HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-29-AC-MIN.pdf T"TN[TTES IF rrTr- + - - ,TT"0- ^F TT-fP. AP-ROPRIATTON HELD .:T 717 7lr I E PTTTTiTTxTG, T-PSDAY ?±VTTT^TING, January 29, 1946 The meeting vas opened in the office of the Torn Accountant at 7 :30 P. T. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members in attendance : Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman Ronald Brown Fred C. Newhall J. Milton Brown ITrvey F. '.''i_nlock George RT. T-Tynes -.T' chael J. Hopkins Raymond L. '.'Th te, Town Accountant Tmmedi a.tely after the meeting was opened, this Committee went do' nstairs to meet "'ith the Board of Select- men to discuss th-- Budgets. The 'first budr~et ii.scussed vas the Public works - 5»peri ntenden_t' s Off" ce - Personal Services. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen stated that the Superintendent' s sal- 'y was f. i.-,,red at the rate of :;6, 000.00 per year, with 7r. `)eFoe St' t' ng at d;4, 800.00, and further increases until the 16, 000.0" ,,,as met. Chairman Locke stated that there is no definite a reement -- i_th Mr. DeFoe as to when these increases are to become effective as it is entirely up to him in the ray he handles the situation, Chairman Lewis L. TToyt told the Selectmen that they had only considered 700.00 for the Assi stant Snneri nten'' nt, and this vas for Colonel Barry to March first. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen st-ted that they had in mind -etti.ng an Assistant Superintendent and that is the reason for the rearrest of ';3,400.00. The Chief Clerk was omitted from this budget, and the Clerk' s fir--re vas changed from .7i324.6B to s;1,319.83 which is for the Cleric for the entire year. Engineering Department - Personal Services. The Board of Selectmen spoke on this budget End the item for Tr^nsi tman should be changed to include the l5`1,, as the Transitman was receiving '037.00 before any increase was considered. Chairman Hoyt said that they w )uld reconsider this bud 'et relative to that item. • Sewer Maintenance - Personal Services . This budget in the amount of ' 377.12 was approved by the Selectmen at this joint meeting. Sewer Construction - Manor Serer. The Selectmen stated on this budget that they -were requesting 175, 000.00 for this Project. There was a dis cuss ion by the ti°'o 3c ands and they fi_nall.y decided to have this budget ' 185, 000.00,' of which 1150,000.00 should. be a Bond issue for ten years, and a transfer from the Seer Construction = Federal Aided Projects of the balance Sabi ch is n19,517.24, and a transfer from the Excess and. 7)ef'.ciency Account of ,x15,482.76. Public Thrks Building - Wages & Expenses. Chairman Lewis L. Fo-,rt st ted that they had reduced the reouest for Mechanics ' Tools and Equipment from 11, 100.00- to 4e100. 00. After a general discussion, a motion was made, and seconded by the Apnronriation Committee that they would reconsider this budget. • This Budget was approved on January 21, 1946 for $11,359.83. A motion war, made, seconded and voted to rescind the previous vote and reconsider this Budget. Publi. c Works Building - Wages 9. Expenses - Total Approved 111,759.83. A mots. In was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $11,759.83. Public Yorks Building - Capital outlay. Errol Loc' e, Chairman of. the Board of Selectmen, stated they had approved the construction of the Shed only. There was a gener-l discussion on this and the ma jori ty o f the members felt that installation of the Fence was more important than the Shed; at least it kept people from the Huila.-'ng and grounds. After a general discussion, the Selectmen changed their previous vote of January 12, 1946 and approved this budget for the Fence in the amount of 8,640.00, and dis- approved the Shed for 14, 105.00. TTi'hway Department - Road Machinery Account - Canital Outlay. Errol Locke stated that the Board ) f Selectmen had approved this budget in the sum of 30, 000.00, and the items which they had considered to arrive at this amount were the power shovel, trailer, two pickup- trucks, one two ton dump truck, one coupe, one compressor, two three and one-half ton trucks, and two cletrac tractors. As there is 413,975.00 in the Road Machinery Fund, the Board of Selectmen voted to transfer the sum of $12,500.00 from this Fund to the Highway Department - Road Machinery - Capital outlay Account. - - 1 :�c Insurance. Chairman Errol Locke stated that their Board had approved this budget in the sum of 48,598.10. This was lower than rhat the Appropriation Comm' ttee had approved as the item for Fire Insurance had been reduced by the sum of 11,400. 00, as previously the increase in Fire Insu»ante' was figured on all the Policies bein�-; increased next year, but Cha' rman Locke stated that these policies would he increased at the time of their renewal. Park Department - Cani tal outlay. There was a general discussion on this budget as the Appropriation 'Tommi ttee spoke about Grading the Enclosed Field. They were of the oninion that the X5,000.00 approved last year was a sufficient am »int to finish the iob. Also Chairman T-o,Tt statedthat his Committee had di..sanproved the Locker B-ild, ng. There was a -enerrl discuss' on on this item; some of the members of the roar. of Selectmen in favor, and some opposed. Patriot' s Day. The Board o-' Selectmen had approved this budget in the sum of. x;1,000.00. Mr. Rowse stated that thi syear he was in charge of Patriot' s Day, and this money was not moi no: to be spent for food. water Maintenance - Personal :iorvices. This budget was reconsidered by the Apnropr3.ati_on Committee and the item for the clerk for a port' on of the year in the amol,nt of 1746.35 was removed, as the entire salary is included in the Public Works - Superintendent' s (Tffice Budge t. This Budget was approved on January 28, 1946 for 12,037.52. A motion vgas made, seconded and voted to rescind the