HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-16-HC-min RECEIVED 2022 31 Mar, 1225 Ipui °m TOWN CLERK MEETING MINUTES LEXINGTON MA February 16" 2022 Call to Order: A public hearing of the Historical Commission was held remotely through Zoom. The meeting convened at 7:03 PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Susan Bennett, Chair, Diane Pursley, Vice Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa, David Kelland, Wendall Kalsow and Robert Rotberg AGENDA ITEM#1 (7:05PM): Continued hearing regarding the partial building demolition at 31 Fletcher Avenue The applicant proceeded with the under-flashing solution and it seems to have mitigated the leaks into the apartment below. Due to this they no longer need to move forward with a hearing. The Commission has asked that they look into the sign that should be up per the Preservation Restriction. Moved by Ms. Fenollosa to close the hearing regarding the partial building demolition at 31 Fletcher Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Kelland 6-0 in favor of closing hearing: Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Rotberg and Ms. Bennett AGENDA ITEM#2 (7:09PM) Public hearing regarding the partial building demolition and roof line change at 5 Constitution Road. APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Drew Ton-Morrison, Architect Rick Ames, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated 2/16/2022 SUMMARY: This project was previously approved a few months ago. Due to zoning issues and cost the homeowners have decided to scale down the project. Mr. Ames described the new proposed plans. The homeowners are proposing to keep the existing garage and add an additional bedroom. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Bennett complimented the applicants on their presentation, it was very clear. Mr. Kalsow agreed with Ms. Bennett, it was nice to see this organized presentation and is pleased with the revised plans. Mr. Rotberg asked what would happen to the steep stairwell up to the main entrance. Mr. Ames said they are reconfiguring the stairs into a set of smaller stairs and landings that go up to the entrance. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Mr. Rotberg to find the structure at 5 Constitution Road preferably preserved and approve the partial building demolition and roofline change based on the plans presented to the meeting dated 2/16/2022. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. VOTE: 6-0 in favor of partial building demolition and roofline change: Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Pursley, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow and Ms. Bennett AGENDA ITEM#3 (7:20PM) Public hearing regarding the partial demolition and roofline change at 50 Hancock Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: John Vining, Architectural Designer/Developer ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Proposed plans dated 2/16/2022 SUMMARY: This project was previously approved a few months ago. The applicant has decided to change the exterior in order to accommodate stairs in the back of the house to allow access to the backyard. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Bennett asked if there was access to the backyard previously. Mr. Vining said there was access previously but it was coming down to a terrace and after studying the grade, they realized the staircase took up too much space in the back. Shifting the stairs made the area more useful. Mr. Kalsow noted the images are schematic only. Not all original or proposed detail is documented in the images. Mr. Vining said the intention is that all overhangs, corner boards, and trim will match and align with the existing house. Mr. Kalsow said the projection beyond the original right side of the house is towards the rear and is not significantly detrimental to the historic property. The Commission agreed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find the structure at 50 Hancock Street preferably preserved and approve the partial building demolition and approve the design as presented to the meeting tonight based on the plans dated 2/16/22 with the assurance that the details on the addition will match the existing historic house. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. VOTE: 6-0 in favor of partial building demolition: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley Mr. Rotberg and Ms. Bennett. AGENDA ITEM#4 (7:48PM) Public hearing regarding the full building demolition at 75 Outlook Drive APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Eduardo Alvarez ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated 8/4/2021 Front View of Historic House with Silhouette of New House SUMMARY: Mr. Alvarez is planning to keep the existing home at 75 Outlook Drive and preserve it, and add three new homes as part of a site sensitive development. Mr. Alvarez is proposing a copper overhang on the front entrance, a new portico and service entrance to the left side of the building, a new portico on the rear, and restoration of shutters. Proposed changes to the existing barn include a new portico over the entrance, replacing the door and creating a window. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Bennett and Ms. Fenollosa did a site visit at 75 Outlook Drive in preparation for developing a preservation restriction as part of the site sensitive Planning Board application. Ms. Fenollosa said the restoration will be sensitive and the house will retain its original character. Ms. Fenollosa has no problem with the copper roof. Ms. Pursley asked Mr. Alvarez about the landscaping. Mr. Alvarez said he has a Landscape Architect and plans to keep the style similar to the existing landscaping. Mr. Kalsow asked is Mr. Alvarez plans to retain the trees along the front border that provide separation of the existing house from the street and the new house. Mr. Alvarez said yes. The Commission agreed to vote on the select partial demolition separately from the preservation restriction which will be considered at a subsequent meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Ms. Fenollosa to find the structure at 75 Outlook Drive preferably preserved and approve the partial building demolition and modifications to the historic house as shown in the plans presented to the meeting tonight dated 2/16/22 with the understanding the existing trees will be retained as described in the minutes. Seconded by Ms. Pursley. VOTE: 6-0 in favor of partial building demolition: Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Bennett and Mr. Rotberg. AGENDA ITEM#5 (8:11 PM) Public hearing regarding the full building demolition at 20 Harding Road APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Dana Tower, Vice President of Seaver Properties, representing owner(Seaver properties) ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Robert Dunn, 27 Harding Road DOCUMENT(S): Photos of existing structure Structural Engineer report Plot plan Realtor letter SUMMARY: Mr. Tower told the Commission the home was purchased by Seaver Properties December 2021. The intent was to demolish the home but the applicant was not aware it was on the Inventory. There were no competing offers. Mr. Tower reached out to historic preservation consultants (Brian Pfeiffer and Doug Kelleher)to assess its historic value and also hired a structural engineer. The structural engineer did a full assessment of the building. There is substantial water damage to the building. The structural engineer feels the home cannot be salvaged and should be demolished. