Notification of this meeting was furnished to all mem-
bers of the Committee by letter.
The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Account-
ant at 8:10 P.M. , by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following
members in attendance :
Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman
Fred C. Newhall Raymond A. Bond
Harvey F. Winlock George v. Hynes
Carl E. Bryant Ronald D. Brown
Thacher Tenney Raymond L. R lite
Town Accountant
Minutes of the Meeting Held December 20 1943.
It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with the
reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held December 20, 1943.
At 8:15 P. R. John J. Garrity, Superintendent of the Park
Department, was admitted to this meeting to discuss his budgets
for the year 1944.
Parks & Playgrounds - Personal Services - Total $4,5'70.00
Mr. Garrity stated that this budget included a p200.00
a year increase for the Superintendent and a p2.00 a week increase
for his clerk from $18.00 to $20,00 a week. Chairman Lewis L.
Hoyt checked the clerk' s salary in the salary report and the maxi-
mum rate is 018,00 per week. Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt spoke about
the proposed bonus of 15°Z and asked Mr. Garrity if that bonus would
take care of the increases asked. Mr. Garrity said that he would
not feel right unless he asked for an increase for his clerk and
Parks Rr Playgrounds - Wages and Expenses - Total ; 9,450.00
Auto Allowance - $400.00. Mr. Garrity stated that he does about
IrToozy-Erre-g-w year with his car and that his expenses on the car
for 1943 were $393.00.
Gasoline and Oil - $20.00. This is for lawn mowers, washing parts,
Town Equipment - $500.00. Mr. Garrity stated that he spent $638.00
this year Tor—rental of town equipment.
Tater - $300.00. This is for the swimming pool together with other
wafer used on lawns, etc.
Flag Pole Maintenance & Flags - $200.00. Mr. Garrity stated that
E BT1pieces of the flag pole—are in very bad condition. This Com-
mittee asked about a steel flag pole - whether it would last any
longer than a wooden one. Mr. Garrity stated that he did not be-
lieve that it would last any longer and he favored the wooden flag
pole as he said that it looks better and will last as long as a
steel one. The present flag pole which is 120 feet high was erected
in the year 1915 at a cost to the donor of ;750.00.
Miscellaneous Supplies - $200.00. This item is for small tools,
✓akes, o s, a c.
Yr. Garrity stated that the latest gasoline lawn mower
Inas purchased in the year 1938. The Park Department has four power
lawn mowers.
Chemicals - $150.00. The chemicals are for the filtering system
for the swimming pool.
Playground Equipment & Repair - 3450.00. This item takes care of
painting the swimming pool, buildings and repairs to playground
equipment. Mr. Garrity stated that the tennis nets cost about
;130.00 a year.
Park Department - Capital Outlay - Total 39,500.00
New Flagpole on Common - 33,500.00. This item was discussed pre-
viously un er F aTo e Maintenance and Flags.
Fence for enclosed field - $4,000.00. This is to enclose the new
field. Mr. Garrity was asked if the fence could now be purchased
and he replied that the Town had first preference with the Security
Fence Company of Somerville, as soon as the Government released
the restrictions. The figure of $4,000.00 includes the installa-
tion. This Committee then asked if the field could be enclosed,
as there was a question about it previously. Mr. Garrity said
that the land was left to the Town by Mr. Scott for playground
purposes with no restrictions. Also the State Legis.lsture ruled
that a playground, no matter how it is left to the Town, can be
enclosed and admission charged.
Grading for enclosed field - $2,000.00. This grading is to be
considered if the ?i' id is enclosed. If the fence is not approved,
then the grading is not necessary.
Shade Trees - Wages and Expenses - Total $1, 630.00
Mr. Garrity stated that some trees, which were dangerous,
have been topped off and that it costs money to get them down.
One tree has just been taken down altogether on Westview Street.
Insect Suppression - wages and Expenses - Total $2, 840.00
There is no question on this budget.
