FVFNING, February 5, 1945.
The meeting was opened in the office of the Town
Accountant at 7;45 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with
the following members in attendance :
Lewis T . Hoyt, Chairman
J. Rei lion Brown George V. Hynes
Thacher Jenney Harvey winlock
Raymond Bond Ronald D. Brown
Fred C. Newhall Carl E. Bryant
Raymond T . white - Town Accountant
Minutes of the Meeting Held January 29, 1945.
It was regularly moved and voted to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting
held January 29, 1945.
Ch.ariman Lewis T . Hoyt asked whether we could
insert a sheet on the nron:osed new Fire Station in the
envelope with our Appronri.ation Comiittee Renort. The
Secretary stated that he did not believe that a letter
could be enclosed with -air Renort as it would change the
rate and cost considerably more.
Public Welfare - :Personal Services - Total
Approved $1,618.04.
This Budget was approved on January 29, 1945
for '' 1,018.04. A motion was made, seconded and voted to
rescind the previous vote and reconsider this Budget.
The welfare Agent is to receive 12,205.58,
the Social worker, $1, 607.71, the Junior Clerk and
Stenographer $1,2'76.92. Deducting the amount charged to
Dependent children Aid, nld A ;e Assistance anti Soldiers,
Relief of 14,072.17, th's makes a net Budget of 411,018.04.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve
this Budget in the amount of x;1,018.04.
Contributory Retirement System - Interest
')efi ci-ency on Funds - Total Approved 3695.51.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to aperove
Budget in the amount of 3693.31.
Bonus - Total Approved 313,053.39.
This amount is to take care of Bonus up to
April 1, 1945.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve
this Budget in the amount of '313, 053.39.
Board of Retirement - Chanter 419 - Acts of 1943. -
Total Approved 1789.86.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve
this Budget in the amount of 3789.86.
Snow Rem_ovel - Total Approved 15, 000.00.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve
t1-i.s Budget in the amount of t15, 000.00.
Ronald n. Brown spoke to Mr. Gri.ndle about infor-
ma `ion he had received to the effect that students could
not enter college directly from v i gh School on acc;unt of
the standard of the school. Mr. Grindle told Mr. Brown
that Lexi ng;ton schools are still on the certification list
and students can enter college if their marks are Grade A.
The ti"o men then started going over the salary
schedule. vrr. Brown st€.ted that a teacher receiving
11,300.00 now with the 156/ bonus, or 3195.00, and a $100.00
increment would make a total of 1,595 .00. r:Tr. Brown stated
that the way the school had figured this was 1$1,300.00 plus
a 15°r bonus or to the nearest 425.00 unit which would be
3200.00, mairing a salary this year of 4;1,500.00. On a
teacher receiving "431,900.00 plus 15° or 1285. 00, with no
increment, the given rate of pay by the school would be
$,900.00 -lus 3275.00, or the total of 32, 175.00. 0n a
teacher receivi_ n;; 32,500.00 plus 150,, or 3375.00, being
the maximum, th s year' s pay would be 12,875.00. As of
April 1, 1945, $2, 900.00 is to be the maximum pay for
wren and the maximum nay for the liTomen will be $2,300.00.
The men ' teachers can go to 33,100.00 if they take extra
Mr. Brown stated that with regards to the
kindergarten that Mr. Gri ndle said that transportation
will be 9vailable in the fall so that transportation is
no problem. Mr. ^rindle also spoke to Mr. Brown relative
to the Sprinkler Sys tem at the Munroe School. $8,000.00
will be required, and this can be done this year.
Mr. Horse, a member of the Board of Selectmen,
stated that there is a difference In the School Personal
Service Budget of f3,000.000 of wh" ch he would like an
explanation. Some -of this difference can be explained
as f-Alows ;
Teachers returning from Service $10, 600.00
Extra Coaching for Senior nigh
The question came up relative to Civil Service
in the welfare Department. If a 15% increase is' given,
what effect is It goi.np; to have where the salary, plus
bonus , exceeds the maximum under the Civil Service.
The Secretary of the Appropriation Committee
was asked if he would check with the Civil Service Depart-
ment to c-et the requested information. The Secretary
also ^=as asked toretire from th.' s meeting as they were
cons:,deri ng his salary.
The two Committees adjourned at 11 :00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
(- ()