HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-11-13-AC-MIN.pdf MT'ITTFS OF THE MFFTTNG OF THE APPROPRTATTON C OMMT TTFE • EL') AT THF T'??"''T OFFICE BTTILDING, MONDAY FVHhTING, 'November 13, 1944. Notification of this meeting was furnished to all members of the Comm' i-tee by letter. The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Accountant at 5;00 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt,-with the following members In attendance. Lewis T. Hoyt, Chairman Fred C. Newhall Raymond A. Bond Harvey F. T;inlock Carl F. Bryant Ronald D. Brown Thacher Jenney J. Milton Brown Raymond L. White, Town Accountant minutes of the Meeting Feld September 25, 1944. It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the reading Of the minutes of the regular meeting held September 25, 1944. *i:***ii'n'4i Chariman Lewis L. Hoyt spoke informally about the continuance of the 15 bonus throughout the year 1945. An informal vote was taken, and the members at present favor the continuance of this bonus. Chairman Lewis T. Hoyt stated that he had several requests for transfers from the Reserve Fund. He then read a let4er from the Cary Memorial Library requesting a transfer of : 75 .00 to their Personal Service Budget. The transfer is necessary due to an unusual amount of sickness of the employees, and a largely increased circulation which requires extra work. A motion was marl.e, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of 775.00 from the Res^rve Fund to Cary Memorial Library - Personal Service Budget. The Chairman read another letter from the Board of Selectmen requesting a transfer of li140.00 to Parks Playgrounds - New Chain Link Fence. This transfer is -2- necessary as only )4,0f0 .00 was voted from Excess and Deficiency, and the lowest of three bids received was 44, 140.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of '}'140.00 from the Reserve Fund to Parks & Playgrounds - New Chain Link Fence Budget. 'At 8:30 Tp.". Mr. Thomas S. Grindle, Superintendent of Sc1 oo' s, was admitted to this meeting to talk informally on the School. Budget for the coming year. Mr. Grindle stated that the School Committee has held five or six meetings already on the Budget. The Items which Mr. Grindle spore about were as follows : There would be practically no change in the salaries of the Tani.tors. 61300.00 additional would be asked for maintenance repairs - i .e. - Town reinter. Tinder Teachers ' Salaries, '$700.00 additional would be asked for Coaching. This amount is to be paid over and above the teachers ' salaries. Last fall two addit° onal teachers were added to the Staff. This necessitates 1,800.00 extra for the coming year. Annual increases to teachers will be approximately "4,000.00. Four new teachers were hired this year at the maximum. As regards Professional Studies - about )300.00 more will be asked for this coming year. A f'3,200..00 increase in new teachers ' salaries. 01100.00 more will be needed for two clerks in the High School. Provision for men teachers returning will have to be made. Two men 'Leathers returning from the Service will require a total- of X4,367.00 extra. Three others returning will require t5, 983.00 983.00 more. The School needs some more typewriters due to the fact that the Government took them and paid a small price for them. '4'500.00 additional will be asked for in the Budget. -3— 11 ) VII 4+ Regarding the fuel situation: at the present time there is enough money in the budget for coal. If they are unable to purchase this coal in December, X500.00 more will have to be included in the 1945 budget. An outlay Item - a Power mower at a price of ` 400.00. Un ter General Repairs - Painting the outside of the Adams school; interior of the Pigh School (this has not been done since the School was built) ; interior of the Adams School. The estimate for painting the interior of the Nigh School is k11,000.00. Also in the near future, work will have to be done in the Hancock School. A new partition in the Gymnasium of the High School Is needed. The School Committee is hoping to do something on the Russell property. Yr. Grindle stated that there would be a saving tris year on su.pnlies. As to the salaries : the `'chool Committee is nrenaring a new salary schedule. There Is a quest' on as to the bonus in view of the fact that the School does not rant to be tied up with the Selectmen and other Town Departments. Mr. Lewis L. Hoyt suggested that the salaries had better be taken up at a future meetng when theSchool Committee was present. Mr. Grindle left at. 8:22 P.M. Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the Board of Selectmen reauestina a transfer of $342.00 from the Reserve Mind to mania Street Bridge Alterations on account of the additionalcost due to grouting the abutments. The guard rails hive not been replaced as planned, end it will be necessary later to make a further appropriation. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of $342.00 from the Reserve Bund to Mance Street Bridge Alterations Buryget. Chairman Hoyt read another letter from the Board of Selectmen requesting a transfer of 7,50.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Law Department - Personal Service Budget. This is -4- necessary because Mr. Tri phtin ;ton sent a bill of $275.00 for his services relative to construction of the Maple Street Bridge. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of 150.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Law Department - Persomi Service Budget. The Secretary explained the letter received from the Board of Selectmen requesting a transfer of $205.20 from the Reserve Fund to the Accounting Department- - Expense Account for the purchase of an Adding Machine. The Secretary explained that when a representative of the Burroughs Adding Machine called he showed the various machines. One of these machines had a wide carriage which would serve the Accounting Department better; but would cost X228.60 instead of $205.20. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of 0228.60 from the Reserve Fund to the Accounting Department - Fxpense Account. n *7i T:* n The following Budgets were discussed and approved: • Animal Inspection - Personal Services - Total Approved 0500 .00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of 13500.00. Dental Clinic - Personal Services - Total approved $1.550.0X5. A motion was made ' seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $1,550.00. Dental Clinic - Expenses - Total approved $100.00. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this Budget in the amount of $100.00. Chairman Lewis T . 70t stated that the next meeting would be held on November 27, 1944. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Secretary