HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-04-AC-MIN.pdf • MINUTES OF TTS: MEETING '1F THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HELD AT THE T0,7N OFFICE BTTILDING, MONDAY EVENING, February 4, 1946. The members met In the Town Accountant' s office and immediately proceeded to meet with the Board of Selectmen, the Committee on Parking, Planning Board, and other interested parties. The members present were : Lewis L. Foyt, Chairman Ronald D. Brown Fred C. Newhall T. " Ilton Brown Harvey F. rrinlock George M. Hynes Michael J. Hopkins Thacher Jenney Raymond L. Mite, Town Acc-u ntant Mr. Edwin Worthen, Jr. acted as Chairman of the Parking Committee as Mr. Ballard was absent. Mr. Worthen made it known that their Committee was simply advisory, and as he understood it, it was up to the Selectmen to go further with it. He stated in 5, eneral that the Parking area is the section 350 feet back of the Theatre, and the block of stores on Massachusetts Avenue to the proposed cross street: The cross street is to run from Waltham to Muzzey Street, and is to be a 60 foot road. The Parkin^' area will accommodate 88 cars on a nine foot center. There is to be a sidewalk around the area and also a fence enclosng this area until such time as stores are built on Muzzey Street and Waltham Street to the new cross street. The cost in the Re:oort was made in 1944 by Mr. Paxton and Mr. Cos"rove. The total cost is (156,000:00. There was •a general d.isc,7ssi en relative to this area, and to the depth of the stores. George Smith, one of the persons pre ent, said that he did not think that a 70 foot depth for a store was sufficient. The Appropriation Committee left the meeting at 8:10 P.r . , and immediately reconvened in the Town Accountant' s office. 21-01-ho Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt suggested that in view of the fact that there are a number of Budgets to be reconsidered a blanket vote should be made to reconsider all questionable Budgets. A motion was made, seconded end voted that all aue st i:anahle Budgets be reconsidered. Select-en' s Department - Personal Services - Total Approved '4,640.57. This Budget was approved on January 28, 1946 for 4;532.40. The' Execvvtive Clerk' s salary was changed from 02,204.08 to $2,312.25. The increase per reek is from 42.25 to A45.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 14,640.57. Public Works - Supt' s. Office - Personal Services - Total Approved 09,519.83. This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for 05, 824.68. The Superintendent' s salary is now 04,800.00 per year, but 05,400.00 has been approved to take care of pos- sible increases. The Assistant Superintendent' s salary is based on an annual rate of 03,600.00 per year, but only 02, 800.00 is figured in this Budget which is for a portion of the year 1946. The Clerk's salary is 1,319.83. The amount of the Clerk was changed from 0324.68 to 1,319.83 which includes a full-time Clerk for th' s Department instead of having the time divided among three Budgets . The Assistant Superintendent was changed from 0700.00 to $2, 800.00, and the Superinten-'.ent from $4, 800.00 to 05,400.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 09,519.83. Engineering Department - Personal Services - Total Approveel '11,879.73. This Budget was approve ' on December 10, 1945 for X12616.86. The Transitman has been changed from 02,250.34 to 12,219.69; a weekly salary change from 037.00 to $42.55. There seems to be a difference of opinion as to the salary for the Transitman, as to whe the r it is 037.50 as stated. The salary was 037.00 per week, and the 15(g added makes the $42.55. A motion was made, seconded and voted to apnrove this Budget in the amount of A11, 879.73. Bni:lding Department - Personal Services - Total Approved $1,400.00. This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for • 800.0r. The salary of the Building Inspector was changed from '.:;1, 800.00 to $1,400.00 which is based on part-time as in nrevi-ous years. A motion r.-,s made, seconded and voted to app rove ti-is Budget i-n the amount of $1, 400.00. Building Department - Facpenses - Total Approved X405.00. This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for A55. 00. The Auto Allowance was reduced from ; 250.00 to `202.00. A motion was mode, seconde, and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $405.00. 'bights P- Measures - Personal Services - Total Approved '' 500.00. This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for $612.50. The Sealer' s salary was changed from X612.50 to ''500.00 which is the previous compensation paid to the Sealer. A motion was mode, seconded andvoted to approve this Budget In the amount of $500.00. Plumb' n , Department - Personal Services - Total Aprroved ` l,050.00. This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for }1,200.00. The salary for a part-time Plumbing Inspector was reduced from 1.0200.00 to -s1,050.00. This is based on a yearly increase of '1;200.00 over the present salary. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $1, 050.00. Serer Maintenance - Services - Total Approved '12,000.00. This Budget was aptsoved on January 7, 1946 for 3,750.00. The services for the Manor Sewer in the amount of $8,250.00 was added to this Budget making the total request $12,000.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget 3 n the amount of 512,000.00. ati Sewer Cons'-ru cti on - Manor Serer - Total Approved 185, 000.00. _: motion was made , seconded and voted to approve this ., a r At ' n the amount of ° 185,000.00. "nblic Works Building - Capital Outlay - Total Approved '8,640.00. This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for • $4, 105.00. This Budget was reconsidered, and the construc- tion of the Shed was eliminated, but the Installation of ' a Chain Link Fence was approved in the amount of $8, 640.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve ti-is Budget in the amount of $8,640.00. Highway Department - Road Machinery Account - Capital Outlay - Total Approved $30,000.00. 12,500.00 is to be transferred from the Highway Road Machinery Fund, and $17,500.00 from Fxcess and Deficiency. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of '30,000.00. Snow Removal - The Town Accountant will work out - a figure on this . Parks R: Playgrounds - Personal Services - Total Approved $5,354.83. This Budget was approved on January 18, 1946 for 5,254.83. The Playgro,,nd Instructors ' figure for :?1,500.00 •''as changed to $1,600.00 whch provides for one male instructor at an additional figure of ''100.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of :35,354.83. Patriot's Day - Total Approved , 1,000.00. A motion was made, seconded and vote.^ to approve this Budget in the amount of $1,000.00. Insurance - Total Approved $8,598.10. This Budget was approved on January 18, 1946 for 9,998.10. This Budget was reduced in the sum of ., 1,400.00 on Fire Insurance on buildings as the previous figure sub- mitted was incorrect. A motion vas made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $8,598.10. Pictorial Town Report - This Budget was reconsidered and it was decided to disapprove the request of $500.00. _ - : If: T? Reserve Fund - Total Approved ;15,000.00. This Budget was approved on January 18, 1946 for " 20,000.00. The Appropriation Committee decided to reduce this figure to agree with the Selectmen' s. If this is not sufficient, it will be necessary for the Selectmen to call a Special Town Meeting. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 815,000.00. Water Maintenance - Capital Outlay - Total Approved $2, 500.00. This Budget was approved on January 28, 1946 for 5; 200.00. The ' tem for pitometer water waste survey of 2,700.00 was disapproved. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of U,500.00. The School Com'ri.ttee was admitted to this meeting at 9:15 P.M. This Committee consisted of Tracy Ames, Chair- man, Webster Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Morey and Thomas S. Grindle, Superintendent, and Mr. Roland Greeley. Mr. Greeley spoke about the Article in the Varr' nt to purchase ar take by eminent domai n' land of '". E. Mulliken Estate which cons` sts of 7 1/2 acres, also land from the Lexi.nmton Estate Trust of 16 acres. Mr: Greeley stated that they had borings made and the land, even in the swamps, was all right. The Mulliken property Is at present assessed for ;32,000.00, and Mr. Greeley- understands it is on the market at the present time for 45,500.00. The land of the Lexington Estate Trust 3s assessed for about $100.00 an acre, and he understands that Ryder wants $1,200.00 an acre. Ryder is asking ap- proximately 418,000.00 for this land. There is another Article to see if the Town will locate a site for an elementary school building. Mr. Greeley stated that his Committee had considered part of the Aldrich property at the corner of Lincoln Street and Park Drive. This is one of two elementary school buildings which is to replace the present Hancock School. The portion of land in this Aldrich property which the School would take is ap ,roxima- tely five acres. Mr. Greeley submitted a tentative plan showing the land of the Mulliken Estate and the Lexington Estate Trust, Playn;round, and the Aldrich property. He stated that for the site for the Senior High School they are planning a road. Several questions were asked Mr. Greeley relative to the land and where the proposed High School .,•�uld be situated - whether on the high land or in the swamp land. He state'' that the proper place would be on the hid. land. As there was nothing further to discuss with Mr. Greeley, he left this meeting. Mr. Ames stated that the School Committeeh:s submitted to the Boa/a9. of Selectmen a five year program which is as follows : l) _ Purchase and develop the Russell property at a cost of 05,000.00. (2) Purchase- of sites for new Senior High School, approximate cost of $23,000.00. 3) - Elementary School Building at an approximate cost of $250,000.00. (4) Kindergarten equipment, t4,000.00. (5) New Seni_or•High` School $800,000.00. (6) Remodeling present High Scholl; $50,000.00. (7) Purchase site for new Elementary School, 07, 000.00. 1 S8) Develop playgrounds at the Franklin and Parker Schools, $5,000.00. Mr. Ames stated that they had an Article in the Tarrant to take the Russell property. Also an Article in the Tarrant fbr the Tom to appoint a Committee to submit sketches et cetera, and appropriate the sun of $4,000.00. A Committee to select site and submit stretches for an elementary school building and appropriate the sum of 11,500.00. There is an Article to repair the Sprinkler Damage at the Munroe School and appropriate the sum of 11,147.19 which amount will be returned to the Town from the Insurance Companies. Also an Article in the Tarrant to connect the Sprinkler Alarm System to the Fire Alarm' System in all the school buildings, except the Parker School, and to appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for this work. Another Article in the Tarrant to see if the Town will install emergency li'hting system in the school buildings and appropriate the sum of -1,500.00. There is also an Article in the Warrant for State Aid - Vocational Education on handicraft work, and appropriate the sum of 0500.00; one-half of the expense is paid for by the State, and the fir=st five years the Government pays all the teaching expense. Mr. Ames stated that en the School Department - Pers ,nal Services Budget $1,500.00 can be dedu^ted on account of teachers not returning from the Armed Service as soon as was expected. There were several questions asked about the School Department - Expense Budget relative to the soundproof folding partition in gymnasium. The School Cnmi ttee felt that this partition was very much in demand and it would be necessary even if a new Senior High School was built within the next few years. Another question asked Mr. Ames was about the cost for renovating the boys' and girls' lavatory at the Parker School. Mr. Ames stated that these figures submitted were estimated by plumbing contractors, and the prices were as near correct • as possible. He stated that this work really should be done as the condition of the lavatories iri the school needs at- tention. He felt that this item could not be eliminated from the budget and he also stted that he felt that now was the t'me to nut the present sc?�.00l buildings in order so that at such time as the new buildings were started, we would not hive the alterations and repairs in the present schools. NothinF further to come before th's meeting, we adjourned at 1105 P.P . Respectfully submitted, 0-1-0JE--) Secretary.