EV FINC, February 11, 1946
The meeting was opened In the office of the Town
Accountant at 7 :35 P. R. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the
following members in attendance:
Lewis L. r oyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Fred C. Newhall
J. Iii lton Brown Harvey F. Winlock
George M. TTynes Michael J. Hopkins
Thacher Jen-ey Jasper Lane
Raymond L. White,
Town Accountant.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to waive the
reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Chairman Levis L. Hoyt read over what he had talked
over and written 'with regards to the Library which fully agrees
with Webs ter Thomas.
Mr. TPoyt also went over with the members the increases
in the Budgets over last year which amounted to between
4)105,000.00 and $110,000.00. It -as also stated by Mr. Hoyt
that this figure did not include the amount of money necessary
for the Parking Area, or some of the other Special Articles.
The Parking Area will cost 030,000.00 000.00 for the landtaking, and
4'$26,00n.00 for the bui ldiner of the street.
School Maintenance - Expenses - Total Approved
This Budget was approved on February 8, 1946
for "'766 ,094.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to
rescind the previous vote and reconsider this Budget.
Mr. Hoyt stated that "r. Ames said they were willing
to reduce this Budget in the amount of 05,000.00, but no
particular item to be eliminated; in other words, let the
School Committee use the money to the best advantage of the
A motion was made, seconded and vote-3. to approve
this Budget in the amount of 161,594.00.
Chairman Foyt spoke about i term whi ch he thought
should come out of the Excess and Deficiency Account which are
as follows :
Road Machinery •4‘l7, 500.00
Maturing Debt 32,000.00
"ubli_c works u„ildi_ng-Fence 8, 640.00
Munroe School-Sprinklers 1,147.00
Fire Truck Chassis 3,800.00
Gradi.nT-Enclosed Field 2, 500.00
Bleachers 1, 610.00
Standpipe 2; 500.00
Library (Working Plans P, Specifications)5, 000.00
Sewer Services 8,250.00
$82, 937.00
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve
the above transfers.
Under the Library, a motion was made, seconded and
voted to recommend the adoption of the request by the Trustees
of the Cary Memorial Library for c5,000.00 for working plans
and specifications; such sum to be transferred from the Excess
and Deficiency Account, and 1.20,000.00 to be bonded for ten
The next items taken by the Approoriat' on Com-
mittee ware items under Article 4 of the Ann renriation Com-
mittee Report.
Under Elections Department - Expenses. A notation
to be made that the increase in this Budget is due to three
elections required in 1946 instead of the one in 1945.
Public '.'Forks-Superintendent' s Office - Personal
Services. The item of $2,800.00 in this Budget is allocated
as follows : 700.00 is for the temporary Executive Assistant,
and the balance for the salary of the Assistant Superintendent
who is to be appointed at a later date at an annual rate of
1,600.00 per year.
Eng` neering Department - Personal Services. The
increases In this Budget are due to the fact that the Transitman
J .
has been added to this Budget instead of under Highway Maintenance,
and there is a nese Rodman.
Police Department - Personal Services. The increases
in tl,is Budget ore due to the new rates apprwed last year,
and Provision for two men returning from the Service, and an
additional-man as of April first.
Fire Department - Personal Services. The increase
is due to one man returning from the Service.
Building Department - Personal Services. The salary
of the Building Inspector is figured on a part-time basis, but
at an increased salary from $1,100.00 to . $1,500.00 1,500.00 per year.
Shade Trees - Wages & Expenses. There is an additional
1500 .00 in' thi_s Budget for Labor, and $600.00 for eradicating
poison ivy.
Plumbing Department - Personal Services. The salary
of the Plumbing Inspector is continued on a part-time basis,
but at an increased salary from $900.00 to $1,100.00.
Sewer Maintenance - Wages & Expenses. The increase
In t"is Budget is due to the new floor for the pumping station,
and .restocking; of pipe and fittings , and additional labor.
Sewer Services. It was voted that the $12,000.00
requested in this Bud get be allocated as follows :' $8,250.00
be transferred from Excess and Deficiency, and . 3,750.00 to
be included in the Tax Rate. (Notation: $82250.00 is required
for the connections to the Manor Sewer, and $3,750.00 to be
used for ordinary connections elsewhere in the Town) .
Drain Construction - Sundry Streets. 2,550.00 is
to take care of the construction of drainage at '''ashington
Street and Highland Avenue.
