EVENTING, January 4, 1946.
The meeting was opened in the office of the Town
Acco,untrnt at 7:50 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the
fllov'i.n ; members in attendance :
Lewis L. TTovt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Fred C . Newhall
J. Milton Rrown Harvey v. Wi.nlock
George V. Fynes Jasper A. Lane
Raymond L. White,
Town Accountant
Minutes of the Meeting Held December 28, 1945
The minutes of the meeting of De-ember 28, 1945 -
having been mailed to ec^h member - rere approved by the
John J. Garrity, Superintendent of Parks, was
admitted to this ^'eeti nr- at 8:08 P.". The first budget
discussed was PErks Playgrounds - Personal Services.
r. Garrity said there was no change in this budget except
the Cler' ' s salary which has been increased :12.00 a reek,
from 125.30 to 127.30.
The next budget discussed was Parks R- Playgrounds -
"ages &. Expenses. The real change in this budget is the
increased amount for Labor. Yr. Garrity said that he has to
have more help this coming year. Going; over the items,
Mr. '=arra ty stated that the Swimming Pool needs to be painted
as it was painted four years ago. This year he is not calling
for any tennis court repairs as he understands there is a
Committee lookin into the tennis courts, and he believes that
at a later date they are r~oi ng to suggest that clay tennis
courts be put in. Mr. Garrity further stated that trans-
portation is a little higher than last year as he is of the
opinion that in order to get more children to come to the
"lay-round during the season, we should gizre the chit-r.en
their transportation free, and he feels that t' is 1100.00
figure will take care of it.
Park Department - Capital Outlay. Mr. Garrity
said that in order to complete the Grading in the Enclosed
lie ld, . it will be necessary to appropriate the sum of
X2,500.00. $1,600.00 is require-- to purchase knock-down
bleachers. These rill have a seating capacity of 1,000.
He stated that these would be taken down each winter;
painted and taken care of, and he feels that they would
last for some time. The 'big item in this budget is the
Locker Building at a cost of ?20,000.00. He proposes to
nit this at the present site of the old tin building. The
building is 44 feet by 32 feet. "r. Tloyt suggested that
r. Garrity first request the motzev for a complete set of
working plans and specifications, and if that was approved
at the 'Torn ?"eet' ng, at a later Town Meeting Mr. Garrity
could rearrest the money for VIP building. Mr. Garrity
said that he had the plans practically all finished and that
was the reason he was requesting the Locker Building at this
time. ue said, ho-ever, that he would give Mr. uoyt' s
su gestion some con-iderati on.
Insect Suppression - Personal Services. There is
no change in this -lud- et.
Insect Suppression - wages & Expenses. In this
budget there is an increased amount as ed for insecticides -
the total being ;>1,000.00. Mr. Garrity stated that the
reason for the increased amount is because at present, he
has only six hundred p)unds left.
Shade Trees - Wages & Expenses . The labor item
has increased $500.00. Tools, increased X50.00. A new item
in this budget is the eradication of Poison ivy at a sum
of 1600.00. Mr. Gar-ity stated that he had added this item
to the budget as per the request of the Board of Selectmen,
but thought himself that it was a very - ood thing.
Nothing further on Mr. Garrity' s budgets, he left
t'-is meeting at 9:10 P.M.
Chairman Lewis 7oyt su- -eated to the members that
they look at the School "a' ntenance - Personal Services Budget.
`r. uoyt stated that the `'21, 117.71 increase in the Personal
Services Budget is represented by the ten items on the
expl'nati on sheet. There was a consi.derrble discussion
relative to Item 1 - salary increases of 317, 200.00 - whether
that was the Bonus figure from January 1 to March 31 of the
past year. The Secretary was instructed to pet in touch with
Mr. ( ri ndle relative to this item to ascertain tiajhether it
1/1.41 +0
was the Bonus for the three months ' period of last year.
Item 4 was discussed. This is the item pertaining to Annual
Increments for Teachers not at the maximum salary. There
was a generel discussion relative to this, and the Secretary
was instructed to communicate ,_.' th Mr. Grindle and find out
the number of teachers who are to receive an increment for
t is year.
Mr. Hoyt then suggested to the Committee that they
look at the School r:Maintenance - Expense Budget. Going over
the items, Mr. T-Toyt brouTht to the attention of this Committee
that the item of Textbooks has increased 100.00 over last
year, ri-i ch can be easily explained due to the increased
costs . Supplies for the t Igh School have increased $500.00,
which as previously explained by the School Committee, was
for new typewriters. The item of gas for the High and
Elementary Schools has increased ''?275.00. This, as pre Ti ously
explained, was for the gas heater installed which supplies
hot wa--er to the kitchen and lockers. Janitors' supplies are
up $300.00, and Operation Miscellaneous - ; 475.00.
The members then pro -eeded to look over the
explanation sheet of the School Department - Expense Budget,
and one item cues tioned was Item 2 (b) - Soundproof folding
partition in gvninasium to rep-ace present c-nvas curta-in -
5,500.00. The Committee thoumht that possibly this item
could be omitted thi. s year. Mr. TToyt stated that he would
get in touch with Mr. Grindle and talk the matter over with
him. Also he will speak to him relative to the men coming
back from the Service - whether he has heard anything further.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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