Insect Suppression - Personal Services - Total $300.00
Mr. Garrity stated that he now has one man on Moth and
one man on Parks. One of them received $0.85 per hour and the
other $0.75 per hour.
Mr. John J. Garrity left this meeting at 9:30 P.M. , at
which time Yr. A. Award Rowse, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen,
was admitted.
Mr. Rowse stated that their Board would like this Com-
mittee' s question of policy in setting up appropriations this year -
whether the appropriations are adequate to take care of changes
in conditions or Whether the policy will be to increase the Reserve
Fund of the Appropriation Committee. Some members of the Board of
Selectmen do not approve increasing the Reserve Fund as it was tak-
ing the functions of the Town out of the Town' s meeting members'
Also, Mr. Rouse stated that Yr. John A. Lyons, Chairman
of the Board of Public 'relfare, haS lead him to believe that this
Committee had stated that it was our responsibility as to the Board
of Public T`,elfare' s appropriations and as a result he had increased
the budgets. Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt told Mr. Rowse about the in-
cident of meeting *.tth the Board of Public Welfare and why Mr. Lyons
changed the budget requests.
4-Mr. A. Edward Rowse spoke about questions on Personal
Services Budgets and stated that maybe we would not need a joint
Mr. A. Edward Rowse left this meeting at 10:00 P.M.
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen, requesting a transfer of $100.00 from the Reserve Fund
to the Street Lights Account to take care of a portion of the
December bill. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer
the sum of $100.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Street Lights Ac-
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen requesting a transfer of $6.96 from the Reserve Fund to
the Unclassified Account to take care of the balance due on the
bus stop shelter located at Lincoln Street. This bus stop shelter
was charged to the Unclassified Account and this was an unforeseen
expense. A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer $6.96
from the Reserve Fund to the Unclassified Account.
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen requesting a transfer of $282.50 from the Reserve Fund
to the Accounting Department - Expense Account. The Board under-
stands that this transfer is necessary to meet the payment of a
bill received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for supplies.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer the sum of
A282.50 from the Reserve Fund to the Accounting Department - Expense
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt read a letter from the Board of
Selectmen which reads as follows:
"Please be advised that at a regular meeting of the
Board of Selectmen held on Monday evening, December 27,
1943, the following vote was passed:
That the Selectmen recommend to the Annual Town Meeting
that a cost-of-living bonus of 15% be paid to all Town
employees, including School, Fire and Police, not to
exceed $375.00, and based on 1943 pay rates.
Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt then spoke about the pay roll
submitted to the Town Accountant for Dr. Harold J. Crumb in the
amount of $50.00 for extra compensation as School Physician for
the year ending, December 31, 1943. Mr. Hoyt read a letter, ex-
plaining this pay roll, written to Yr. Raymond L. shite, by Mr.
Thomas S. Grindle. It was finally agreed to approve this pay
roll, but the Secretary was instructed to write the School Com-
mittee and ask that in the future such items be taken up with
this Committee even though there remains sufficient money in the
Personal Services Budget.
This Committee then proceeded to approve budgets for the
year 1944.
Cary Library Personal Services - Total Approved $11 122.67
The Librarian' s salary was changed to $2,220.00 and the
salaries of the Assistants' was changed to 6,294.00, which is
divided as follows :
Katherine Buck $1,560.00
Claire Ball 1,440.00
Evelyn Buck 1,245.00
Eleanor Trowbridge 1,065.00
Beatrice Shannon - 984.00
The other items were not changed.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this
budget as revised in the amount of $11,122.67.
Cary Library - Expenses - Total Approved $4,755.00
The amount asked for books was reduced to $1,250.00 and
the sundry items under Other Expenses was reduced to $75.00.
A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve this
budget as revised in the amount of $4,755.00.
The Secretary was authorized to notify the Library
Trustees about the action taken by this Committee on their Budgets.
f\*Il JY I\M I1 I!*!1 DIY/Y
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,