Garbage Collection. This Budget is h ;her due to
the new Contract.
Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes. This provides
for a permanent man at the Lincoln Street Dump.
Public works Building - rages & Expenses. This
Buget is Increased because of the fact that we now have an
Assistant Mechanic and a Stock Clerk is to be hired. $950.00
is for new tools.
1 ighway Maintenance - ' 'ages & Expenses. The increase
in t'^ ' s Budget is due to the increase in labor requirements for
/ [ 41
the Department'. It provides for four additional men.
Street Li phts. This Budget is increased x;3,751.50
to provide for all night street lighting.
Public welfare - Personal Services. Due to the Civil
7.orvi.ce control over the salaries of this Budget, the 15% Bonus
.raid in 1946 is continued on this basis until March 31, 1947.
Old Age Assistance - Aid. Expenses. Last year' s
appronriation was ? 40,000.00; this year 49,925.00. The
increase of $9,925.00 is explained In Paragraph Seven of the
Military Aid. The increase in this Budget Is to
take care of possible needs of veterans of World Tar II.
School maintenance - Personal Services . The increase
in this Budget is exn'ained on the exnlanation sheet of the
Budget which enumerates the yr rious items .
School Maintenance - Expenses. The increase in
this Budget is explained on the explanation sheet of the Budget
which enumerates the various items.
Cary Library - Expenses. It was called to the
Secretarzr' s attention about using; the Dog License Fees. The
Secretary will check on this.
' At 10 :25 P.M. , George Emery, Chairman of the Fire
Engineers, and Gordan Richards were admitted to this meeting.
Mr. Emery stated that the Selectmen had signed the contract
for the New Central Fire Station, but that' the water, lights,
power, drains , et cetera were not Included, and the estimated
cost for these is '11,000.00. Also that an item for contingencies
of contract of running into ledge is necessary, and they recom-
mend the sum of $5,000.00 be apnropriated. Mr. Emery stated
that Louis Bills figured on changing the Fire Alarm System
to the new station, and the cost would be approximately $4,000.00.
This makes a total for these three items of 320,000.00. The
Selectmen have approved this amount of money.
Mr. Foyt told Mr. Emery that even $5,000.00 meant a
lot right now to the Committee on account of all the ' tem
and requests, and it was suggested by Mr: TToyt that 33,500.00
be a' lowed for the 'Pire Alarm System, $4,000.00 for contingencies
and ;7,500.00 for water, li-ht, power, furnishings et cetera;
or a grand total of `"15,000.00.
Mr. Emery agreed to go along on this suggestion, as
his Commi. t tee was willing to do all they possibly could to save
as they appreciated the fact that they had been allowed to go
ahead with the building.
Mr. Emery stated that the majority of the Selectmen
were not in favror of building the East Lexington Station this
year. Mr. Frnery further said mat the East Lexington Station
for water, serer, drains et cetera would cost ,A, 000.00, and
the contin-encies for. ledge would be 93, 000.00, or a total
of ��7 000.00. The nearest bid submitted for the East Lexington
an t'
Statim was x.. . 000.00 over the ap_ ropria �x.on, so in order to
go ahead with this building, the' Town Meeting Members would
have to approve an additional 9,000.001 plus the $7,000.00
mentioned above.
Mr. Emery and Mr. Richards left this meeting at
11:00 P.M.
At' 11:00 P.M. , Errol Locke, Chairman of the Board
of Selectmen, entered this meeting and stated that he felt
that the Board of Selectmen and this Committee would have to
get together with regards to what items they would take
from Excess and Def' ciency, and what items would be bonded.
Mr.' Hoyt told Mr. Locke that at present they had suggested
x:82,937.00 be taken out of Excess and Deficiency, and there
was approximately another $60,000.00 to be taken out of that
The Parking Committee had met with the Board of
Selectmen this evening, and Mr. Locke said that most of the
members felt that this would be thrown out this year due
to the fact that the different owners were present Coni cht.
Mrs. Leary claimed that her property was worth 00,000.00
and all the other members claimed their Property worth so
much more' than estimated that the takings would be rather
expensive, and it would mann that practically all of them
would be court proceedings.
It was suggested by this Committee that as the
Appropriation Committee Renort had to be finished this week
so far as the Articles are concerned in order that they
can beprepared for the
printer, we have set Saturday after-
noon at 2 :30 P.M. for a joint meeting .
The meeting adjourned at 11 :20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
.-e c re t a ry.