HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-27-AC-MIN.pdf MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HELD AT THE TOWN OFFICE BUILDING, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27, 1944. Notification of this meeting was furnished to all mem- bers of the Committee. The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Account- ant at 8:03 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members in attendance : Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman George Y. Hynes Richard W. Maynard Fred C. Newhall Carl E. Bryant Ronald D. Brown Harvey F. Winlock Thacher Jenney Raymond L. White Town Accountant Minutes of the Meeting Held February 14, 1944. It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held February 14, 1944. /� r�\R•iiit_J__4 t)�\i** A \ 1�A'I1'I\ Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt then said that there was no effort on the part of the Board of Selectmen to sell the Town anything in reference to acquiring the Leary and Harrod property. The Board of Fire Engineers entered this meeting at 8:10 P.M. Chairman George W. Emery stated that his Board was not interested in the- Leary property for the proposed new Central Fire Station. However, he thinks that Article 31 in the Tarrant is broad enough so that the Town can determine any other location for a Fire Station. Mr. Emery stated that under Article 31 a motion to put the Fire Station on Town property should not prevail. Mr. finery stated that the Board of Selectmen never consulted his Board on the wording of this Article. In fact they knew nothing about the -2- ;4:2, 11 '44 Articles until the night before the Warrant closed. Mr. Emery submitted a map of the Town of Lexington, show- ing, by pins, where the present Fire Stations are located and also where the Board of Selectmen proposes to erect the new Fire Stations. Also, there were pins showing the locations where the Board of Fire Engineers desires to erect the new Fire Stations, which meet with the approval of the State Board of Fire Underwriters. Mr. Emery then read a letter dated February 1, 1944, which was written to the Board of Selectmen by the Board of Fire Engineers. The investigation and reports by the Board of Fire Engineers, Plan- ning Board and Board of Fire Underwriters call for three Fire Sta- tions at locations which the Board of Fire Engineers approves. The Board of Selectmen do not agree as they want the Barnes Property for the location of one of the new Fire Stations. If the Central Fire Station is located on the Barnes Property, it would mean four Fire Stations. It would also mean that there would have to be a more expensive building on the Barnes Property in keeping with the architecture of the present Town buildings. If the Fire Station is erected on the Barnes Property, it means most likely that the builders will run into quicksand, and therefore a more costly founda- tion would have to be erected. Quicksand was encountered in the construction of the Town Office Building, Cary Memorial Building and the U.S. Post Office. The Board of Fire Engineers wondered whether or not it is a good idea to combine the Police and Fire Departments in one build- ing. They have sought information from four municipalities who have combined Police and Fire Stations and their suggestion is to keep the Police and Fire Departments separate. Mr. Emery stated that his Board wanted to go on record as saying that a combined building does not work out well, due to the information received from the other municipalities. Mr. ?finery spoke briefly about the East Lexington Fire Sta- tion. He said that the purchase of the Harrod property was not nec- essary as it would be better to build a Fire Station a little dis- tance from a traffic center. The Board of Fire Engineers left this meeting at 8:35 P.M. at- which time the Planning Board was admitted. Mr. Roger Greeley, Chairman, stated that the Board of Sel- ectmen asked the Planning Board to make a study of post-war projects. The conclusion of the Planning Board was that it would be better to erect a Fire Station on the other side of the Town. (It is better to have a Station on each side of a Town. ) The Board of Selectmen called in the Planning Board, together with the Board of Fire Engineers and they then discovered that Articles had been drawn for the Warrant. -3- The Board of Selectmen felt that there should be a combined Police and Fire Station. If they were combined, then the Barnes Property would be a good site. The Town of Needham has a combined Station and now, as a result, there is a spite fence built separating the two Departments. The Town of Arlington was considering the two Departments being combined, but it finally decided against it. Most municipalities decide to keep the Police and Fire Stations separate. Mr. Stokes, the head of the State Police, said he wanted to keep them the hell apart. The Planning Board believes that they would be kept apart. Also, the Planning Board have not found that the present Police quarters are inadequate. Mr. Greeley said that he felt the site opposite Fred Johnson's garage is a good location for the new Fire Station. He also stated that there was no diffi- culty as to the width of Bedford Street. Mr. Greeley stated that when the Middlesex Turnpike is built, it will take a lot of traffic off of Bedford Street. Finally, the Planning Board has adopted Mr. Stokes' quotation, which is : "Keep them the hell apart." This is referring to the Police and Fire Departments. The Planning Board left the m eeting at 9:20 P.M. At 9:25 P.M. this Committee went down and joined the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman, first asked what influence the Board of Selectmen had in recommending the taking of the Leary property. Chairman A. Edward Rowse then said that there were three different committees set up by Town vote to select proper sites for a Fire Station. These three committees recommended the Barnes Property as the proper site for a Fire Station. . One committee re- ported in 1929; another in 1933 and the last in 1939. Chairman Rowse stated that the Barnes Property was pur- chased to make a civic center of the Town. The Board of Selectmen stated, through its chairman, that a Fire Station located anywhere on Bedford Street would nec- essitate the widening of the street and the taking of additional land. Also the Central Fire Station should be in the center of the Town. Also the Board of Selectmen understands that the location of the Police Department was always considered temporary. The Board of Selectmen feels that the Fire and Police should cooperate so therefore they should be together. The Board of Selectmen is unanimous in the use of the Barnes Property for the new Central Fire Station. Chairman A. Edward Rowse stated that the Board of Selectmen did not want the Town to take up the question of purchasing the Leary property separately. -4- 2. l . Chairman A. Edward Rowse then spoke about the East Lexington Fire Station. He stated that the Board of Selectmen favored the purchase of the Harrod property. Chairman Rowse stated that the Town should decide whether the sum asked for the property is worth-while taking. The Board of Selectmen, however, thinks that the Harrod property is No. 1 as to location and every- thing else considered. At 10:20 P.M. the Appropriation Committee reconvened in the Town Accountant' s office to further discuss Articles 30 and 31 in the Town Warrant, Article 30. The Appropriation Committee was unanimously opposed against a combination Police and Fire Station. A motion was made, seconded and voted to recommend unfavorable action. Article 31. The Appropriation Committee suggests that two votes be ready; one for favorable action and another for the recommendation of a site and for the appropriation of a sum of money for the plans. Under Article 32 the Appropriation Committee voted to recommend a definite site for the East Lexington Fire Station; namely, the Locust Avenue site. Elections Department - Expenses - Selectmen Total Approved $2,565.40 A motion was made, seconded and voted to reconsider this budget. The Board of Selectmen informs us that it is impossible to have meals furnished the Election officers for the price formerly paid namely, $0.90 per plate. The cheapest present prices quoted are 41.25 per plate. A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this budget as revised in the amount of $2,565.40. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ( 45(rri trf\c-t Secretary