EVENING, Septe~ber 17, 1945.
The meeting was opened in the office of the Town
Accountant at 8:05 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with
the following memb4,rs in attendance :
Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Harvey F. "i_nlock
Thacher Jenney George M. Hynes
J. Milton Brom Jasper A. Lane
Michael J. Hopkins Raymond L. rhite,
Town Acc )untant
Minutes of the Meeting Held A'?pust 20, 1945.
Tt was regularly moved and voted to dispense with
the readin7 of the minutes of the regular meeting held
August 20, 1945.
At 8:05 P.—. , Col. Henry B. Barry vas admitted
to tris meeting to explain his reruest of X1, 100.00 for
Sprinkler Repairs. Col. Barry stated that the Public
Works "Building there is a dry sprinkler system, and the
5" and 6" valves which control the rater to system need
to be replaced. These valves were installed in the year
1891. on the n,-ht of August 29, 1945 one of these valves
let go. Col. Barry had a representative from the Grinnell
Com-oany cone out and he said the valves could not be
repaired. His advice was to replace them and the estimate
is '1,048.00. The valves are to be taken from the floor
and located so that one can get at them. Col. Barry also
said that there is no fire protection for the Public Works
Building. Col. Barry left th' s meeting at 8:17 P.—.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer
the sum of '1,100 .00 from the Reserve Fund to the public
i corks Bni. ld' ng - wages and Expenses Account.
Chairman Lewis T.. Hoyt read a letter from the
Board of Selectmen asking for a transfer from the Reserve
- 2 -
/ /4a
Fund to the Printing - Town Reports Account for 195.05.
There was a general discussion relative to the charge
made by the Adams Press for rrinting the Town Reports, as
the price Is far in excess o" previous years - in fact
about double in price. There are forty odd paes more than
last yearts report, but some of these additional pages can
be accounted for by the use of larger type Wh.i ch w e do not
believe was authorized.
Finally, a motion was made, seconded and voted
to transfer X95.05 from the Reserve Fund to Printing -
Town Reports Account . Also the Secretary was instructed
+-o write the Board of Selectmen calling to their attention
the fact that the cost is substantially higher.
The Secretary told the Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt
that the Dog officer needed additional funds in his
Expense account, as there remains a f::3.00 charge wh' ch
cannot be paid beccuse no funds are available . It was
suggested that John Russell put in a request to the Board
of Selectmen.
The Secretary also spoke to Chairman Lewis L.
Hoyt about the Cemetery wanting more money for labor due
to the 15% Increase in salaries. Chairman Hoyt suggested
that the Cemetery Comm' ssi overs put ; n a request when they
decide how much is necessary to finish the year.
Chairman Hoyt spoke in general about a Tar
Memorial and suggested that the members give it some
consideration for without a doubt something would have to
be done along those lines.
The meeting adjourned at 9:12 P.YR.
Respectfully submitted,