HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-12-10-AC-MIN.pdf MINUTES OF TEE MEETING OF TPE APPROPRIATION CO's:"ITT j . HELD AT THE TOW` OFFICE BTTIL''!ING, 7:f1NDAY EVENING, December 10, 1945. The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at 7 :35 P.m. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members in attendance : Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman Fred C. Newhall George M. Hynes Ronald D. Brown Michael J. Hopkins Thacher Jenney Jasper A. Lane J. Milton Brown Raymond L. White, Town Accountant Minutes of the Meeting of December 3, 1945. The minutes of the meeting of December 3, 1945 - having been mailed to each member - were approved by the Committee with the following change : Under Sewer Construc- tion - Sundry Streets - the figure to take care of the 20% increase in cost should be i27,800.00 instead of < 17,800.00. At 7 :40 P.M. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, was admitted to this meeting to discuss his BudMets. Mr. Cosgrove stated everything was routine, and he would answer any questions. Fe stated that the Toren Engineer and the Assistant Town Engineer's salaries were the same. The Transit Man, ' Yr. John 7'Con'^or, has been receiving $50.60 this past year, 2s, this is the weekly salary he was paid while working for the ui ghway Department. In this year' s budget, however, the sum of ` 37.50 per week is figured for a Transitman. The Rod- man is Mr. John Lichtenberg who has recently returned to the Town. His salary is figured at a rate of '128.00 a week. Mr. Froyt questioned Mr. Cosgrove as to the Sewer Construction work at the Manor. If this were done by the Town, would additional help be required. Mr. Cosgrove stated that the lob at the Manor should be done by a contracting Engineer. _ Engineering Department - Expenses. The item of office supplies has increased over last year. The reason for this is due to the fact that Mr. Cosgrove wants to purchase an additional cabinet at a cost of y60.00. This cabinet is to be used for filing original water plans in. These are no at the Public 7 'orks Building, and it has been decided by Colonel Barry that the original plans should be in the Engineering Office . The original cabinet used for these plans is now at the Public -orks Building, and will have to remain there as blue prints of the )rigtnal water plans will be filed in this cabinet. Equipment Rentals : This figure includes the maintenance of two cars. Equipment and Repair: There is an increase of 6,20.00 in this budget which is to provide funds for the Purchase of engineering stakes. Mr. Cosr'rove stated that several hunlred of these stakes were used in the Playground project. As regards the two cars of the Engineering Department. The PlyTouth is not able to be used at present as the trans- mission needs to be replaced. Mr. Cosgrove thinks the motor in this car Is in fairly good condition. The Chevrolet Carry- All is in excellent condition and has only gone about 23, 000 miles. There was a general disc ssion on the Manor Sewer, and at 8:05 Mr. Cosgrove left this meeting. After Mr. Cosgrove left, this Committee started to approve the following Budgets : Engineering Department - Personal Services - total amount of $11,616.86. A Potion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of $11,616.86. In V-is' Budget the Assistant To Engineer' s figure was changed to A2,999.60;' the Draftsman' s to $1,799.76; and the Rodman 's salary to (1, 1,460.68. Engineering Department - Expenses - total am ,unt of 6935. 00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of $935.00. 2./‘v14 Fire Department - Expenses. ' Sundry Items, included under Equipment Maintenance and Repair, was reduced from 450.00 to $25.00. Lunches, under Other Expenses, was changed from $50.00 to $25.00. Fire 'Department - Expenses - total am)unt of 8,070.00. A motion was made, - seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of 48,070.00. sn discussing this budget, the following changes were noted: Postage and Sup-lies had increased X20.00; Fire- fi. r;hting Equipment increased $100 .00; Sundry Items under Equipment Maintenance and Repair increased ; 25.00.; Lunches increased $25.00; Photographic Expenses increased $10.00. Fire Department - Capital Expenditures. The truck chassis and Equipment and Material for Body - total of t3, 800.00. This particular item was approved last year. The one two-way sending and receiving set would be nice, but this Committee feels that we should give due consideration to this, as the Fire' Department has received a considerable amount in the past year, and we think it only fair that other Departments be con- sidered. For the time being, this Committee is putting an X against this item. The item of $22,000.00 for costand expenses incidental to the completion and operation of the