EVENING, October 29, 1^45.
The meeting was opened In the office of the Town
Accountant at 8:03 P.-T. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, w' th the
following members in attendance :
Lewis -_. T-�oyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Harvey F. Winlock
Thacher Denney George M. Hynes
J. Milton Brown Ti_chael J. Hopkins
Fred C. Newhall
Raymond L. White,
To Accountant.
Minutes of the Meeting Held September 17, 1945.
The minutes of the meeting held on September 17,
1945, were read by the Secretary and approved.
Chairman Lewis L. royt spoke about the Report
of the School Committee of the Town of Winchester. The
Superintendent of Schools was the Secretary of the School
Committee and he wrote the minutes as he ranted them to be.
This was brought out in the investigation recently made.
Mr. Hoyt thought that this Coma' ttee should do something
about this situation, and it was suggested that either the
minutes be read at each of the meetings, or a copy of the
minutes be sent to the individual members of this Committee.
It was decided that copies be sent to the members.
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt spoke about the request
from the Board of Selectmen for ';'250.00 from the Reserve
Fund to the Fire Stat' ons Building Committee for additional
architectural services. Chairman Hoyt brought out the fact
that the amount appropriated, and the transfer made sub-
sequently from the Reserve Fund was considerably less than
the 4% of the cost of the Central and East Lexington Fire
Stations. He stated that this request of 4250.00 would still
he considerably less than the 4%.
A motion was made, seconded and voted that the sum
of )250.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the account -
Plans, Specif3cations for East Lexington Fire Station - for
additional architectural services.
Mr. Hoyt read a letter under date of September 25,
1945, from the Board of Selectmen requesting a transfer from
the Reserve Fund of ;50.00 to the Dog Officer' s Expense
Account so that there may be sufficient money to care for the
board of doss for the remainder of the year.
A motion was made, seconded and voted that the sum
of 1150.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Dog
Officer' s Expense Account.
Mr. Hoyt then read a letter from Thomas S. Gri_ndle,
Superintendent of Schools stating that the School Committee
had voted to employee Mr. John F. Nichols, formerly Supervisor
of School Buildings for the Connecticut Department of
Fducat~ on, to make a survey of our existing plant and probable
future needs and development. This letter was sent to this
Committee to notify them of the School Committee ' s decision
relative to this matter.
Chairman Hoyt then read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen requesting a transfer of 3500.00 from the Reserve
Fund to the Garbage Collection Account to provide sufficient
money for the remainder of the year due to a net=° contract
dated October 19, 1945. The new contract is for A500.00
a year against the previous contract for $6,000.00 per year.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer
the sum of :500.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Garbage
Collection Account.
The Secretary then called to this Committee ' s
attention the fact that at present there are insufficient
funds in the Appropriat4 on Committee ' s Expense Account to
take care of the dinner in December and Stamps.
A motion was made, seconded and voted that the
sum of ; 15.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the
Appropri at' on Committee' s Expense Account.
At 8:55 P.M. , Yr. George Sheldon, a member of
the Board of Selectmen, entered this meting. He wished
to call attention to the Testimonial Dinner to the Rationing
Board. and Selective Service Members to be given 'November 1,
1945. Some further tickets were purchased.
Chairman Yoyt next read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen requesting that the Appropriation Committee transfer
•the sum of :`500.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Care of
Dumps and Removal of Ashes Account, to take care of the
expense for the balance of the year; re now have an employee
working nine hours a day at the Dump.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer
the sum of =X500.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Care of Dumps
and Removal of Ashes Account.
At 9:25 P.M. this Comm .ttee vent down to meet with
the Board, of Selectmen relative to the request of the Public
?Welfare for additional funds for Old Age Assistance for the
remainder of the year.
John Lyons, Chairman of the Public Welfare Board,
was present and said that additional money was needed due
to the increased cost of living and the additional amount
given to the recipients. Mr. Lyons stated that last year
to October 1, 1944, ' 40,000.00 was expended in Old Age
Assistance. The Payroll to Old Age Assistance recipients
has increased about X1,000.00 a month over last year. Fe
stated that they will have to expend about 310,000.00 to
the end of the year. There was a generel discussion relative
to the request of ;x7,500.00 and John Lyons, Chairman, ftnally
stated that all he would request at the present time was
;34,000.00, and that he and his Comm.' ttee would like to in-
vestilate the matter further as ton-i..[?ht was the first time
they knew of the request. After John Lyons and his Comm' ttee
left, the Board of Selectmen voted to request the Appropriation
Comm'ttee to transfer the sum of `,:4,000.00 from the Reserve
:Fund. Also the Board of Selectmen su€;L'ested that the request
of 'x:500.00 for Sewer Services be reduced to the sum of
250.00 as they felt that that would be sufficient to the
end of this year. This amount was so voted by the Board of
At 9 :50 P.M. , the Appropriation Committee reconvened
in the Town Accountant 's office to consider the remainder of
the requests. The first item that Chairman Moyt brow-ht up
was to reconsider the .500.00 transfer from the Reserve Fund
to the Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes Account, as at the
joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen, it was suggested
that this a_runt coup'. be eliminated as the building of the
road at the Dump was really h=ighway and should be so charged.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to rescind
the previous vote of ':500.00 from the Reserve Fund to the
Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes Account.
A motion was made, seconded and voted that 1250.00
be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Serer Services
Account to provide for any future installations to the end
of the year.
Chairman T-Toyt spoke about the request for Old Age
Assistance and this Committee a'*reed to carry along as su -
sested at the meeting.
A mots. an was made, seconded and voted that the sum
of :" d, 000.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the
Old A,ge Assistance Aid and Expenses Account.
Mo further business to come before this meeting,
v.'e adjourned at 10 :15 F.M.
Respectfully submitted,