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow asked if the engineer opened walls to see the condition of the framing. Mr. Tower said he got up into the attic and made a few penetrations where he saw the water damage. It was not stated that he kept holes open in the wall. Ms. Bennett asked if the home was open marketed before Seaver purchased it. Mr. Tower was not sure but purchased it through the homeowner's realtor. Due to the condition of the home, the homeowners would not allow showings. Mr. Kelland asked is there is an Area Form or Form B on the home. Ms. Bennett said it is listed on an Area Form. The Commission feels there is not enough evidence to determine that this home cannot be restored. The Commission would like a fuller written assessment from the historic preservation consultants that visited the property as well as perhaps a more thorough structural assessment. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Dunn, of 27 Harding Road Mr. Dunn agrees with the comments of the Commission that there needs to be more information in the structural letter. Mr. Dunn has concerns regarding what is in the house, will there be a pre- demolition review and a plan for demolition. Mr. Dunn also expressed concerns about rodent control. Mr. Tower said the demolition permit process with the Building Department is very strict. There will be pest control and asbestos evaluations done. The applicant requested to be continued to the meeting next month. No vote was taken. AGENDA ITEM#6(8:16PM) Discussion of Proposed Preservation Restrictions Ms. Bennett reached out to the Planning Board regarding the site sensitive developments at 12 Summit Road, 75 Outlook Drive and 69 Pleasant Street. Ms. Bennett is not sure about the status of the 12 Summit Road development as it appears to be on hold. Ms. Bennett and Ms. Pursley made a site visit to 69 Pleasant Street and will be following up with the developer. Ms. Bennett and Ms. Fenollosa are working with Town Counsel on a preservation restriction model and will share it with the Commission once it is ready for comments. AGENDA ITEM#7 (8:23PM) New Police Station plans/Hosmer House update The Town has had an informal hearing with the HDC regarding the proposed demolition of the Hosmer House. There does not yet seem to be successful efforts to move or repurpose the house. The town received a project notification form to the Massachusetts Historical Commission on the Police Department project. The Police Department building and Hosmer House are both on the Inventory and should be listed on the form. Ms. Bennett will write a letter as requested by MHC commenting on the project notification form and noting it did not include any reference to the two historic properties. AGENDA ITEM#8 (8:33PM) Update on Open Space Residential Development proposal Ms. Pursley reviewed the Open Space Residential Development(OSRD) bylaw proposed in the Warrant for Town Meeting this year. The OSRD is based on a state law and only requires a 50% majority for Town Meeting to approve but will have drastic impacts on zoning in Lexington. The proposed OSRD encourages historic preservation by including bonuses for the developer if a preservation restriction is in effect. This proposal will be discussed on February 23rd at a public hearing of the Planning Board. Ms. Pursley will represent the Historical Commission and relay our concerns about the limited protections the current draft gives to historic resources and their siting, and the need to strengthen the proposed bylaw in that respect. AGENDA ITEM#9 (8:44PM) Battle Road Discussion The working group is meeting tomorrow and the Section 106 review meeting is Friday. The Section 106 meeting will be a formal presentation by Mass DOT regarding the plans for the project. The working group has been active and has draft recommendations. Mr. Kalsow would like to have this on the March agenda. Mr. Kelland and Mr. Kalsow will listen in on the meetings. AGENDA ITEM#10 (8:44PM) Update on antique fireboxes in Lexington Mr. Kelland emailed Mr. Pinsonnault regarding the antique fire boxes. Mr. Pinsonnault will consult a few staff members and let us know what can be done. AGENDA ITEM#12 (8:44PM) Updates -36 Moon Hill Road: This project was previously approved by the Commission last May. This project concerns a garage addition and some changes have been made to comply with Zoning. Mr. Techler described the proposed plans. The proposed plans are essentially the same,just a repositioning on the lot. The change is modest and has met with the approval of the Moon Hill design review committee. Therefore, no formal hearing is required based on the plans dated 2/1/2022. -Ms. Bennett wrote a letter to the Town Manager forwarding Mr. Rotberg's motion to appoint a committee to look at the welcome signage in Town. The Town Manager said he received it and will review it and take it to the Select Board for consideration. -Mr. Rotberg has been analyzing our history of demolition delay hearings to get a handle on what the impact is. The Commission will review this more next month. -Mr. Flint looked at the dendrochronology potential at six houses included in our"old house" study and has submitted a report on his findings that has been forwarded to MHC. Ms. Bennett will keep us posted on next steps. AGENDA ITEM#12 (9:35PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated January 19t'2021 Motion made by Ms. Fenollosa to approve minutes dated January 19th 2021. Seconded by Ms. Pursley 6-0 in favor of approving minutes: Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Rotberg and Mr. Kalsow AGENDA ITEM#14 (9:36PM) Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Fenollosa. Seconded by Mr. Kelland 6-0 favor to adjourn Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Pursley, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Rotberg and Mr. Kelland Adjourn.