previ oLis vote and reconsider this '3ud7et. Water maintenance - Personal Services - Total Approved A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve tris Pdreet In n the am punt of 11, 291.17. -This Budget was also approved by the Board of Selectmen. s`ater Maintenance - Capital 'utlay. There was a general discussion relative to theae items as the Ap- propriati_on Committee had an .roved the budget for both items which amounted to the sum of U, 200 .00, but the Board of Selectmen had approved only one of the items which was for the protection of Sty-ndpipe against corrosion amounting to 32, 500.00. There was a = eneral discussion as to when the last nitometer "ater waste Survey was made, and Mr. TToyt stated that he understood it was done In 1932, and if such was the case, his Committee felt it should be done now. i'r. Rowse stated that he was quite sure this was done at the time t'r. Raymond was Superintendent of Public t"orks which would be during; 1939-1939, as he remembered some of the 1--.ks that such survey had disclosed. It was then the feelina that the Appropriation Committee should reconsider tris budget which they agreed to do at their next meeting. "ater Construction - Sundry Streets. Chairman Royt stated that his Committee felt the elimination of dead ends vas imnortant and should be done, but this year only a portion of the rork could be completed, and his Committee had approved this budget in the sum of t25, 000.00. There vas a eenerrl discus ion by the t"o Boars on this, and the Roard of Selectmen finally voted to approve this budget in the sum of 20, 000.00; sch funds to be transferred from the rater 9epartm -nt - Ava' la.bie Surplus Account. The Apnropri ati.on Committee made a motion to reconsider th.i s budget. This Budget teas apnroved on January 29, 1946 for `'25,000 .00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to rescind the prev` ous vote and reconsider this Budget. Mater Construct' on - Sundry Streets - Total Approved t20,000.00. A motion was mar'.e, aecon('ed and voted to approve this Budget in the am)unt of „20,000.00. Selectmen' s Department - Personal Services. Mr. Hoyt said that they had approved t is budget in the sum of 4,532.40 which includes a , 2.00 increase for the Senior Clerk, and fl.00 increase for the Junior Clerk, but they had not included any increase for the Executive Clerk. At this point Miss Mur ay r as asked to leave the meeting. There was a general discussion with regards to her salary and what the position sh>uld nay. 1 owever, nothing was done at this meeting as this budget is to be reconsidered by the Appropriation Committee at the next meeting. Registrations Department - Expenses. Chairman Uoyt stated that the Board of Selectmen had not approved this budget. Chairman Locke stated that they had not ap- proved it as they were waiting for f i ;ores to be submitted from Mr. Carroll relative to the cost of printing the books' Twenty Years lr over, and at the time they receive the cost, they would decide about the approval of the budget. Building Deoa'ntrent - Personal Services. Errol ''.ocke stated that their Roard had ap 'roared. this budget in the / iI4r,, sum of '`1,400,00 ,...,' ch vas an increase granted the Building lnsrector of300.00 which is based on part-time as at present. Mr. tToyt stated that his Committee had approved this budget in the sum of ?1, 800.00 which v.as figured on an annual salary of ?2, 500.00; one-half of the year at the present rate, and the remaining half of the year at the new rate. Members of the Board of Selectmen stated that they still thought that a part-time job was all that was necessary - at least for the present. Weights Measures - Personal Services . Chairman uoyt said that his Committee had approved this budget in the sum of "`612.50 which was an increase to the Sealer of .:q50.00 annual- y. The Board of Selectmen stated that- they had ap- proved this budget in the sum of 1500.00 only, and they sug- gested that re allow this budget to remain at the present figure. Plumbing Department - Personal Services. The Board of Selectmen stated that they had approved this budget in the sum of 1, 050.00 Which is '150.00 Increase over the present salary. Chairman T'oyt said his Committee had approved this budget in the amount )f. 4'1 ,200.00 on a similar basis to that of the Puil i ng Inspector. The Selectmen feel that this will still continue to be a part-time job - at least for the current year. Pictorial Town Reports . The Selectmen stated that they approved this budget in the sum of 1500.00 . This is for nhotogranhic work, et cetera for next year' s report. Chairman Moyt stated that his Committee had isapproved this budget. There was a general discussion as to the benefits of having a nictori al report every few years. This being the case, they felt that the report could '.nclucle the Town ^.ccountart' s Report so that two separate reports would not be necessary. Reserve Pund. Errol Locke state= that the Board of Selectmen had approved this budget for ' 15,000.00. Lewis Foyt said his Committee had aorr•oved it for ; 20,000.00. yr. Rowse said that he tbou'ht 115,000.00 was -plenty; in fact too much money to be in the hands of any person where the townspeorle did not have control of it. Fe was very much against increasing It as he felt that if more money was necessary, it would be a problem. for the townspeople to have a chance to vote on. 3Tothi n7 further to r.iscuss, the Appropriation Committee left the eetin^; of the Board of Selectmen at 10:25 P.M. and reconvened in the Town Accountant' s office. 1 / 2. =i l �r h?oth n7 further i^'as -1.one here and it was decided that re would have our next meet 7.nr; nonda7 night, and also a meeting next Fri_dcy n?_ bt. At ITonday n1.7ht' s meet; ng the Scho-)l Cornril ttee will be present to discuss some items. The meeting ad -)urned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, dr11° Secretary.