HELY) AT T'E T y:TT ,^,-TCF B--T7)- TG,
EVENING, December 28, 1945.
The meeting was opened in the office of the Town
Accountant at 7:30 P.TF. , by Chairman Lew's L. uoyt, with the
followin-, members in attendance :
Leat' s L. Hoyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Fred C. Newhall
J. Milton Brown Jasper A. Lane
George Y. Hynes Raymond L. White,
Town Accountant
This Committee immediately -ent downstairs to sit
in with the Board of Selectmen relative to the two type-
writers purchased by the Assessors ' Departent. Mr. Hoyt
admitted that Yr. Spencer did wrong in purchasing the type-
writers previous to getting approval from the Board of
Sele ctmen, ,but he felt that as long as the money was
available in the Reserve Fund, this transfer should be
approved because if the machines were sent back, there would
be a considerable delay. The Selectmen agreed with Chairman
Hoyt on this matter.
Errol Locke, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen,
spoke and said that the Board of Selectmen were asking, for
15,000.00 under Article `'ne of the Town "'arrant, but that
the Appropriation Committee was recommending the sum of
3,000.00. Yr. Hoyt said that was' correct, but his
Committee would go along on the ?5,000.00; because if the
money was not expended before December 31, 1945, it would
:go back into the Excess and Deficiency Account.
The Appropriation Committee left the Board of
Selectmen' s meeting at 7:50 P.M. , at which time they im-
mediately proceeded to attend the Town Meeting.
After the Torn Meet' ng, the Appropriation Committee
reconvened in the Torn Accountant' s office at 8:20 P.M.
Ronald D. Brown spoke about one paragraph in the
Minutes of the Meeting of December 17, 1945. This Paragraph
pertains to the School Department - Personal Services Budget
of :225, 125.21 aga' nst $200,333.57 for last year. Yr. Brown
says this is not entirely correct, for the sum of ' 7,245.45
which represents the 15'' Bonus from January 1, 1945 to
March 31, 1945 should be added. This would make the re-
vised figure : 207, 578.02
'.'i.th this correction, the minutes of the meeting
of December 17, 1945 - having been mailed to each member -
were approved by the Committee.
Lew' s L. Hoyt spoke to this Committee about a
letter just received from the Board of Selectmen. The Board
of Selectmen is asking for a transfer from the Reserve Fund
of ''291.60 to the Assessors' Department - Expenses Account
to pay for the two typewriters.
A motion was made, sec:on:'ed and voted that the sum
of 291.60 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the
Assessors ' Department - Expenses Account.
Chairman Hoyt then read a letter received from the
Board of. T-Tealth asking for an opportunity to meet with this
Committee for the purpose of discussing . tb.e Board of Health
Department's Budgets for the year 1946, it vas decided that
the Board of Health would be Invited to meet with this
Committee at a later date.
At 8:30 P.M. , Yr. James J. Carroll was admitted
to tr' s meeting to discuss his Budgets.
Treasurer' s Dep- rtment - Personal Services. The
salary for Ann McDonough is figured from April 1, 1946 at
a rate of :'21.00 per week instead of x20.00 per week.
Town Clerk' s Department - Personal Services . The
increase in this Budget is for Mary McDonough. Her salary
after April 1, 1946 is figured at a rate of :29.45 as aai.nst
her present salary of $27.45.
Yr. Carroll stated that Mary McDonough is considered
the Senior' Clerk, and Ann McDonough of the Treasurer' s
Department, the Junior Clerk.
Town Clerk' s Department - Expenses. This Budget
is the same as last year.
Vital Statistics. This Budget is the same as
last year.
Elections Department - Jurisdiction of Town Clerk.
The tot^1 of this Budget is `'tl82.56.
This Com,-' ttee has not as yet received t-is :FzdMet.
Mr. Carroll stated that this Budget is higher than last year
due to three Elections in the year 1946 against one in the
year 1945.
Registrations Department - Personal Services. This
Budget has not as vet been submitted to th' s Committee.
Included in t-.is Budget is 3600.00 for the Assistant Registrars
and 300.00 for the Registrars, making a t )tal Budget of
900.00. Mr. Carroll stated that he believes he can reduce
this Budget so that the average .Mould be about )700.00 a year,
Registrations Department - Expenses. The total of
t' s Budget is $440.00. This Budget is more than last year
due to the printing of Voting Lists . This year the amount
asked for is ` 225.00 against t"5.00 last year. This increase
is accounted for by the fact that there re to be three
Voting Lists instead of one required last year.
The Advertising this year is A81.00 against )27,00
last year. This is due to three advertisements next year
against one in 1945.
Mr. Carroll was asked about the '12,500.00 approved
this year for Foreclosure and Redemption of Tex Titles.
Mr. Carroll explained that this amount is carried over each
ye -r and he :Pelt that he had sufficient money to take care
of the Foreclosures wh` ch mi.raht come up for the remainder
of the year, and next. Mr. Carroll stated that he is
making very good headway on 'orecl)sures at the Present time.
