HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-20-AC-MIN.pdf MIN[TTES OP THE VETTING OF THE APPROPRIATION C n7VITTEE HELD AT THE TOWN" 1 FFIC B ILDING, TEDNESDAY EVENING, March 20, 1946. The meeti_n : was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at " :15 a.M. , by Chair-Ian Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members in attendance : Lewis L. T"myt, Chairman Ronald D. Brown Michael J. Hopkins 3; Milton Brown Thacher Jenney Fred C. Newhall Jasper A. Lane Harvey F. 'Ti.nlock Raymond L. White, Town Accountant George Hynes - The first items discussed by the Chairman, Lewis L. 'Hoyt, were the parcels of land for the School Depart_-ent. The follo,,ing sums are to be asked by the School Committee - 'C750.00 for the- Russell property, :)2,500.00 for the Mullilken property and ',31650.00 for the Ryder property. Mr. Uoyt stated that un^er Article 59 - Vocational Education - Mr. Thomas is going to recommend that the sum of ;1300.00 be appropriated. Under Article 56 - conne^ting Sprinkler Systems to tr-e Fire Alarm System the Chairman of the School Committee Is 0;oi_n7 to ask that ;)1,500.00 be appropriated. Article 67 - the Renovation and Remodeling of the Fast LexinYton Library. Under this Article, the Library Trustees are goi.no• to ask that $10,000.00 be approrriated. Before the Ltbr'- ry Budget is -cted upon under Article 4, the Tru-tees are rfoinr to ask the Town Meeting Members to take up Article 67; and if the Town Meeting Members approve the =10,000.00, under Article 4 the Cary Library Department - Expense Budget will be reduced X975.00 which is the amount for necessary repairs. If Article 67 is disapproved at the Town Meeting, the Trustees will ask for the figure stated in our Report. _ 2 - 312-s46 There was a general discussion by the members of the Apnropriati on Committee as to whether they should change their previous action on Article 67. It was finally decided that this Committee would act unfavorably due to the fact that they did not believe it was good policy to change too many of the recommendations. At 1-:10 P.M. , Gordon Richards, Chairman of the Fire T'o>'se Committee , was admitted to this meeting. He explained the chanes which were made in the plans and specifications before the last bids were received. The three major changes were the size of the building ; this is being cut down two feet on its length and two feet on Its width - the roof framing which in the soeci.fications called for steel Is being changed to wood - the air space called for in the original s pectfica- ti.ons on the ground 4'1 nor is being omitted. There was a general discussion as to whether the changes explained by Mr. Richards were substantial changes. The Selectmen have informed the Fire House Comm' ttee that they consider them substantial changes. Mr. Hoyt suggested to Mr. Richards. that he -et in touch with Mr. Potter, Chairman of the Board, and see just what the Board would aporove. It was the feeling of this Committee that if there "ere no alterations in the plans and specifications, and possibly 5'2, 50-1.00 more is required, the Selectmen would go along with the increased cost. The Apnropriat' on Committee decided to review Article 56 which is the !31,500.00 to connect the Sprinkler Systems in the different school buildings to the Fire Alarm System. The Secret^ry looked up the bal.nce of the Munroe School Sprinkler System appy inriation and suggested that the amount necessary to connect the Kunroe School to the Fire Alarm System be taken out of this budget. Mr. Hynes stated that he did not think this was prover, but the Secretary stated he would check up with `r'addell' s office and see if tr i_s could be done. Finally a motion was made, seconded and voted that 1;1 .500.00 be appropriated for the connection of the Sprinkler Systems to the Fire Alarm. System. If, however, the balance of the Munroe School. Sprinkler appropriation can be used for the Munroe School, the ; 1,500.00 appropriation will be reduced to The meeting adjourned at 10 :57 -.-. Respectfully submitted, 3,4 CS/1 cre tart'.