EVENING, MAY 1, 1944.
Notification of this meeting was furnished to all mem-
bers of the Committee.
The meeting was opened in the Water Department at
8:10 P.M. by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members
in attendance:
Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman
George M. Hynes Ronald D. Brown
Carl E. Bryant Harvey F. Winlock
Thacher Jenney J. Milton Brown
Raymond A. Bond Raymond L. White
Town Accountant
Minutes of the Meeting Held March 6, 1944
It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the
reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held March 6, 1944.
The first item to come before this meeting was the
organization of the Committee for the year 1944.
Lewis L. Hoyt asked George M. Hynes to take the chair
for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year.
George M. Hynes then proceeded in the election of
officers. He asked for nominations for the Chairman. Nomination
was made by Raymond A. Bond to elect Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman for
the ensuing year, which was seconded by Ronald D. Brown.
A motion was made and seconded that nominations be
closed. A motion was made, seconded and voted to elect Lewis L.
Hoyt as Chairman. This vote was carried unanimously.
The next item to come before the meeting was the
election of a Vice Chairman.
A nomination was made by Harvey F. Winlock and seconded
by Carl F. Bryant to elect Ronald D. Brown as Vice Chairman.
A motion was made and seconded that nominations be
closed. A motion was made, seconded and voted to elect Ronald D.
Brown as Vice Chairman. This vote was carried unanimously.
The next item to come before the meeting was the elec-
tion of a Secretary.
A motion was made and seconded to elect Raymond L.
White Secretary.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to elect Raymond L.
White as Secretary. This vote was carried unanimously.
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Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt then read a letter he received
from Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Treasurer, relative to an ad-
ditional clerk in the Treasurer's Department.
There was a general discussion and it was decided to
hear what the Board of Selectmen had to say before doing anything
about this matter.
At 8:55 P.M. this Committee went downstairs to meet
with the Board of Selectmen.
Chairman Errol H. Locke first said that there was dif-
ficulty with the Junior Clerks in the Town Office Building.
Mr. Locke said that it is a question now how pressing
the problem is as Raymond White and William Paxton now have
trouble on their hands. Miss Harvey left because she was at the
maximum salary to be paid. Mr. Paxton would like to try to run
his Department with the present three clerks.
It was suggested that the salary of the Junior Clerks
should start at $17.00 per week and that the maximum for them
should be $22.00 per week.
Chairman Errol H. Locke stated that James J. Carroll
has a problem and that he was buried in his work. Mr. Carroll
has submitted letters of complaint from the State Department
for his failure in submitting reports on time.
There was general discussion in regards to increasing
the salaries of the Junior Clerks, and it was decided that the
Board of Selectmen should vote on recommended increases and re-
port to the Appropriation Committee immediately.
The Appropriation Committee reconvened in the Water De-
partment at 10:00 P.M.
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Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen relative to the payment of the 159 Bonus to John Lamont.
Because Mr. Lamont is not a full-time employee, there was some
discussion against his receiving the Bonus, but as the Bonus is
under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen and as it has al-
ready gone through, there is nothing that this Committee can do.
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt then read a letter he received
from James J. Carroll once more, which was in regards to an ad-
ditional clerk in Mr. Carroll' s Department.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the
sum of 636.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Town Clerk's Depart-
ment - Personal Services Account to provide funds for an addit-
ional clerk at the salary of $18.00 per week.
The Secretary was instructed to advise Mr. Carroll in a
letter that no appropriation will be made for extra clerical hire
in the Registrations Department - Personal Services Budget for
the year 1945.
Mr. Errol H. Locke, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen,
stated that his Board has recommended the following increases in
the salaries of the Junior Clerks as follows :
Eleanor Heaney from $17.00 to $20.00 per week
Lillian Tullar from $18.00 to 020.00 per week
Mary McDonough from $21.00 to 23.00 per week
Hazel J. Murray from 30.00 to .35.00 per week
Jean Doherty from , 20.00 to •; 22.00 per week
Alice Corbett from 18.00 to $22.00 per week
Rita McNamara from 18.00 to 1;22.00 per week
Ruth Vaughn from q17.00 to x;20.00 per week
Eleanor Clifford from $17.00 to $20.00 per week
New Clerk in
Accounting Dept. x'22.00 per week
A motion was made, seconded and voted that the Appro-
priation Committee approve these increases as recommended by the
Board of Selectmen. The increases are to be effective as of May 50
The meeting adjourned at 10 :45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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