HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-11-27-AC-MIN.pdf MINUTES OF THE "FETING OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HELD AT TNF TrWN OFFICE BUILDING, MONDAY EVENING, November 270 1944. The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at 8:00 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members in attendance: Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman Fred C. Newhall Ronald D. Brown George M. Hynes Carl F. Bryant Harvey F. Winlock Thacher Jenney J. Milton Brown Raymond L. 'White, Town Accountant Minutes of the Meeting Held November 13, 1944 . It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held November 13, 1944. The first Item brought up by Lewis L. Hoyt, Chair- man, was the request for a transfer of $50.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Law Department-Personal Services and Special Fees Account- in order that bill submitted by Mr. Wri ght i ngto n might be paid. The Secretary, through error, notified the Board of Selectmen that this had been approved at its meeting of November 13th. The voucher was secured so that members could examine the charge made for legal services for the Maple Street Bridge Alterations. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of $50.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Law Department-Personal Services and Special Fees Account. Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the School Department in which they stated that they would like to use the unexpended balances of Expense items to insulate the roof of the Parker School. At this point it was neces- sary to stop further discussion until after the Board of Fire Engineers discussed their Budget for the year 1945. Previously to admitting the Board of Fire Engineers, Chairman Lewis T, Hoyt read a copy of letter from the Board of -2- ! ; ) :1,1 144 Selectmen in which they authorized the Fire Engineers to purchase a two-way radio and receiving set; the two-way radio to be installed in the Deputy' s car, and the receiving set to be installed at the Fire Department Headquarters. The price of this two-ray radio and receiving set is $275.00 and this amount is to be charged to the Fire Department- Expense Account. Immediately after reading the above letter, reorge Emery and Robert Fawcett, Members of the Board of Fire Engineers, together with Roy Cook, Deputy Chief were admitted to the meeting - time 8:40 P.M. The first budget discussed by George Emery was Ambulance Maintenance. Ambulance Maintenance : Mr. Emery stated that the appropriation for Ambulance Maintenance other years has been ` 200.00, but this year it has been reduced to $150.00 which the Board felt was adequate. Forest Fires-Personal Services Budget: in the amount of MOO. This rIgurree was thie"-same as last year, so no discussion was necessary. Forest Fires-wages & Expenses : in the amount of $500.00; the same regfeat aeTast year. Fire Department-Expenses : Administraari Mr. Emery made little comment on the above as it is similar to last year' s appropriation. Equipment Maintenance & Repair The Board of 'lre-Pngrrieers are asking for an appropriation of hose - 500 feet of 2 1/2", and 500 feet of 1 1/2". The Fire Department at present has 7, 000 feet of 2 1/2" hose, and 6,500 feet of 1 1/2" hose. Some of this hose *as purchased back in 1926, and the most recent was in 1941. Mr. Emery stated that the Fire Department has in its possession 1, 600 feet of 2 1/2" hose, and 800 feet of 1 1/2" hose which belongs t#b the Civilian Defense, and does not belong to the Tovin. Equipment for Men This item incudes uniforms, pants, shirts, rubber coats and spanner belts. Repairs to Apparatus This f17177757/1776.-Fit down $250.00 over last year' s budget. -3- Maintenance of Fire Boxes �+Mr. -`mery ask d 1T Fi s could be changed to read Maintenance of Fire System. Shop Supplies This budget is $50.00 over last year. Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds The—Mara Is asirng only V250.00 for repairs. Furniture & Furnishings This bu dg t re uc a x'50.00. Mr. ?finery stated that if no request had been made for hose, the Budget this year would be less than last year' s. Fire Department-Capital Expenditures : a o _ _' _ The first item discussed by Mr. Finery was a two-way radio set (second-hand) which the Board of Fire Engineers want to purchase out of their balances of Fire Department-Expenses-of the current year. Mr. Hoyt pointed out that the Appropriation Committee was not in favor of purchasing capital expenditures out of expense accounts es they believe the citizens of the Town should have the right to vote on such items . Further discussion by Mr. Emery - this set is second-hand; used by the State originally and Mr. Anderson has it now. It is in first class working condition. Mr. Emery rent on to say that they had un- expended balances in the Fire Fighting Equipment account of around $150.00, and plenty of money unexpended in the Fire Alarm Maintenance ac-ount so that the purchase of the two- way radio set could be taken care of very nicely. One Two-Ton Truck Chassis a c ass s TE a Diamond T Motor Truck and is to replace Hose 1 housed in Fast Lexington Fire Station. rose 1 was purchased in the year 1912. Engine #2 was bought in 1925 and will have to be replaced soon. The $3,000.00 requested for the Two-Ton Truck Chassis will include a 500 7allon pump, necessary metal, running boards, rear deck - In fact everything necessary to complete a hose wagon. The cost of the chassis alone with dual tires amounts to $2,400.00. If the Town were to purchase a new hose truck complete, it would cost in the neighborhood of $6,500.00. Fire 'epartment-Personal Services The salaries of the Captains will be the same as last year; Privtes-eight full-time men, six men at $6.00 -4- 11 1Z1 1 LALI Fire Department-Personal Services (Conttd. ) a day, one man at $5.50 (to be increased to $6.00) , and another man at $5.00 (to be increased to $5.50) . the ninth man at $4.50 daily. The budget includes com- pensation for one a'iditional private which would make ten privates all told. The base pay - $4.50 a day. Call Men Asking $3,600.00-the same as last year. Deputy Chief To be Increased $150.00 a year. This was dis- cussed last year, and will now bring his pay, including the amount he receives as Forest Fire Warden, to $3,000.00. The Board of Fire Engineers left the meeting at 9:45 P.M. Immediately