EVENING, March 11, 1946
The meeting was opened in the Selectmen' s Room at
8:10 P.M. , with the following members in attendance :
Lewis L. TT-oyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Fred C. Newhall
J. Milton Brown Harvey F. Winlock
George M. Hynes Michael J. Hopkins
Thacher Jenney Jasper A. Lane
Raymond L. White,
Town Accountant
This mePt4 ng is called in accordance with the Town
By-laws requiring that the Chairman of the School Committee,
Chairman of the Cemetery Commissioners, Chainnian of the Board
of Assessors, Board of Selectmen and the Appronration Com-
mittee get together to rro over the Appronriati -m Budgets for
the year 1946.
The Board of Selectmen stated that Mr. G.
Potter had been elected as Chairman of the Board for the ensuing
The first ; tem discussed was the request for
6,000.00 adliti.onal for the Road Machinery Account. The order
for the bulldozer was cancelled which made 136,000.00 available
in the i_^hway Road Ma chi ne ry Fund. At this coming Town
Meeting, the Board of Selectmen are asking f at .)18,500.00
instead of 1'312,500.00 he transferred from the Road Machinery
Fund, and the balance of 1313,500.00 from the Excess and
Deficiency Account.
The next item' discussed was Article 30 - Lexington
manor Sewer. Mr. Lode , Chairman at this meeting°, said the
abutters are assessed for their proportionate amount for the
Serer which is based on a five-year average cost. It is
estimated that i-he abutters will pay only about 20% and the
Town rill be required to nay the remaining 80%.
_ 7 3 ) 11 /-to
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt asked Mr. James J. Walsh
if there were any questions with regards to the Budgets for
the Cemeteries. Mr. TToyt spoke about the $3,500 .00 being
transferred from the Sale of. Lots land for restview Cemetery.
Mr. Walsh said that this was not riMht, but, however, he would
not make any formal objection.
The next Item discussed was the salaries of the
elft re Department . Mr. Rowse stated that the salaries, in
accordance with the present salary schedule for Civil Service
Employees, were as follows :
Mr. Collins 2,400.00
Social Worker 1,560.00
Senior Clerk 1,440.00
Junior Clerk 1, 144.00
There was no further action taken with regards to
these salaries.
Yr. TTovt stated that the School Committee had nothing
to take up before this meetin'c, but If it was all right with
ire Board of Selectmen, they were planning to meet with the
Appropriation Comm' ttee immediately followin- this meting to
go over some of the Articlesin the Warrant.
At 11 -40 P.M. , the Appropriation Committee reconvened
in the Town Accountant ' s office - along with the School Com-
ommittee. The members present were : Webster Thomas , Chairman,
Mrs. Ruth Morey, Mr. Samborski and Thomas S. Grindle,
Superintendent of Schools.
Mr. Thomas stated that Articles 54, 55 and 57 were
all right as recommended by this Committee.
Article 56 : Mr. Hoyt stated that this Committee had
recommended unfavorable action as they were in the process of
cutting down on the Tax Rate and they felt that this item was
one which could be carried over until next year.
Article 58: The land of Warren B. Russell. Mr.
Thomas stated that the School Committee had a letter from
Mr. Russell stating that $5,000.00 was the asking price, plus
the erection of a fence, and the perpetual care of same.
Article 59 : Mr. Hoyt stated that this Comm' ttee had
recommended unfavorable action on this Article due to the fact
that they felt that there was not en'lu ;h enthusiasm by the
Townspeople to co ahead with this handicraft project. Mr.
Thomas stated that $500.00 was the firrure they were asking
under this Article, and that a certain portion would be returned
by the State and Federal Governments.
/1i /4,o
Article 60: The Mulliken Land. Yr. Thomas stated
that the figure originally vas $5,000.00, and the next figure was
5;500.00. Mr. Phomas said that Mr. ?Tin Couette thought that
, 5,000.00 was all ri.rht for this land.
Article 61: Ryder Property. Mr. Thomas said that
there were two different offers - (1) 01,200.00 an acre if
his remaining land is subject to no betterment assessments.
