HomeMy WebLinkAboutFundforLexMin- Sept 2021 MINUTES FUND FOR LEXINGTON BOARD September 13, 2021 4:00 p.m. held by remote participation Present: Doug Lucente, Chair; Suzie Barry; Norman Cohen; Alan Fields; Ed Grant; Alan Wrigley; Melissa Interess, Director of Human Services; Tony Serio, Assistant Director of Family and Youth Services; Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs; Christine Dean, Community Center Director; Stephen Poltorzycki and Jillian Tung, Co-Chairs, Lexington Council for the Arts and Kim Katzenback, Executive Clerk to the Select Board. Mr. Lucente stated the remote participation meeting is being held remotely as posted with the agenda. 1) Money Available as of August 31, 2021: Principal $335,170.85 Income $26,927.20 2) Human Services Report Ms. Interess reported the following activity for the Human Services funds dispersed for the period: • Fund for Lexington o $2,800 for surgery for youth resident o $792.28 out of the Heating Assistance Pilot for six residents (Remaining balance - $896.13); • Human Services Emergency Fund (non COVID related) o $2.019.64 ($1,389 - rent, $213.75 - moving; $416.89 - miscellaneous bills/utilities) o Lexpress subsidized passes fiscal year to date - 38 passes,value of$7,640 o Gift Cards - $875 in food cards, $75 in clothing cards. • Covid-19 Financial Assistance (Takeda and FFL Contributions) o Disbursed $29,109.91from Human Services Emergency Fund for 13 individuals/families ■ Takeda Balance: $94,575.86 ■ FFL Balance: $25,000 Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Fund for Lexington Board voted 6-0 to approve $5,000 to the Human Services Department for the Heating Assistance program. 3) Recreation Department Report and Request for Funds to be used for Recreation Scholarship and Tent Rental Ms. Battite, Recreation Director, updated the Board on the Recreation Scholarship Fund used to assist children from low income families to attend Town sponsored summer programs. Ms. Battite stated current balance is a deficit of$3,786.75 in the special Recreation Scholarship Fund which was used in the 2021 program assistance. Ms. Battite expressed thanks for the Fund for Lexington's financial support which has assisted hundreds of families in need to be able to partake in the Town's recreational programming they may not otherwise been able. Ms. Battite said the Recreation Department respectfully requests $10,000 from the Fund for Lexington to support the monies already spent on 2021 programs and would allow a fund balance of$6,213.25 to carry forward for the upcoming school year. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Fund for Lexington Board voted 6-0 to approve $10,000 to the recreation department to provide scholarship monies for recreation programming. Ms. Dean thanked the Board for the funding earlier this year that allowed for a rental of the tent that facilitated social distancing for program participants during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ms. Dean respectfully requested $3,340 from the Fund for Lexington that would allow recreation to continue to rent the tent through November 2021. All Board members were in agreement that the Fund for Lexington donation monies earmarked for COVID-19 assistance would be appropriate use as the tent was being rented to facilitate social distancing for program participants during the pandemic. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Fund for Lexington Board voted 6-0 to approve $3,340 out of the COVID-19 financial assistance allocated by the fund for Lexington to the Recreation Department for the use of a rental tent for the community sector. 4) Other • Request for Funds —Lexington Council for the Arts Utility Box Beautification Project Mr. Poltorzycki presented the Lexington Council for the Arts Utility Box Beautification Project request for funds. He said the Lexington Council for the Arts proposes to transform some of the Town's utility boxes into unique works of art to contribute to the vitality and beautification of these public spaces. The boxes to be painted will be chosen based on direction from the Recreation Committee. It is proposed that four boxes would be selected. Examples of boxes that might be selected include the large box near the Pool Complex and tennis courts, the large box near the Lincoln Park soccer field, and two large boxes near the Center Recreation Complex baseball field. The project is targeted for the fall of 2021. The Lexington Council for the Arts will engage a curator/project manager who would then work with experienced artists for the painting of the boxes. The Lexington Council for the Arts respectfully requests $4,500 (this is $500 for Curator fee and $1,000/box for 4 utility boxes) Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Fund for Lexington Board voted 6-0 to approve • Ratify June 11, 2021 Human Services Request Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Fund for Lexington Board voted 6-0 approving the June 11, 2021 Human Services request for $2, 800 for surgery for youth resident. 5) Discuss Fund for Lexington Annual Appeal The Board reviewed the draft Fund for Lexington Annual Appeal letter and general Board discussion ensued providing Mr. Lucente feedback regarding the content. It was agreed Mr. Lucente would update the letter accordingly and the letter would mail by November 18, 2021. 6) Next Meeting Dates The Board reviewed and confirmed December 13, 2021 as the next meeting date for Fund for Lexington Board. 7) Approval of May 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes On a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Fund for Lexington Board voted 6-0 to approve the May 10, 2021 meeting minutes.