HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-12-18-AC-MIN.pdf MTNTTTFS OF THE mEETIN G OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HELI) AT TRF TOWN OFFICE BUILDING, MONDAY • EVENING, December 18, 1944. • The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at 7:30 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, withthe following members in attendance : Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman J. Milton Brown Thacher Jenney Carl F. Bryant George M. Hynes Harvey F. Wi_nlock Ronald D. Brown Raymond L. White, Town Accountant. Minutes of the Meeting Held December 11, 1944. It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held December 11, 1944. s„c.;as•,{„x At 7:35 P.M. the Appropria t' on ComTittee had a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen to discuss in general the salary situation, and whether the bonus of 15Z would be maintained during the coming year, or an increase in salaries as a whole. At 8:45 P.M. , the Appropriation Committee re- convened in the Town Accountant' s office. nnn ** Immediately following, Rev. Harold Handley and Mr. Webster Thomas, members of the Library Trustees, were admitted to this meeting, together with Ralph Nason, Librarian. Mr. Thomas proceeded to discuss the Budgets. Cary Library - Expenses Books, Periodicals etc. There is an increase of $150.00 on books due -2- Primarily to the increase in cost of same. An increase on Periodicals of $50.00 due likewise to increase in cost. Bindings fi100.00 increase. The reason for this increase is because there are more books to be bound in the year 1945. Fuel & Tight n increase of $95.00 in fuel. Bu i_l di_ng s & Grounds The Trus ees stated that they are planning no major repairs this coming year; this is in case they are able to go ahead with alterations to the Library itself. Other Expenses A great portion of this item Includes transportation of books from the Main Library to its branch. Cary Library - Personal Services The 3oarfof Trustees vied to adopt a new Tibrary salary schedule. This schedule takes into con- sideration the 15% bonus. The actual difference between the present salaries, plus bonus, would be approximately A100.00; if new plan goes into effect. The salaries are as follows : Recommended New Salary Present Salary Librarian $2,640. .-,32,220. Asst. Librarian 1,800. 1, 560. Sr. Asst. Librarian 1,680. 1,440. Cataloguer 1,560. 1,026. Branch Librarian 1,260. 1,080. Military Substitute 20. (per week) 19. PLUS 15% Bonus Janitor' s salary from $32.00 a week to $33.00, plus 15% bonus. Janitor at East Lexington Branch - $10.00 a week. No bonus. Substitutes The 113oard of Trustees are asking 3700.00 more. This increase is due primarily to increased cir- culation of books . This year the Library has spent -3- approximately '475.00 for Substitutes. The Trustees were asked by the Chairman to furnish the Appropriation Committee with the principal catagories of employees of the Library, and their salaries, under this proposed new schedule. Senior Assistant There are four different types under this heading : Cataloguer Children Librarian $1, 560.00 - $1,620.00 620.00 Branch Librarian 1, 680.00 - 1,740.00 Senior Assistant 1,680.00 - 1,800.00 General Assistants '1'ne minimum sTlary of a General Assistant is '1, 200.00 a year, and the maximum $1, 500.00 500.00 with '60.00 increments a year. Sub Professional Under tbi ss eTass come untrained library workers. The minimum salary is $840.00 and the maximum $1,140.00 with '60.00 increments a year. The Board of Trustees stated that during the five-year period from 1934 to 1939 the average cost of Library Maintenance was '19,000.00. Today the average cost is less than that. Rev. Handley said that he did not think the bonus was a satisfactory solution for the Library, and the Board prefers salary increases. The Board of Trustees, together with Mr. Nason, left this meeting at 9:25 P.M. While wai tinm for Mr. W. C . Paxton, Superinten- dent of Public Works, to arrive at this meeting, this Committee had a general discussion on the salaries and wages of the Town. • -4- Chairman T-Toyt spoke about the request from the Board of Assessors for =125.00 additional to pay the Assistant Assessors - this having been held up from the last meeting- due to insufficient information. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of • l25.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors Department - Assistant Assessors - Personal Services Budget. Chairman Hoyt read a letter received from the Board of Selectmen requesting a transfer of $4,000.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Old Age Assistance - Aid Rr, Expenses Account - to provide sufficient funds to pay the old Age recipients for the balance of 1944. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of '14,000.00 from the Reserve Fund to the old Age Assistance - Aid & Expenses Account; this amount definitely not to exceed the $4,000.00 limit. The Secretary asked members of the Committee for authority to place an order to purchase envelopes for the Appropriation Committee Report. The Committee agreed and suggested that an order be placed immediately so that there would not be any delay in getting. the envelopes In ample time. The Secretary also asked for permission to send out Rids for the printing of the Appropriation Committee Report in order to avoid any possible delay on account of the shortage of paper. This was agreeable to the members and it was suggested that letters be sent out immediately. At 9:30 P.M. , Mr. Paxton was admitted to this meeting to discuss his Budgets for the ensuing year. Public Works - Supt' s. Expenses Asking 11b0.00 - the same as last year. Town Offices & Cary Mem. Bldg. - Expenses Asking : 1,7U(j.u0 -TEii•s Year. Mr. Paxton stated that