EVEMTNG, may 28, 1945.
The meeting was o-ened in the office of the Town
Accountant at 7 :55 P.m. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with
the following members in attendance :
Lewis L. TToyt, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Harvey F. "'inlock
Thacher .Tenney George M. TTynes
Fred C. 7\Tewhall J. Tilton Brown
Jasper A. Lane Michael J. Hopkins
Raymond T. white - Town Accountant
The Secretary asked that George T-�ynes act as
temporary Chairman for the election of lffi.cers for the
ensuing year.
A nomination was made by TTarvey Winlock that
Lewis L. Hoyt be Chairman for r the ensuing year. This
nomination was seconded by mi chael Hopkins. T\To further
nominations were made and the vote was carried unanimously
for ”r. Hoyt as Chairman.
The second nomination was for a Vice Chairman.
Ronald D. Brown was nominated, and the motion was seconded.
Tt was voted unanimously that Mr. Brown be Vice Chairman.
Lewis T. Hoyt then proceeded to take the chair.
Chairman Hoyt read two letters received from the
School Department relative to salary increases to Janitors
and Clerks. Mr. Hoyt stated that there was nothing this
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Committee could do about It, and that the School Committee
had written these letters to inform this Committee of any
changes made as per agreement.
Lewis T-Toyt then read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen requesting the Appropriation Committee to transfer
the sum of ' 600.00 from the Reserve Fund to pay for the
expense of appraising Town Property. There was a general
discussion relative to the advisability of appraising Torn .
Property at this time, and the Chairman appointed two
members - namely Michael vopkins and Jasper Lane - to look
Into this matter; also look into Tnsurance ri th Mutual
Companies, and report their findings at a subsequent
Chairman Foyt then read another letter from the
Board of Selectmen requesting the Appropriation Committee
to transfer the sum of '"100.00 from the Reserve Fund to
the Assessors ' Department - Expense Account to increase
the Item of automobile allowance for the Secretary from
$150.00 to X250.00 per annum. The reason for this request
Is to accomplish the necessary cork desirable for the sale
of lots now held by the Town. A motion was made , seconded
and voted that the sum of .$;100.00 be transferred from the
Reserve Fund to the Assessors ' Department - Expense account.
Chairman Foyt spoke about the Board of Fire
Engineers asking for a transfer to purchase a Two-Ton Truck,
but no action will be taken on this until It meets the
approval of the Board of Selectmen.
George T?ynes requested to go downstairs and see
the Selectmen to find out what disposition they had made
relative to this matter. Yr. Dynes reported that three
members were opposed to such a transfer, and two were in
favor. This being the case, no action was taken.
Lewis uoyt spoke about the Bulletin published
by the Town of Arlington with reference to classification
of salaries. Tt was sir. TToytts sug^'estion that J. Milton
Brown and Ronald D. Brown be given conies of these bulletins
so that they could make a study of same and later give this
Committee their opinions. Mr. TToyt also had a Bulletin -
Capital outlay Program - of the Town of Reading. ue sug-
gested to this Committee that Thacher Jenney be given
this Capital outlay Program to study and consider future
projects of our Town, and report at a later meeting.
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The Chairman then Proceeded to appoint members
to the Sub-Comm~ ttee of the Appropriation Committee. The
following members were appointed to the various sub -
Police and Fire Department
George M. Rynes
Jasper Lane
School and Library Department
J. A. ilton Rrown
Ronald D. Brown
Welfare Department
Lewis L. uoyt
Fred C. Newhall
'�rbli.c t''orks - Parks and Playgrounds Department
uarvey F. Wi_nlock
Thacher Jenney
Michael J. T'onkins
The Committee suggested that the Secretary write
the Board of Selectmen stating that the request for a
1600.00 transfer for the appraisal of Town Property is
not being granted at this time, as we are making an
examination of this matter and will report to themat a
later date.
Mr. uoyt requested that the Secretary prepare
a list of all Town Employees and their salaries so that
they would be available for later meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 9:26 P.M.
Resnectfully submitted,