following the departure of the Fire Engineers, the Chief of the Police Department was admitted to discuss his Budgets for the year 1945. The first budget discussed was Police Department-Personal Services. Police Department-Personal Services : TDI s includes twelve patolmen, one Lieutenant, one Sergeant and one Chief. The Chief "bas asked if he had the full capacity of men now on the Police Department. His answer was that the original capacity was seventeen men. There wPs no discussion on the Personal Services Budget. Police Depart/lent-Expenses : Equipment x Repair Ash, n 65.W. The Chief stated this was the charge made for the rental of the Puro Water Cooler. Radio $3'/5.00 - this amount is necessary if a radio is transferred from one car to another during the year. Equipment for Men This Includes-725.00 for each man per year. Chevrons, badges, et cetera are extra, and a figure is included for these in this budget. Photographic Supplies A figure Tin:00. The Chief stated that they are doing a great deal of photography, and now are taking third dimension pictures . In order to do this work • -5- �t � 1 44 PhotograiDhic Supplies (Cont'd. ) properly it is necessary for them to have a new Enlarger at a cost of $80.00. The balance of appro- priation asked is for photographic supplies as theirs are practically exhausted. Police Department-Capital Outlay: New Car Asking for $1,200.00. The Chief stated that he had talked with Mr. F. K. Johnson, and that a new car would be very difficult to get. The car purchased In June 1941 was taken off the road April 16, 1944, with a total mileage of 115,000. M 14 and 15 cars were purchased in 1942; one having a mileage of 94,815, the other a mileage of 32,742. The Chief said that by the time of the Town Meeting, one car will have way over 100,000; the other car around 70,000, and he feels that a new ccr is necessary. As there were no further items to be discussed, the Chief left this meeting at 10:10 P.M. Lewis L. -TIoyt, Chairman, asked th^ t the Committee members decide What they wished to do about the radio for the Fire Department which was to cost $275.00, and which the Boars- of Selectmen requests be taken out of their Expense Budget funds. After some discussion, the motion was mode, seconded and voted that X275.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Fire Department-Expense Account to rurchase and install the receiving and sending radio set. The next itch discussed by the Committee was a question of insulation which the School Committee wanted to do in the Parker School. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made, seconded and voted to approve the action of the School Committee to use surplus funds of the Expense Budget for the insulation of the Parker School. The Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Grindle informing him of this Committee 's action. The following budgets were discussed and approved: Police Department-Personal Services - Total Approved "34,334.00. • A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget In the amount of $34,334.00. -6- t► )a� I Li 4 Police Department-Expenses - Total Approved $3,956.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this budget in the amount of $3,956.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to rescind the above vote and reconsider the Police Department-Expenses Budget. The Police Department Outlay Budget included 0.80.25 for office furniture, fixtures and supplies which would be better if included in the Police Department-Expenses Budget. The item in the Police Department-Expenses Budget reading postage and office supplies was changed from $125.00 to 153.25 and a new item added under the heading of Administra- tion for office furniture and fixtures in the amount of 1152.00 which changes the total amount of 1180.25 included in the Capital outlay Budget. Police Department-Expenses - Total Approved $4, 136.25.------ A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $4,136.25. Police Department - Outlay - Total Approved $1,200.00. — F'r`om this Budg the ftems o1'- o ce u ni e, fixtures and supplies was transferred to Police Department- Expenses Budget. A motion was made, seconded and voterl to approve this Budget in the amount of $1,200.00. Fire Department-Personal Services - Total Approved 138,526.50. It was suggested that the item of a new man (private) in the amount of $1,102.50 be included in the item of privates (9) making the total number (10) at a total amount of 119,926.50. At the time of making the Appropriation Comm' ttee Report, it is suggested that a footnote be made stating that the amount asked for includes one new man at a figure of '81,102.50 which the Board of Fire Engineers are hoping to add to the force on ray 1, 1945. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $38,526.50. -7- )\ I7,--2I44 Fire Department-Expenses - Total Approved $7,940.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve tYis Budget i n the amount of $7,940.00. Fire Department-Capital Expenditures Thare was a general discuss on on the Two Ton Truck Chassis and the two-way sending and receiving radio set. It was suggested by several of the members that this Budget be allowed to remain without approval, so that each member might have a chance to thi nk about the above matters. Chairman Noyt suggested that for the remaining few minutes Ronald Brown would speak with regards to the School Department-Personal Services Budget. Mr. Brown stated that he and J. Milton Brown had a meeting with the School Commi ttee and Thomas ( ri ndle, Superintendent, and Mr. rri ndle explained the proposed new salary schedule to them. The new salary schedule is to be based on previous training of the teachers - maximum for teachers wi thout Bachelor' s degree would be $2, 100.00 a year and teachers who spent extra time for professional improvements would receive an additional amount ,ntii.ch would be added to their salaries. In -eneral Mr. Brown stated that the salaries would be increased 15%, On this year's budget it will amount to between 1200:00 and $300.00 over the Budget including the l55'g bonus. The maximum increase to the Town would amount to between X2, 000.00 and $3,000.00 a year. Mr. Brown stated that this same system is being consid'red In Boston, Needham and a few other towns. *$:is x;b-n"**,.* The meeting adjourned at 11 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, trre-P Secretary