last year he anticipated doing quite a bit of painting in the Town Office Building, but was not able to do any more than the ceilings and walls in the Town Accountant' s Office. The Town Painter from that time to date has been working for the School Department. This year Mr. Paxton said he had included sufficient money to paint the entire interior of the Town Office Building. -5- t375.00 has been included in this Budget for accoustic conditions In the Cary Memorial Building. The conditions will be much improved due to some kind of movable ceiling. The Selectmen requested that the $375.00 be included in the Budget. Town Offices Cary Mem. Bldg. - Capital Outlay Mr. Paxton statea7that e a rete ve a complaint with regards to the lighting in the Town Office Building. Mr. Paxton had a Lighting Engineer come in and check the various offices, and found that most of them only had 20 candles of lights. The requirement for close work should be between 40 and 50 candles. Mr. Paxton said that he believed the Board of Selectmen had disapproved this budget due to the fact that the fixtures were constructed mostly of masonite instead of metal, and world not stand up too well. The individual fixtures would cost about e40.00 apiece. Sewer Maintenance - Wages & Expenses Mr. Paxi;on sfated that he had not done much work for the last couple of years, but said he was going to do it this year. He said that he used tractors to pull the wire through the drains. Mr. Paxton further stated that he would appreciate it if this Committee would give him $3, 500.00 so that the necessary work could be done. Sewer Maintenance - Services This Bugg s 7---ust a guess as Mr. Paxton does not know how many services will be required this coming year. Last year 18 or 20 services were installed. Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets • fir. Paxton askedthat the balance be carried over to the forthcoming year. Drainage Construction Mr. Paxton reauesrs that the balance be also carried over to 1245. Dumps R- Ashes `'TFie Eudget is the same as last year. Mr. Paton said that so far this year he has spent approxima- tely 1,3800.00, but will spend. more when sufficient labor Ts available , so that possibly a full-time man can be • -6- 11, 1 t% ) employed at the Dump. Garbage Collection . The present contract expires October 19, 1945, and this is the basis on which this budget was figured on. Mr. Paxton stated that he does not know what the new contract might amount to, and if it is higher, it will require a transfer from the Reserve Fund later in the year. Highway Maintenance - Wages & Expenses Requests $66,07=0. Mr. -Paxton states that this is a normal year budget. This year approximate 124,000.00 has been spent, and they have not been able to do any brush cutting at sides. of roads for the past three years ; also the drains are in bad shape. No brook cleaning has been done for the last few years. If labor is available, some of this work will be done this coming year. Fi ghway Maintenance - Chapter 90 • This budget is the same as last year. Snow Removal Total anount asked for is $20,000.00. This is only a guess and possibly this will be reduced at the Town Meeting if the snow-fall has been light. Traffic Regulation & Control As'ki ng 075.07 . Mr. Pax£on stated that the Board of Selectmen had approved it in the amount of 5''600 .00. Street Lights This has been worked out two ways - first; 12 :00 P.M. lighting, and 1:00 A.M. lighting. Mr. Paxton says that there is a fixed charge of approximately 115,000.00 whether the lights are on or not. Street Signs AsVIngor $500.00. The cost of signs now is approximately 58.00 apiece. Mr. Paxton has figured on approximately 50 new signs in this budget, and also 1100.00 for miscellaneous maintenance. This year about 4460.53 has been spent out of the $700.00 appropriation. Highway Department - Road Machinery Account Tinder vas item there is 120,600.00 for new equipment. This represents the approximate price of one yard shovel. The present shovel was bought in 1935 at which time it was a second-hand shovel. At the present -7- time it is absolutely no good. Mr. Paxton said that if he could not get a priority to purchase this, he would like to be able to Purchase two new large trucks. The compressors are in terrible condition; also the trucks are in bad shape. Public Works Building - Wages & Expenses T''i.s Budget is the same as Last year. Spent approximately $4,700.00 so far this year. Insurance 7r. uoyt asked Mr. Paxton about Mutual Companies, and wanted to know if the Town considered taking out insurance with mutual companies;- if the Town wouldbe subject to assessments. Mr. Paxton said that some policies with certain companies are non-assessable. He stated that a resident of Lexington, employed by the Employers ' Mutual Insurance Company of Wisconsin, had seen him with regars to Insurance with his comnany. Water maintenance - Wages & Expenses In this budget -VI,. Paxton has included `)1,000.00 for new office equipment - an addressograph. The Board of Selectmen has given its approval for this new machine, and an order has been placed, and proper priorities have been given. The present Bil - ing machine is between 17 and 2r' years of age. Air. Paxton said that he hoped that he could get is Meter Room straightened out, and get a meter repair man, as he plans on testing between 500 and 600 meters this year. Mr. Paxton further stated that the gates throughout the Town would have to be checked. This year he found that four gates were closed that should have been opened. Water Services This -budget is to take care of requests for renewals as they may come in during the year. The average cost of a new service runs from $1.25 to $1.40 a foot. ****** The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Secretary