HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-20-AC-MIN.pdf MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HELD AT THE TY-N OFFICE BUILDING, MONDAY EVENING, May 20, 1946. The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at 8:10 P.m. , by temporary Acting Chairman George Hynes, with the following members in attendance : George M. Hynes, Acting Chairman J. Milton Brown Michael J. Hopkins red C. Neyha11 Thacker Jenney Harvey F. Winlock Jasper A. Lane Lewis L. Hoyt Raymond L. !Yhite, Town Accountant Yr. Lewis L. Hoyt stated that the Moderator, the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and' himself, acting as Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, met last evening, May 19, 1946, to choose the three members for the Appropriation Committee. Harvey F. Winlock and Thacher Jenr_ey rrere re- appointed for a term of three years, but the third member has not been chosen as yet. Hoyt state'9 that he is not a candidate for re- election as Chairman for this coming year. Thacher Jenney nominated J. Milton Brown for Chairman, 'out Mr. Brown stated that he would not accept the Chairmanship. There was a nominati -'n for Fred C. Newhall. Mr. Newhall said he had to decline the nomination as his present position with the bank would not allow it. Again J. Milton Brown was nominated, and the Committee voted unanimously to appoint him as Chairman. Mr. Brown accepted the nomination. The next parson to be elected was the Secretary. Raymond L. Mite was elected for the ensiiling year. Mr. Brown immediately took the chair ns Chairman of this meeting and proceeded ?• . th the items rhich were to come before tbi.s meeting. The first recuest vas for additional funds in the Apnropri_ation Cornet i ttee-P'xpense Account as the present hills Incurred represent 169.29 more than there is in the Fund. - Tt ',as voted that :;?10^. 00 be transferred from the Reserve 'nnd to the Appronr-i ation Committee-Expense Account. Chairman 'gown read a letter received from James J. Carroll, Town Treas,irer, requesting a transfer of ' 500.00 from the Reserve Fund to Other Finance Offices and Accounts in order to have money for Certification of Notes and Preparation of Coupons, as no money was appropriated at the Annual Torn Meeting. There was a general discussion on this, and considering that the Library loan of ; 120,000.00 has not been approved by the Division of Accounts, it would not seem necessary for . 500.00 to be transferred. A motion was made, seconded and voted that the sum of ' 300.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to Other Finance Offices and Acoounts. A letter was read Which this Committee received from the Cary Memorial Library Trustees which is as fo ._lows "This is to inform you that at a meeting of the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library held on the above date it was voted: (1) That the salary of the Chief Librarian be established at the rate of 13120 Per annum effective July 1, 1946 (2) That the maximum salary of the Chief Librarian he established at uZ48O.00 to be attained by annual increments of t120.00 each starting,, Anril 1, 1947. The second of these votes is, of course, subject to the approval of Your Committee and of the Town Meeting. The first reaui.res no transfer of funds since the amount necessary is available under Personal Services. Our Chairman has tar-ed with Mr. Lewis L. Troyt of your Committee concerning these matters and we would be hemp-T to further consult with v 'u should You so desire. " As no transfer of funds was necessary, it was voted that this Committee note the contents of the letter and same be filed. The next letter read to this Comm" ttee was one received from James J. '"alsh, Chairman of the Cemetry Comm'_s- si.oners which requested a transfer of ;,$1,500.00. The plan was explained by the Secretary, but the feeling of this Committee v.as tha-' this request was not an emer_-ency. A motion was made, S h-0/4-'10 seconded and voted to disapprove this request. A letter was received from the Board of Selectmen and also the Board of Public Welfare requesting a transfer of ',120.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Public ""elfare-Adminis- tration Account for telephne service at the Barnes property. The Board of Public "elf:^re have moved back to the Barnes property and this' request is to pay the expense of a telephone. A motion was made, seconded and voted that the sum of $120.00 be transferred from the Re serve Fund to the Public Welf-:re- Administration Account. This Committee also has a letter from the. Board of Selectmen requesting that we transfer the sum of $1,299.27 from the Reserve- Fund to -the Building Inspector-Personal Services ==ccount, and also a transfer of t119.40 from the Reserve Fund to the Building Inspector-Expenses Account. These transfers would dive sufficient money to pay Mr. Cann at the rate of ? 3,500.00 for the balance of the year, and a ..$400.00 automobile allowance for the balance of the year. There was a general discussion relative to this request and Mr. Hoyt stated that he was not willing to talk about Cann as the Building Inspector. There was a general discussion about what a Building Inspector should be paid here in the Town and the Committee looked back at the Appropriation sheets to see what they figured for the present year. The rate was $2,500.00 per year. The Committee also felt that the Bui 1ding Inspector should be different and distinct from the Plumbing Inspector. Finally It was decided that the sense of this meeting was that in view of the increased building of the Town, the amount to be set up for the salary of a full time Building Inspector should be 2,750.00, plus $250.00 auto allowance. A motion was made, seconded and voted that a sum not to exceed $1,200.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Building Inspector- Personal Services Account, and Building Inspector-Expenses Account to provide sufficient funds to pay a Building Inspector a salary based on an annual rate of 32,750.00 and an auto allowance based on 1250.00 a year. The meeting adjourned at 10:0" P.M. Respectfully submitted, ecretary.