Mr. Carroll left tr' s meeting at 9:09 P.M.
At 9:12 P,M. , Chief Rycroft was admitted to this
meeting to discuss his Budgets. The first Budget discussed
was the Police Department - Personal Services Bud-et.
This Bud-et is for 145,637.50 against the Budget of last
year amlunt; ng to p38 533.13, plus Bonus from January 1
to March 31, 1945 of 1,257.39, or a total Budget for
Pers:anal Services of A39,790. 52.
Chief Rycroft stated that the increase in this
Budget is due to the Inclusion of salary for one Service-
man returning, and for two additional Patrolmenfrom
April 1, 1946 to December 31, 1946. Chief Rycroft said that
the Police Department in 1941 and 1942 had a complement of
seventeen men, and what he is trying to do now is to have
a complement of eighteen men. Chief Sullivan was retired
In 1243 and was not replaced. Frank Mowat came to the
Department in 1942, and the two patrolmen now in Service
were not replaced. Chief Rycroft stated that they have a
total of twelve patrolmen at present. The Patrolmen have
one day off in e' ,ht. The Chief said that most towns have
one day off in six, some have one day in seven, and ethers
one in eight. He would l'.ke to be able to give his men
one day off in six, but will not be able to do so until
he at least has a force of between nineteen and twenty men.
Police Department - Expenses. This Budget has
increased over last year, and part of the increase is due
to Postao;e and Supplies, which includes cards, index et
cetera asked for last year which have not been purchased as
yet. Equipment and Repair has increased due to the two
metal cabinets and a chair which have not been purchased as
yet. The Radio Item has been increased $30.00 over last
year' s figure due to the additional charge made for service
of radios. Equipment for Men has been increased on account
of the two new men and one serviceman returning for which
equipment rill have t:o be allowed. Replacing and New
Equipment - $100.00. This is to purchasethree new guns,
turn in two old guns for two new ones, new billies and badges.
Bicycle Registration has increased $25. 00 over last year, as in
1946 additional registration plates and reflectors will have
to be purchased. Photographic Supplies has increased $55.00.
The Chief explained that the photorraphic supplies and
eau.ipment are very poor and what he is trying to do is to
build up this equipment as it is very essential in police
work. One •of the items that they intend to purchase this
year ' s a two-drawer cabinet.
Police Department - Capitol Outlay. The Chief
is asking 1,200.00 for a new car, and $700.00 for tuition
and expense for one man to attend the F.Q.I. School. The
Chief explained that this is a twelve weeks ' course on
police work which consists of training on self-protection
and other items which are very necessary for the police
to know. The Chief said that this Scho ?1 is so far advanced
in police work that it is well worthwhile . Re stated that
a person would not have any t'me off as the School lasted
all day and each night there was work to do which 'would
keep a person busy until midnight.
Mr. Hoyt asked the Chief if there was any com-
mitment on an eighteen mon police force. The Chief stated
that there vas n )ne, but that he would like to have this
number of men. ' If the additional man is not allowed, one-
half of the $3, 117.00 would be dedu^ted from the Personal
Services Budget. ITo further questions, the Chief left
this meeting at 10:06 P.M.
Chairman Hoyt read a letter received from
Henry Long, Commis oner of Corporations and Taxation, written
to the Board of Selectmen, with regards to providing a
Stabilization Fund. Mr. Hoyt stated that this matter had
come up before, but apparently did not go over too well, so
Mr. Long has been writing to the different Mayors and Select-
men in the various cities and towns. No action was taken on
this matter - merely a general discussion.
The natter was bro ght up with regards to changing
the vote of the Appropriation Committee of December 17, 1945.
At that meeting �` 10,000.00 for Snow Removal and 500.00 for
Old Age Assistance was aperoved. This money to be transferred
from the Excess and Deficiency Account.
A motion was made and seconded to reconsider this
vote. ' A ner1 vote was made, seconded and voted that the sums
of $12,000.00 for Snip,-=� Removal and $530.67 for Old Age
Assistance be ap»roved, and tr-nsferred from the Excess and
Def I ci.ency Account.
Chairman Lewis Hoyt spoke to the members relative
to what should be done with regards to salaries for the
coming year. The Welfare Department was the first considered.
Mr. Fovt stated that Mrs . Casey had been receiving :;'43.70
per week, Gertrude Mitchell $28.75 and Katherine Crosby
125.30. Now Mr. Casey Collins will receive the ';43.70,
Mrs . Casey and Miss Mitchell $28.75, and Katherine Crosby
1.25.30. He stated that as Mrs . Casey and Miss Mitchell were
considered Senior Clerks they were not un to the maximum now
Haid Senior Clerks, and as Katherine Crosby is considered a
Junior Cler' , she is not receiving the maximum now paid Junior
Clerks. Mr. Foyt asked Mr. J. Milton Brown what he thought
with regards to the Salary Schedule, and that should be done
this coming year. A Penerel discussion was had
different employees '
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No further notice will be sent members with regards to this
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P. 1 .
Respectfully submitted,