HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-12-04-AC-MIN.pdf T'M7NUTFS OF THE MF.y'TING OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HELD AT THE T(W"N OFFICE BT?TLDI?\?G, MONDAY EVENTNG, December 4, 1944. The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at 8:05 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members In attendance : Lewis T.. Hoyt, Chairman J. Milton Brown Carl E. Bryant George M. Hynes Harvey F. Winlock • Fred C. Newhall • Raymond L. White, Town Accountant Minutes of the Meeting Held November 27, 1944. It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held November 27, 1944. At 8:10 P.M. , John T. Cosgrove was admitted to this meeting to discuss the Engineering Department Budgets for the year 1945. Engineering Department - Personal Services Budget Town -Engineer=-a Ery Tinder this item, 131.91 additional over the 1944 budget has been asked as a restoration on account of error which occurred July 1, 1937. Assistant Town Engineer Salary s e same as last year. Transit Man Jnr. cihn 'O'Connor at present is acting as transit man. Mr. Cosgrove stated that in this budget he has made provision for a new employee as transit man at a salary of 137 .50 per week. Draftsman Mr. William Lawton is the Draftsman, and his salary will remain the same 'as last year. -2- Engineering Department-Expenses Mr. Cosgrove sta e a e quipment Rental is a little over last year' s budget due to anticipated increased mileage in the year 1945. One automobile - the Plymouth - Wrich was purchased in June 1937 is eight years old, and this year some work will have to be done on it. The Chevrolet Carry-All was purchased in 1941. This is mechanically all right. The mileage on the Plymouth is 63,500, and on the Carry-All slightly under 20,000. Mr. Cosgrove stated that under the Highway Road Machinery Fund, a rental charge of 3¢ a mile is being made on the Plymouth, and 4¢ a mile on the Chevrolet Carry-All. Equipment and Repair This item inching transits and other equipment used by the Engineer. One item which increased this budget over last year's is the purchase in 1945 of 100 stakes which will cost 6r/ apiece instead of the previous price of 3¢r each. Mr. Cosgrove, after completing the items on the budget, discussed what work he was now doing; the item in particular being the ITo. Lexington Sewer. Mr. Cosgrove said that he is redesigning that so that the sewer mains will be approximate]r seven feet deep instead of a varied depth to twenty feet as on the original plans. Mr. Cosgrove stated that where approximately 3,000 feet additional pipe would be necessary, there would still be a saving to the Town of at least 10_0,000 due to the redesigning and changing of depths of sewer mains. Mr. Cosgrove was then asked about the proposed new Fence around the athletic field - whether the footings would be sufficient to maintain the Fence. He said that he thought there was no question as to the footings being sufficient to maintain the Fence, but there would be a question later on as to footings for Grandstand. Mr. Cosgrove also spoke about the serious condition of some of the water mains in the Town where the fire hydrants are not sufficient to handle enough water in case of fire. Yr. Cosgrove stated that the hydrant at Locust & Independence Avenue will deliver approximately 1,300 gallons per minute which in this case is sufficient, but there are a number of hydrants throughout the Town which will not deliver the required gallons per minute - namely 1,000 gallons, which the Yew England Insurance Exchange requests. Mr. Cosgrove was asked what the proper size staff for his Department was, and he said that he should have not less that seven including- himself. No further questions were asked and *ir. Cosgrove left the meeting at 9:00 P.M. -3- The following budgets were approved: Engineering Department-Personal Services - Total Approved 19,131.36. The salary of the Town Engineer was changed from $3,130.91 to $3,000.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve tri. s Budget in the amount of $9,131.36. Engineering Department-Expenses - Total Approved 1855.00';. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the ars punt of 1855.00. Board of Appeals - Expenses - Total Approved $150.00. A motion was made, seconded and vote-' to approve this Budget in the amount of $150.00. Board of Retirement - Expenses - Total Approved 1440.00. -- A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 1440.00. Fire Department - Capital Expenditures - Total Approved 177 The two-way sending and receiving radio set amount- ing to $325.00 was disapproved. $500.00 was added to the item - Two Ton Truck Chassis - to provide for a pump. A motion was made seconded and voted to approve Budget in the amount of $3, 500.00. Ambulance Maintenance - Total Approved 1150.00. A motion was made seconded and voted to approve this Budget In the amount of $150.00. Appro, 7..ation Committee - Personal Services - Total Approved $50Z . A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $500.00. Appropriation - Expenses - Total Approved $550.00. A motion was made seconded and voted to approve this Budget In the amount of $550.00. -4- Selectmen' s Department - Expenses - Total Approved $1,978.06. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 11,978.00. Accounting Department - Fxnenses_ Total Approved $360.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the mount of 3360.00. Assessors' Department - Personal Services - Total Approved $6,351.83.351.83. The salary of the Secretary was changed from $2,900.00 to $2,700.00. The salary of. the Senior Clerk was changed from $1,508.00 requested to $1,408.50. The salary of the Junior Clerk was changed from %1,1 .1 .00 requested to $1,043.33. The Assistant Assessors was changed from the $400.00 requested to $200.00. A mo ti.on was made, seconded and voted to approve tris Budget in the amount of :16,351.33. Assessors ' Department - Expenses - Total Approved The auto allowance was changed from $200.00 requested to $100.00 - the same as in previous years. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 1485 .00. Weights & Measures - Personal Services - Total Approved $500.00.. A motion was made seconded and voted to approve tris Budget in the amount of '$500.00. (eights & Measures - Expenses - Total Approved $195.00. — A motion was made seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the an ount of $195.00. (The Postage & Supplies item of $50.00 requested was changed to $30.00. ) Forest Fires - Personal Services - Total Approved 50.00. ----- A motion was made seconded and voted to approve tris Budget in the amount of 50.00. -5- - Forest Fires - N"Fazes & Expenses - Total Approved 1500.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $500.00. Health. Department - Personal Services - Total Approved 1bOO.O0. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $500.00. Milk Inspection - Personal Services - Total Approved 1400.06. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve t-i s Budget in the amount of $400.00. Dog Clinic Expenses - Total Approved $450.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $450.00. Posture Clinic - Expenses - Total Approved $625.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $625.00. Slaughtering Inspection - Personal Services - Total Approved 1800.06. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $800.00. ?lumbi ng Department - Personal Services - Total Approved $900.00.""' A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $900.00. Plumbing Department - Expenses - Total A proved 1220.00. ._. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $220.00. (The item of auto allowance requested of $225.00 w-.s changed to $150.00. ) Garbage Collection - Total Approved $6,000.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve tis Budget in the aunt of S6,000.00. ( � Memorial Day - Total Approved $250.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $250.00. Patriots Day No Appropriation Made. Pensions- Police Department - Total Approved $1, 500.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $1,500.00. Administration of Trust Funds - Total Approved $80.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve tills Budget in the amount of ,$80.00. Interest on Debt - Total Approved $3,992.50. e i_ em o emporary Loan - Others - was reduced from $500.00 requested to $200.00. The item was reduced due to the fact that this year only $20.00 has been spent and unless some unforeseen temporary loans are re- quested next year, " 200.00 should be more than sufficient. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve t';i s Budget in the sunt of $3, 992.50. Maturing Debt - Total Approved X49, 500.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $49,500.00. i ii.#*3;3'�**** Chairman Lewis T . Hoyt read a letter received from Danforth tr'. Comins, Executive Secretary of the Association of Town Finance Committees stating that the next meeting of the Association would be held at the Hotel Sheraton, Bay State Road, Boston, Massachusetts, December 13, 1944. Dinner will be at 6 :00 P.M. The `7ecretary was instructed to inform 'lir. Comins that four members would be present. The meeting adjourned at 10 :45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Secretary