HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-19-HC-min RECEIVED 2022 31 Mar, 1223 pui °m MEETING MINUTES TOWN CLERK January 19" 2022 LEXINGTON MA Call to Order: A public hearing of the Historical Commission was held remotely through Zoom. The meeting convened at 7:02 PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Susan Bennett, Chair, Diane Pursley, Vice Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa, David Kelland, Wendall Kalsow and Robert Rotberg AGENDA ITEM#1 (7PM): Vote to elect new Chair of Historical Commission MOTION: Moved by Ms. Fenollosa to nominate Ms. Bennett as Chair of the Historical Commission. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. VOTE: 5 in favor of electing Ms. Bennett as Chair: Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland and Mr. Rotberg with Ms. Bennett abstaining. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kelland to nominate Ms. Pursley as Vice Chair of the Historical Commission. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. VOTE: 6 -0 in favor of electing Ms. Pursley as Vice Chair: Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Rotberg and Ms. Bennett AGENDA ITEM#2 (7:11 PM) Continued hearing regarding the partial building demolition at 31Fletcher Avenue The applicant has requested to be continued to the March meeting to see if the repairs on the chimney have made their request for demolition unnecessary. AGENDA ITEM#3 (7:18PM) Public hearing regarding the full building demolition at 59 Ward Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Vaishali Kulkarni, Homeowner Aditi Jan, Realtor ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Steve Cooper, 124 Reed Street DOCUMENT(S): Slide Show regarding 59 Ward Street SUMMARY: Mr. Kulkarni came to the Commission two months ago requesting a full building demolition. The Commission suggested he come back in a few months if the home has remained on the market and receives no offers. Mr. Kulkarni has reduced the price three times and the home has now been on the market for 90 days with no offers made. Mr. Kulkarni is requesting the Commission approve demolition since he has made a bona fide effort to sell the home. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Kalsow believe a bona fide effort has been made to try and sell the home. The Commission asked if the fact that the home has no functioning kitchen and bathroom was disclosed on the listing sheet. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ms. Jain is the Realtor of 59 Ward Street and said there were a lot of showings on the property and no offers were made. Mr. Cooper of 124 Reed street asked what happened to the kitchen and bathroom, they were previously state of the art. Mr. Kulkarni said all of this was functioning when he purchased the home but he intended to demolish the home and was unaware the property was on the Historical Commission list until after he had already demolished the kitchen and bathroom. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 59 Ward Street preferably preserved and acknowledge that the applicant made a bona fide but unsuccessful effort to market the home and therefore approve demolition. Seconded by Mr. Rotberg. VOTE: 6-0 in favor of permitting demolition: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Rotberg, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Bennett, Ms. Pursley and Mr. Kelland. AGENDA ITEM#4 (7:48PM) Discussion on 5 Constitution Road This addition was approved by the Commission a few months ago. The applicant now has made changes to the addition. The scale of the addition is greatly reduced from previous proposals. The Commission agreed that because this is a major change, the applicant needs to apply for a new formal hearing. AGENDA ITEM#5 (8:11 PM) Discussion on 50 Hancock Street This addition was approved by the Commission a few months ago. The applicant is currently preparing for a conservation hearing in March and has learned they will need to tweak the design and plans. The Commission agreed the applicant will need to apply for a new formal hearing for the proposed changes. AGENDA ITEM#6(8:16PM) Vote on motion regarding signs in Lexington Mr. Rotberg drafted a motion regarding the entrance signage in Lexington. He would like to send it to the Town Manager and will then ask the Select Board if anyone wants to be on the committee. Whereas signs welcoming motorists to Lexington now exist on only some of the many entrances to Lexington, Whereas the `Welcome to Lexington' signs that do currently exist are of various kinds and shapes, with sometimes altered wordings, and Whereas the signs that do currently exist are of questionable and varied aesthetic quality, The Lexington Historical Commission respectfully requests Lexington's Town Manager to appoint an ad hoc committee of citizens to investigate the state of welcoming signs and recommend a new signage regime for entrances to Lexington. The committee to report to the Town Manager, with recommendations and, if necessary, to Town Meeting. The Historical Commission further suggests that the committee be composed of seven members, 1 from the Historical Commission, 1 from the Tourism Committee, 1 from the Select Board, and 1 from the Design Advisory Committee, three citizens with historical preservation, design and other aesthetic experience. Motion made by Mr. Rotberg to submit the sign draft to the Town Manager. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. 6-0 in favor: Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Bennett AGENDA ITEM#7 (8:23PM) Preservation of historic signage trails through Lexington There are three historic walking trails with signage in Lexington. Ms. Bennett worked on a proposal a few years ago to refresh the signage with CPA funds. Ms. Fenollosa said the request was withdrawn. The Historical Society worked on this as a project in 1975 with the Lexington Bicentennial Commission. Ms. Bennett will reach out to the Historical Society and let them know our interest in the project and invite them to make a presentation to the Commission. AGENDA ITEM#8 (8:33PM) Discussion on antique fireboxes in Lexington During the street refurbishment project in East Lexington,three or four rusting fire boxes were restored. Other period fire boxes in town are broken and rusting. Mr. Kelland proposed that these should also be restored. The Commission agreed these deserve preservation. Mr. Kelland will talk with Mr. Pinsonnault about what can be done. Mr. Kelland will also ask about the historic signage erected during the Massachusetts Tercentenary. AGENDA ITEM#9 (8:44PM) Updates -Hobbs Brook Development Mr. Rotberg was curious if anyone knew the address of this property. There was a home here that might be historic that is now going to be demolished. Ms. Fenollosa thinks the address is 99 Hayden Avenue and could not find it on any inventory form or any documentation and does not think it is in our jurisdiction. -Battle Road Highway Project Mr. Kalsow said there are new drawings that the DOT has prepared. An ad hoc committee is reviewing them. Richard Canale is the lead Lexington representative. Next week there will be a public committee meeting and the committee will make a list of specific issues that should be pursued before the project goes forward. After this the Commission should submit a letter with our comments. -Preservation Restriction There are currently three properties undergoing the Special Permit Residential Development process (75 Outlook Drive, 12 Summit Road and 69 Pleasant Street). Ms. Fenollosa received an email from the Planning Board asking about 75 Outlook Drive and if the Commission believes this property deserves a preservation restriction. The Commission believes all three homes should have a preservation restriction. Mr. Kalsow feels we should be an equal partner in the process of what goes into the preservation restriction, including the site plan as well as the building. Ms. Fenollosa agreed the Commission should be more involved in the process. Ms. Bennett will reach out to Mr. Hornig from the Planning Board to clarify and get a better understanding of the process. -Open Space Residential Development Zoning Change The Planning Board brought this to the last Town Meeting and it failed to pass. The Board is bringing it back to spring Town Meeting. Mr. Kalsow suggested we discuss this at our February meeting. This change would provide developers the opportunity to increase site coverage and provide historic preservation incentives. There is a public hearing February 2nd with the Planning Board regarding this proposal and Commission members are urged to listen in. -Old House Study The reports are up on the website. Ms. Bennett has received great feedback from the homeowners. On February 1 Ph the dendrochronologist William Flynt will be coming to Lexington to visit the six homes that were recommended for dendrochronology. The Town Manager made funds available to cover his visit, which we appreciate. Ms. Bennett will go with Mr. Flynt to the six houses. We will then submit the report to MHC in the hope they will fund the dendrochronology. -Police Station Notice We received a letter from MHC asking for information about the proposed new Police Station and asking for the Historical Commission's comments. The Commission needs to find out where plans stand right now so we can comment on them, especially when as they involve the Hosmer House. Ms. Bennett will reach out to Mike Cronin from Facilities to get an update on plans. AGENDA ITEM#10 (9:26PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated December 15th 2021 - Motion made by Ms. Fenollosa to approve minutes dated December 15th 2021. Seconded by Mr. Rotberg 6-0 in favor of approving minutes: Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Bennett, Ms. Pursley and Mr. Kalsow AGENDA ITEM#11 (9:28PM) Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Fenollosa. Seconded by Ms. Pursley 6-0 favor to adjourn Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Rotberg and Mr. Kelland Adjourn.