EVENING, February 15, 1946
The rneetiing was opened in the office of the Town
Accountant at ' :45 P.T . , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the
following members in attendance :
Lewis L. 'Hoyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Harvey F. Vi.nlock
J. Milton Brown Michael J. 'Topkins
Fred C. Newhall Tha the r Denney
Raymond "... Mite,
Town Accountant
Minutes of the Meeting Feld February 11, 1946
A motion was made, seconded and vote to dispense
with the reading of the m'notes of the meeting held on
Febri'ary 11, 1946.
Chairman Levis L. Hoyt suggeste ' that the first
business which the Conrittee should take up was to go over
the :'reamble of the Appropriation Committee Report.
Yr. Foyt read what he had wr' tten for the Public 'f>orks Depart-
ment. Suggested changes were made by the members on his
co v.
Mr. Hoyt then read a letter received from the
Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library with regards to
alterations to the EastLexinton Branch.
There was a eneral discussion on this , and finally
a motion was made, seconded and voted that the sum of
fl"=10,000.00 be approved for the necessary alterations, and
that such sum be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency
The next item taken up vas the ,$15,000.00 necessary
for the` conti ngencies of the Fire Alarm System and furnishings,
grading, se1,}er, water and other items for the new Central
Eire Station. This sum -as approved; such sum to be transferred
_ 1 - 2. /I [ Li»
from the Excess and Deficiency Account.. There -Fs a discussion
as to whether this Committee would approve the East Lexington
Fire Station, and finally a motion was made, seconded and
voted that the sum of 59,000.00 be appropriated, and transferred
from the Excess and Deficiency Account for the necessary
additional amount required to c 'nstruct the new station, and
also another additional amount of 6, n00.00; of which :;e3,000.00
is for contingencies and ; 3,000.00 for sewer, wator and other
items. This is also to be transferred from Excess and
Ronald D. Brown stated that in view of the fact
that we had previously ap'roved the Fire Department Capital
Outlay Budget, -e should entertain a motion to reconsider
this Budget.
This Budget was approved on December 10, 1945 for
14, 800.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to
rescind the Previous vote and reconsider this Budget.
Fire Department - Capital Outlay Budget - Total
Approved ' 24, 800.00.
The item for cos+ and expense incidental to the
complet' on of the Fire Stations was changed from $11,000.00
to $21,000.00 which includes (as explained above) the
$15,000.00 for the New Central Fire Station, and $6,000.00
for the East Lexi_nnton Fire Station.
A motion was made, secn 'ed and vote to apurove
t},i.s Budget in the amount of $24, 800.00,
Mr. Foyt asked the members how they felt about the
;Bulli Zen property, and it ras finally decided that the sum
of $5,000.00 be approved to Purchase this property. Like-
wise with regards to the Russell property, it was decided
that the sum of 'i5,000 .0O be approved for the purchase of
this property, and the enacting of a fence between
Mr. Russell' s property and the school. As to the purchase
of the Ryder property, or the Lexi.nrton Estates Trust (so-
called) , it was decided that this Committee would ap :.rove
the sum of 110,000.00 to acquire this property.
Havi..nc -one through the Articles of the Preamble,
the members started togo over the Articles of the Warrant.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Irl- _