HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-11-15-AC-MIN.pdf • TITTTT.FS OF TTTF IFT'TINCT OP TNF' APPROPRIATION' COMMI TTEEF', HELP AT TFF Tn"TT OFFIOF RTTIT,DINC, MONDAY FITTPNINC�, NOVEMBER 15, 1943 Notification of this meeting was furnished to all members of the Committee by letter, The meeting was opened in the office of the Town Account- ant at 7 :55 P.m. by Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt, with the following members in attendance : Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman Richard '". Maynard Ronald D. Frown Raymond A. Pond reorge M. Hynes Fred C. Newhall Carl F. Bryant Raymond L. "hi te, Town Accountant Minutes of the Meeting held October 25, 1943. . It was regularly moved andvoted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held October 25, 1943 . Superintendent of Public works 4t 7 :58 P.m. Mr. "Tilliam O. Paxton was admitted to this meeting to discuss his budgets for the year 1944. Chairman Lewis L. Hoyt asked Mr. Paxton to explain the necessity for a transfer of •;'300.00 for Sewer Services which was requested bir the Boar('. of Selectmen. Mr. Paxton stated that last year he requested 32.,500.00, but the 3oard of Selectmen and. the Apnrooriation Committee reduced his request to >1,500.00. Mr. Paxton stated that so far this year, eighteen services have been installed. Mr. Paxton also stated that a request for a transfer is to be made for Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building - Expenses as he anticipates another :`:1,000.00 in bills. This year he stated he has " 1, 200.00 in unknown expense due to sprinkler and coal fire loss. However, approximately, '1, 600.00 has already been collected for snrinkler and fire loss from the insurance companies and has been entered into the estimated receipts. Public i"-orks - Superintendents Office - Expenses - Total 150.00 Mr. Paxton stated that the request is the same as last year. He now has a balance of :` 59.00 in this account. - 2 - Town Offices & Cary Memorial Building - Expenses - Total x;7000.00 This request is the same as last year, except for the fact that no oil is figured for the heating of the Barnes property . It includes painting of the second floor of the Town Office Building. Sewer Maintenance - 1Tages R 1± penses - Total 03,500.00 Last year, X3, 500.00 was requested and this figure was reduce'i to ''2,900.00. There is a balance of ';818.00 at present 'in this account. However, Mr. Paxton estimates that ;53,500.00 will be necessary this year. Mr. Paxton stated that it costs about 1100.00 a mile to clean the sewerage pipes. He stated that a considerable amount of this work could not be done this year due to the shortage of labor, and as a result, a stoppage occurred in Vine Brook Road drain which cost over ;,,400.00 to clean the pipes. Also, Mr. Paxton stated that one service renewal was necessary in Audubon Road. Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets - Total ;9, 621.97 Some work was done on Liberty Heights this year. Mr. Paxton requested that the balance be carried over. Drainage Construction - Total ;471.57 Mr. Paxton requested that this balance be carried over. He stated that this is the balance of an appropriation in 1941, when Bow Street and Percy Road drains were installed. Care of Bumps and Removal of Ashes - Total : 1, 600.00 Last year ':31,700.00 was requested and approved. This year "r. Paxton is requesting only 01, 600.00 Garbage Collection - Total ; 6,000.00 The present contract expires October 19, 1944 which is for 05,000.00 a year. However, when bids are asked for this coming year, the amount may be greater, if so, a request will have to be made for a transfer fromcess R Deficiency Account. Highway Maintenance - 'rages R Expenses - Total X30,000.00 Mr. Paxton stated that this year he was able to get tar and did a fair amount of work. There are only four men now left in the Highway Bep'rtment. Raymond Bond questioned Mr. Paxton about the Town paying 50 cents an hour to boys of 1 and 17 years of age. Mr. Paxton stated that he had tried the boys but they did not prove satisfactory. l\ I - 3 - Highway yaintenance - Chanter 90 - Total x$1,000.00 Mr. Paxton stated that the entire amount of . 1,000.00 was use-' on wood Street. Tar was used and the cost was 0,068.25. Paid out :' 42.90 for labor, 431,290.00 for stone, ":643. B8 for tar, and ' 91.47 for rental of equipment. This figured out slightly less then 15 cents a cubic yard. T"r. T'"ill.iam G. Potter, Sele-tmen, entered the meeting at 8:45 P.T . His purpose was to ask this committee to transfer a sumof money for alterations to the Police DePartment quarters, which included putting down a new wood floor and etc. which Kr. Paxton would explain more fully. "r. "otter left at 8:50 P. M. Snow Removal - Total . 