new Fire Stations - Chairman T-Toyt feltthat we should give the Fire Department some of this money, but did not believe the stations would be completed next year, so would not require the full amount. The balance could be asked for in next year's budget. After a general discussion it was decided to approve the truck chassis and equipment and material for body at a total cost of $3, 800.00, and one-half the cost of expenses incidental to the completion and' operation of the new Fire Stations. This amount to be n1,000.00. The two items make a total of $14, 800.00 which was approved. The $11,000.00 000.00 approved is to cover those items which are essential and necessary installations in the new buildings. A motion was made, seconded and voted t3hat these two items be approved In the sum of T3l4,800.00. At 8:25 P.". , "r. James J. Walsh and T-r. Ralph Marshall, Cemetery Comr^issioners, were admitted to this meeting. The members of this Coni i ttee did not have the Cemetery budgets In their records due to the fact that they had not been received until tonight. The first budget discussed vas Cemetery Maintenance - Munroe - Personal Services. "r. . 'Walsh said this budget was /,014i the same as last year. Cemetery Maintenance - Munroe - rages and Expenses - total budget of $5, 146.52. Postage and Office Supplies is the same as last year. rages: Mr. Walsh stated that in the ap- propriation for last Year for the first three months an increase was figured for the la or payroll, but the next nine months were without the 15`, increase. As a result, the Cemetery Commissioners had b do some figuring in order to keep within the appropriation. The labor figure this year will be U1491.52; this includes the 15% given to all employees last year. The laborers at this Cemetery include one permanent man and one man who works 44 w . 'weeks in the year. The figure of 5700.00 is to take care of extra and overtime work. Tools, repairs etc; Asking? $100:00 t'"i_s year because repairs have to be made_ on hand mowers, ' and they wishto purchase one new hand mover.' Shrubs, seeds, fertilizer, loam, rater, cement found^ tions, repairs to drives, cleaning and' straightening stones all have the same figure as last year. The Commissioners are asking $50.00 :"or painting of b' ilding. The a -to allowance is a new item this year in the Budget. The amo,1nt asked for is'$50. 00. This amount is for the Superintendent, Mr. Marshall, as he uses his car to go to and from the Cemetery. In the past he has not been paid for this. Mr. Walsh stated that he thought possibly $1,000.00 could be to?-en from the Perpetual Care Fund this year in reducing this Budget. Cemetery Maintenance - Westview - Wages and Expenses. Under Postage and Supplies they are asking $100.00 this year. This is more than last year, and the reason for the is that a new Bill Book will have to be purchased as the present one is nearly used. Also an amount will be required this year as the Commissioners are arranging to bring up to date the Cemetery Rules and Regulations. r. Walsh stated that the people ought to -now the Rules and Regulations. Labor:' $4,790.52. This figure includes the 15% increase. Tools, repairs, etc., $650.00. Mr. Walsh stated that they would have to buy a new power lawn mower. The price ranges from ;'250.00 to `"390.00, and he has taken the top price. Gas and Oil - '$75.00 this year; water - $100 .00. Under shrubs, seed, fert;ll zer, plants, trees and loam; the Commissioners are asking $1, 100.00 for the coming year, as they used some of the money intended for this purpose to make up the shortage in appropriation for labor. Corner Posts. Under corner posts, Mr. Walsh stated that two-thirds of the Catholic Section of the Cemetery does not have any corner posts. They are asking ,,150.00 this year against 775.00 last year to take care of this item. Cement for Foundations - $50.00 this year instead of `'25.00. Painting Fence - $450.00 against $100.00 last year. Mr. I'alsh stated that the fence fronting Bedford Street was painted four years ego and needs to be painted again in order to protect it from rusting. Fe said that most likely this will be done by contract. Use of Truck: Last year $100.00 was appropriated, but this year it will be necessary to ask for ` 150.00 due to the fact that Angelo Delfino, from whom they hired the truck, has died, and they have no truck to use except one they can hire outside. water Pipe and connections : They have smoothed out a piece of land in the Catholic section of the Cemetery and they will want to install rater pipe in this section. Repairs to Drive : Asking 150.00 wi-" ch is the same as last year. Auto Allowance , 150.00. This is a new item and is for the Superintendent, Mr. Marshall, for his trips to and from the Cemetery. Mr. Marshall stated that he has no 1,-'ea s a- o the actual