00 for the erection of an enlarged
and improved Cary Memorial Library building. Under this
-Article -1+5,000.00 was transferred from Excess and Deficiency.
As the 5,000.00 was not at least equal to 25/ of each $1,000.00
of taxable property, it was disapproved by Commissioner Henry
Long. The Trustees of the Library have now learned that no money
is available and have incurred a liability between $3,200.00
and 3, 500.00 of which approximately 11,500.00 or ;;1,600.00 is
now due. The Library Trustees rant a transfer to satisfy this
obli ;atiln but it was the feeling of this Comm, ttee that a
transfer should not be made. A general discussion Teas had
between the Board of Selectmen, the Trustees and this Committee
and it ras finally decided that the Town Accountant get a
ruling from the Division of Accounts as to whether such a transfer
is legal and nronr. The Library Trustees then left this meeting.
William G. Potter, Chairman of the Board of Select-
men, spoke with regards to l"'illiam Cann, Building Inspector.
Mr. Cann resigned on May 6, 1946. The Board of Selectmen re-
appointed him and "ere willing to go along; with Mr. Cann' s
request of $3,500.00 a year salary for full-time, and 7,400.00
for the use of his car. This Committee vas not willing to go
along on that basis as we had approved a salary of ,'32,750.00
and 11250.00 for the use of his car. It now appears that ac- -
cording to law, Mr. Cann cannot work for the Town after May 31,
1946 ase is over seventy years of age.
Mr. Potter also stated that Mr. Raymond L. -'s>hite
is to work with the new temporary Town Accountant for one
week, and that he is to receive two reeks , vacation. A
transfer is necessary in order to pay him.
J. Milton Brown, Chairman, entertained a motion
to reconsider action taken at the meeting of May 20, 1946
with regards to the salary and auto allowance of the Building
Inspector, and the transfer from the Reserve Fund of a sum
not to exceed 11,200.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted
to rescind the previous vote.
F'r. Potter, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen,
then said that their Board wanted to combine the Building and
r'lumbing ')apartments and have one Inspector. Yr. Potter has
discussed the job of Building Inspector with several different
nersons, and they all want more than Mr. Lindstrom. After a
general discussion the Board of Selectmen voted to approve a
sum total of °4,400.00 for the combined job of Building and
Plumbing Insnector, and a total of : 400.00 for automobile
allowance. This is the figure that Mr. Lindstrom will accept.
The 14,400.00 is to be divided - L11,800.00 for Plumbing and
$2,600.00 for Biui ld' ng; 1200.00 automobile allowance for
Plumbing, and 4,200.00 automobile allowance for Building.
Mr. Hoyt stated that he did not believe that these
jobs could be made one. Mr. Potter said this was Mr. Li ndstrori's
request and it has been approved by the Board of Selectman.
Mr. Hoyt stated that he was oposed to the automobile allowance
of $400.00.
Mr. Potter said that Mr. Cann claims he bad been
hired for the year and has hired an at -orney.
Finally Mr. Hoyt stated he was willing to vote the
additional amount required for each job to pay the x:4,400.00
salary and '$400.00 automobile allowance, and also sufficient
money to pay Mr. Cann his salary to May 6, 1946 and the ap-
proved salary by the Selectmen from May 7, 1946 to May 31,
1946, as yell as the automobile allowance.
Finally Mr. Hoyt made a motion that an amount be
made available to have sufficient money to pay Mr. Cann to
Tray 31, 1946 and Yr. Lindstrom to December 31, 1946. This
motion was seconded by Thacher Jenney and voted by tip members
The s�um.s necessary to be transferred from the Reserve
711nd are as folloTs :
Building Department - Personal Serv3 ces - 1, 7.76.39
Building Department - Expenses 12.36
A motion was made, seconded and voted that :'':201.27
be transferred from the Reserve Fund to pay Raymond L. Mite,
present temporary Accountant, two reeks ' vacation, and one
week while working with Mr. Macbeth, the newly appointed
temporary Town Accountant .
The meeting adjourned at 9 :10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
• Secretary.