(2) ° 1,500.00 an acre if his remaining; land will be subject
to betterment assessments.
The School Committee went back toArticle 59 - night
courses and handicraft. Mr. Grindle stated that one of the
°racti.ca7courses is dressmrking, and he further said that
he had received a letter re''resenting 8 or 10 women of the
Torn asking that Vocat' onal ' .ucation such as handicraft be
included in the School system.
' othing further to come before this meeting, the
Scho1. Committee left at 9:30 P.M.
Immediately the Fire House Committee was admitted
to this meeting . Geo--e Bmery, Gordan Richards and Mr. Ripley
were present. Mr. Emery stated that the Board of Selectmen
had asked for three new bids on the East Lexington Fire Station,
and the bids were open this evening. Tredennick - Billings
Co. bid was $61,557.00; ;':illiam A. Bogart's bid was $63,907.00.
To the' low bid the Fire Committee added 0300.00 for inscriptions
and $1,600.00 for architectural fees which are the supervisory
fees based on e of the contract, plus the cost of blueprints.
With thi. s low bid, the figure comes with n the ,i9, 000.00 asked
under the separate Article for additional costs for theFast
Lex'ncton Station.
Nothing further for the Fire House Committee to
discuss, they left at 9:50 P.M.
Mr. Hoyt brought up the matter of the Manor Sewer.
The relative cost which the abutters would have to pay if the
rork was done this year would only be approx1mate?.y 20%. There
was a general discussion with regards to the Se,F'ar, but no
definite action was taken.
Mr. Hynes brought up the matter of the purchase of
the Stevens Gravel Pit. He said personally if he had i•nown
the condition he never would have voted in favor of the purchase
of this land. Fe i-�ent over to see the Pit last Saturday and
was amazed at its condition. He stated that there was water in
the hollow where the sand has been excavated Which is rater deep;
and he understands the Fire Department at one time ha-1 to help
to get a child out. Some provision would have to be made about
a fence and without question we would have to have one or two
persons there at all times. In his mind this purchase is not good.
J/ i ; r
There was a general discuussion, but no action was taken.
Mr. Rowse came in to t -is meeting to ask the members
hol- they felt about giving George Sheldon, former member of the
poard of Selectmen, a testimonial dinner. He said that the ten-
tative d^te would be -"arch 21st, but he would let the Secretary
know further about it. The members agreed with Mr. Rowse, and
thought his suggestion very good, and they would be glad to
participate in the dinner.
After Mr. Rows- left this meeting, it was suggested
by some of the members that indefinite Postponement be made on
the purchase of the Stevens property.
The Secretary was instructed to get figures from
John T. Cosgrove, Engineer, as regards the Manor Sewer so that
they may be available for the next meeting.
It vas further suggested that the Road Machinery Article
be corrected so that the vote will read that we recommend
X32, 00.00, of which $18,500.00 will be taken from the Road
Machinery Fund, and X13, 500.00 from Excess and Def'.ci.ency.
A motion was made, seconded and voted that the
recommendation under Article 24 be changed to read as follows :
Tinder th, s Article the Annrooriati.on Committee recom-
mends the appronri.ati.on o f the sum of• 32, 000.00. This sum
is to be provided by transfers of :;18, 500.00 from the Road
Machinery Fund and $13,500.00 from the Excess and Deficiency
Mr. Hoyt spoke ab ,u t the employees in the Welfare
Department and stated that he did not know what to suggest or
do relative to these empllyees. He would sug :est, however,
that the Secretary ,Tet da La together on these employees as to
the 1941 salaries paid them and increases, and the amount they
are receiving at the present time.
It was suggested that the Secret' ry and the Superin-
ten:ient of Schools poet together on the assessed valuation of
the parcels of land which the School rants to purchase, as the
Secretary' s figures and Mr. Grindle ' s figures do not agree as
to the valuation, plus 25'.`'. Mr. "rindle will be in on Tuesday
morning so that we can go down to the Assessors ' office and
get this matter straightened out.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Se retary.