mileage he does in the course of a year. The tot-1 budget this year amounts to A7,948.52 against last year' s budget of 15,885.00. Yr. ?'falsh stated the money in the Sale of Lots Fund ought to be allowed to accumulate. Mr. Walsh spoke about the building they wanted at a possible cost of $12, 000.00. This w-xzld include a Reception room, office, storage for tools, and proper toilet accommodations. Mr. Wal° h and Mr. Marshall left this meeting at 9 :30 P.M. At 9 :35 P.M. , Mr. Errol Locke and Mr. William Potter, members of the Boas°d of Selectmen were admitted to this meeting. They asked for $551.75 to be taken from the Reserve Fond to pay two Snow Removal bills so that we would be in a position to get these two trucks in case of another snow storm. Mr. Locke stated that the Board of Assessors had asked for 1299.00 for two new typewriters which have been purchased, but in view of the fact that they went ahead and got them without ap- proval of th=lBoard, they feel that this item could be held over and be a separate article in the Tarrant for 1945 Unpaid Bills. Mr. Lecke stated that this evening an F. B. I. member Teras present at their meeting. His purp_7se was to try to get members of our" Police Departrent to go to Washington to school for a twelve-:-geek period to be instructed in all kinds of police work tti_ch might be of value to our Police Department. The Board understands that this schooling has helped out a great deal in several towns who have previously sent members of their Police Department to this school. To send a member to this school would require $700 .00. The Board of Selectmen recommends that the sum of $.700. 00 be considered to take care of the sending of one member of our Police Department to school. Arlington and Belmont have sent men from their Department to Washl.ngton. Chairman voyt asked the members of the Board of Selectmen to give them the story for the request of all night lighting. Mr. voyt wanted to know what was behind their request. Yr. Locke stated that there was nothing in particular behind the request except that a number of persons had asked for all night lighting, so they decided to gut it in the budget this year, and let the people vote on it. As the S-lectmen had nothing further to discuss, they left the meeting at 9:45 P.M. Chairman Lewis Hoyt asked the Committee about a transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Snow Removal Account of 551.75. • A motion was made, seconded and voted that the sum of `551.75 be transferred 7rom the Reserve Fund to the Snow Removal Account. The following budgets were discussed and approved: Forest Fires - Personal Services - total amount of $50.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of $50.00. Forest Fires - Wages and Expenses - total amount of $500.00. • A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of X500.00. Dog Officer - Personal- Services - total amount of ;A.00.00 . A motion was made, seconed an?. voted that this budget be approved in the amount of 5100.00 . Dog Officer - Expenses - total amount of11375.00. `100.00 requested in this budget was reduced to $75.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this bud7et be approved in the sum of $75.00. - -7 Health nerartment - Personal Services - total amount of $500.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of $500.00. Health Department - Expenses - total amount of 5,0OO.00. The entire budgetwas reduced from the request of t6, 170.00 to S'5,000.00. A rotion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of $5,000.00. Milk Inspection - Personal Services - total amDunt of $400.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that ths budget be approved in the sum of ;4)400.00. Dental Clinic - Personal Services - total amount of ,,, 1,640.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted -that this budget be approved in the sum of tk1, 640.00. Dental Clinic - Expenses - total amount of $100.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of 3.00.00. Posture Clinic Exnenses - total amount of 4625.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved in the sum of 4625. 00. Animal Inspection - Personal Services - total amount of :i::500.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted that this budget be approved ' n the sum of $50 .00. Mr. 3. lton Brown spoke briefly on the items of post war plannin-. The item in particular was the parking area. He said this total proiect would cost 14;56,000.00 which includes the purchase of land and making a sixty-foot wide cross street from Waltham Street to MI,zzey. He showed a blue print of the cross street and parking area, and the passage from the parking area to Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting adjourned at 11 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /vv.\csy-kcii rcretary.