20,000.00 'Rr. Paxton made the usual request of : 20,000.00. Last year, ;''13,500.00 was ann_ropriatedd. The balance remaining as of October 31, 1943 amounts to X2,445.00. The average cost of snow removal over a periodof years is 10_5,000.00 traffic Regulation and Control - Total :'700.00 Last year, '31, 100.00 was requested but only ,';700.00 was approved. This year' s .request is : 700.00 of which, ;100.00 Is for railroad signals. Street Lights -ATotal :fi22, 650.00 This year' s estimate is 122, 650.00. Mr. Paxton stated there are 1925 hours of s tre-t lighting per year. This budget is slightly more than last year. This year lamp costs are as follors : 15. 81, 129.85, and 150.25. Te have 1, 133 lights in Lexington. Street Signs - Total `;200..00 Last year, 1400.00 was approved. This year, ;;200.00 has been requested. Highway ?Department - -Road Irachinery Account - Total 't7 700.00 There is no request for new equipment. Public works Rui_lding - Kages and Expenses - Total "36,500_00 This budget has been reduced this year primarily on account of personnel. 11 / '' 1 `i j - 4 - Insurance - Total 46, 850.00 This amount represents premiums on policies expiring this ;Doming year. The insurance value on the entire building and equipment is 1, 611,000.00. The valuation expiring in 1944 is �a400,000.00. The town has over 90 policies and Mr. Paxton is now trying to reduce the number of policies. Thr Damage Insurance - Total r1,300.00 Some of the members questioned whether the war damage insurance should continue. Vater Maintenance - "'ages Expenses - Total l6500.00 Last year' s apnropriation was ,;17,000.00. Sundry Items of 1750.00 is the usual amount. Mr. Paxton stated that there are 3200 meters in service. Tater Services - Total `, 3,000.00 Mr. Paxton requests `3,000.00 for services for the coming year. -ater Construction - Sundry Streets - Total ;51678.43 Mr. Paxton requests that the balance be- carried over. Police Department Mr. Paxton spoke about the Police Department and stated they had received estimates on the new ,pork proposed amounting to '751.00. The balance now in the Police Department - -' xpenses account is approximately X200.00. The bicycle registration costs the Police Department ;;316.50 which was not included in last year'; budget, also, repair 1-oris on cars totals $155.00 which was not anticipated. The overage on accounts amounts to ",471.50. However, the To7n Treasurer has received 375.00 on bicycle registration fees and :::e0.00 from insurance company for damage to car which is in the estimated receipts and not available to the Police Department. To take care of those expenses plus alterations, it will be necessary to transfer 'A,200 .00 from the Reserve Fund. Mr. Paxton left the meeting and this committee then went down to the Police Department quarters to look over the proposed work and also, have the Thief explain the work in detail. The committee reconvened and a motion was made, seconded and voted that 41,200.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to Police Department - Fxpense Account to take care of expenses and alterations. Chairman Lewis L. voyt reed a letter from the Board of Selectmen reouesting a transfer of >300.00 from the Reserve Fund to Sewer Services account. A motion was made, seconded andvoted that :' 300.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to Sewer Services Account. Chairman Lewis L. voyt read a letter written by this committee to the :'.ch.00l Committee. At 10:30 P.T . Edward Rowse, Chairman of the Poard of "electmen, entered this meeting stating that the Board of Selectmen had voted to get out a new type of town report similar to the Torn of "reenfield. The secretary of this committee was requested to check with the Bivision of Accounts, in reference to the Town Reports, as a contract is made before the money is an-)ropriated. Chairman Lewis L. tToyt spoke about writing a letter to the Board of Selectmen statinn that it was the general fe' linin of the committee not to cut the liud.gets down too close. After a general discus^ion, it was decides not to write any lett-r. Chairman Lewis L. floyt then spoke briefly on the subject of bonus and read a chart prepared based on a 10°' bonus. The members were asked to consider the bonus question so it could be discussed at a future meeting. The naeetinp adjourned at 11:00 ".m. :Respectfully submitted, Sere Lary