EVENING, APRIL 12, 1943. .
• The meeting was opened in the Town Accountant' s office at
8:15 P.7. , by Chairman Richard ":. Maynard, with the following members
in attendance :
Richard I". Maynard, Chairman
Ronald D. Brown Harvey F. Minlock
George P,i. Hynes Lewis L. Hoyt
Carl 7. Bryant Thatcher Jenney
Raymond At Bond Raymond L. White
Town Accountant
Minutes of the Meeting held rarch 15, 1243
It was regularly moved and voted to dispense with' the
reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held March 15, 1943.
The first business to come before this meeting was the
organization of the Committee for the year 1943.
Nomination was made by Ronald D. Brown to elect Richard T.
Maynard, Chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. Maynard said he ap-
preciated the honor, but felt that he could not be chairman this
year due to him taking over a nevi business which would take a con--
si.derable amount of his time. Ronald D. Brown withdrew his- nomi-
nation and Raymond A. Bond nominated Lewis L. Hoyt chairman, and the
nomination was seconded by George M. Hynes.
A motion was madep seconded that nominations be closed.,
A motion'was made, seconded and voted to elect Lewis L. Hoyt as
Mr.' Ri chard ". Maynard then turned over the chair to
Lewis L. Hoyt, the chairman-elect.
The next business to come before the meeting was the elect-
ion of a vice chairman.
-3 `-_ „- F
A nomination was made by Carl F. Bryant and seconded by
George Hynes to elect Ronald D. Brown as Vice Chairman. Mr.
Ronald D. Brown felt that he had to decline the nomination, due
to business reasons which he explained to this Committee. Raymond
A. Bond then proceeded to nominate Richard '"`. Maynard as Vice
Chairman which was seconded by Ronald D. Brown. A motion was then
made that nominations be closed. The Committee then proceeded to
vote for the Vice Chairman and all ballots were cast in favor of
Richard r", Maynard as Vice Chairman.
After this election, Yr: George "`. Emery, Finance Officer
of the Committee on Public Safety, was admitted to the meeting.
Mr. . Emery came to explain the reason for the transfer
requests. Mr. Emery stated' that he was not on the Committee when
it was originally organized, but became a member in March 1942.
Mr. Emery stated that he checked the Committee' s repords in November
and December 1942 and found that the various secretaries had charged
a number of items to either the wrong clas ification or to the mis-
cellaneous account. It developed that some of the accounts had been
overdrawn and he would like to start the year 1943 on an even keel
which means that the surplus of some of the accounts should be trans-
ferred to the accounts underdrawn. The transfers are only between
the classification accounts and do not call for additional expendi-
tures. At 8:52 P.M. Mr. Emery left the meeting.
After Pr. Emery' s departure, a motion• was made, seconded
and voted to rescind the vote of March 15, 1943, which transferred
the surplus into the Committee on Public Safety - Expenses Account.
A new motion was then made, seconded and voted to make
the following transfers :
' 400.00 from Auxiliary Fire to the Observation Tower Account
250.00 from Sirens to the Observation Tower Account
1()0:00 from Auxiliary Police to the Report Center Account
,100.00 from Auxiliary Police to the ledical Division Account.
A further motion was made, seconded and voted to transfer
;3300.00 from the ;;15,000.00 Fund to the Report Center Accbunt.
A letter was read from the Board of Selectmen requesting
the setting aside of the sum of ;900.00 to be used to defray expenses
incurred by the Victory Garden Committee. The Secretary stated that
such setting aside was to be made from the Unclassified - Mar Activi-
ties Account and not from the Reserve Fund. The Secretary was in-
structed to get further information from the Selectmen. After a
discussion with the Selectmen, it was discovered that the transfer
or setting aside of the sum of ,' 300.00 would be from the Unclassified-
Mar Activities Account and that it was the intention that all monies'
so expended would be returned and entered as estimated receipts. Yr.
Sereno stated that all monies spent would not be returned; only about
80% would be. Mr. Rowse, Chairman, said that the Victory Garden
Committee stated that practically all money expended would be re-
turned and he vas holding the Committee to that. This Committee then
decided that no action would be taken on this request.
A nomination was made by Carl E. Bryant to elect Raymond L.
'°'hite as Secretary of the Committee for the ensuing year which was
seconded by Raymond A. Bond and voted by the Committee that Raymond
L. T"h.ite be Secretary.
Lewis L. Hoyt, the newly-elected chairman, asked for sug-
gestions on the reorganization of the finance officers of the Town.
The Committee is to consist of the Moderator, Chairman of the Board
of Selectmen, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee and two busi-
nessmen. This Committee felt that the committee appointed at the
Town meeting was capable enough to handle the situations without
suggestions from this Committee.
Mr. Hoyt then proceeded to appoint the sub-committees for
the ensuing year as follows :
Fire, Pollee and Engineering
together with Torn Offices sn George H. Hynes
Cary Memorial Bui.ld.ing Raymond A. Bond
School and Library Richard M. Maynard
ITarvey F. Min;ock
Highway, Mater and Sewer
Departments and Public Morks Ronald D. Brown
Building , Carl F. Bryant
Park, Tree, Moth and Cemetery Fred C. Newhall
Charities; Soldiers ' Benefits Lewis L. Hoyt
and -. .A. Thatcher Jenney
It was then suggested that the retiring chairman of this
Committee should get the{ customary gift from the members in a
ciation of the chairman' s work. ppre-
Ronald D. Brown and Harvey P. VTinlock were appointed to
decide a suitable gift for "r. George C. Sheldon, the retiring chairman.
The meeting adjourned at 9:37 P.M.
Res:o ctfully submitted,
-Or(ff-I Otor- .4e---Rt-t