HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-17-AC-MIN.pdf F APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: February 17 , 1973 —� TIME: 9: 00 A.M. PLACE: Town Office Building, Room 111 PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Arthur T. Bernier, J. H. Blaisdell, Levi Burnell, Howard L. Levingston, H. Bigelow Moore, Richard T. Perry, Comptroller, Donald B. White Board of Selectmen: A. Kenney, F. Bailey, N. Riffin, A. Busa, S. Brown, Town Manager O'Connell I . DISCUSSION Chairman Furash stated that the differences the Committee had were : a. $20,000 change in insurance. b. increases in personal services budget. Selectman Kenney responded to the two requested Administrators as follows; a. The picture has changed drastically in regards to structure . b. The times have changed. We had a Town with an Executive Secretary, so we went into a Town Manager form of government. To give an individual the power to effectively run the Town, we created a new level of administrative work: a Town Manager, Selectman Kenney stated. Chairman Furash stated that he concurred with the fact that there had been a change in the work load since the job of Town Manager had first begun. We do not want to create a new layer of people - a situation that we will not be able to control - a group of "supercrates" the Chairman said. Our Committee feels that in certain instances the present people in Town Government could be utilized - in other words — their job could be expanded. We fully recognize that due to the work load and increased complexity of Town Government, the need for additional help is imperative . We are not talking about confidence or the lack of it, we are merely stating that we do not want to create a situati- on that could become uncontrollable . Selectman Kenney stated that when the Town Manager Act was passed, it was agreed by all that there would be the need for more help and now with the increased union duties and negotiations this request becomes necessary. 4,9 7 In summing this situation up, the Chairman feels the Committee can recommend only one additional staff member to the Town Manager. POLICE Selectman Kenney feels that due to the great increase in armed robberies and investigations, which we did not have in the 60's the request here for additional men is very necessary. Chairman Furash stated that before we could recommend more than one man to the force, we would have to have more detailed information as to exactly where and how these men would be utilized. We would recommend, however, the addition of one man in 1973 and the second one added in 1974. t.7 Selectman Kenney stated that to better insure the Appropriation Committee of the detailed presentations necessary to make proper recommendations, he is going to schedule a series of informational meetings. DPW 2 men - dump 2 men - sewer RECYCLING The whole matter of recycling still needs much more research and further discussion. The prime target should be prolonging the longevity of the dump, the Chairman said. Selectman Kenney feels that there are some merits to recycling. We are very fortunate in being able to maintain the low cost of getting rid of our trash and we would like to keep it that way, the Chairman said. The presentations we have seen so far do not persuade us that recycling would be the best way to do this. RECLASSIFICATION Chairman Furash made the following points : a. we understand that you have a union problem; b. we do not understand the reorganization proposal - it is impossible to digest such a massive program in one setting and at such a late date ; c . we do not want the union to take over, management perogatives ; d. we are not going along with two additional laborers; e. we want additional information on the two men at the dump; f. give us a plan showing what will not get done if two 1 additional men are not added. 040 REVENUE SHARING - Chairman Furash stated that Revenue Sharing should be applied to public safety as this is a non-bonding item. RECREATION $17,000 - new personnel and programs. The Chairman feels that we should have a full time professional and fully trained Director of Recreation -- Selectman Kenney feels that we could not do any better than we are at present. This matter is to be discussed in more detail at a future time . Meeting with the Selectmen adjourned at 11100 A.M. The Chairman stated the following: 1. the request for a personnel board is a musts a letter re this will be sent to the Selectmen. 2. 1 man for Town Manager 3. 1 man for Police 4. 2 men for DPW - do not approve. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to cut $10,000 out of the recreation budget. (1 vote No. ) ARTICLES Article 5s not favorable Article 6: favorable action Article 7 : recommended that these be raised on the Tax levy; amounts to be supplied by Comptroller. Article 8s recommended $200,000 Article 9: favorable action - State audit Article 10: no recommendation Article 11: no recommendation Article 12: recommended unfavorable action Article 13: recommended favorable action Article 14: recommended unfavorable action - no funds requested Article 15: recommended $4,000 from Westview Sale of Lots Articles 16, 17 , 18: Numbers verified Article 19: more detail Articles 20, 21, 22, 23: Numbers verified Article 24: more detail Articles 31, 32: Exact numbers Articles 33, 34, 35, 36: more detail Articles 39, 40, 41, 42, 52, 54s more detail - a 499 It was the suggestion of the Chairman that the Committee remain ,---- - "tough" on the following: Article 24 26 27 28 " 29 - why an Article? " 33 ', 36 37 " 39 i, 40 rt 41 45 - do not justify as a Tot Lot Program 46 - no money 47 - could be postponed Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20, 1973 at 7 :30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, >2. ,. ) ,/Oe; Elizabeth M. FlynnAo'b Secretary Appropriation Committee Expense Budget Comments and Questions: Account No. Description Questions and/or Comments 1065 Town Manager Above Guideline. Over 10%. 1090 Professional Services Want details on Personnel Project. Is there enough money here for the Planning Board? 1125 Fire & Police Medical Sharp decrease. Being used up somewhere else . Will they be back later for some emergency? 1135 Out-of-State Travel Are they still planning annua l attendance or have they split this up into alternate years? No out-of- state travel necessary. y. 1140 & 1141 Training & Travel Personnel Course. All look \\_ too high relative to a 12 mo. vs 18 mo. basis. Paramedic Training Program? 1142 Instate Travel Same as above. Ratio to 18 mo. year looks high, especially with the energy crisis. No need to travel. Why increase in Instate travel cost for Building Inspector? 1200 Town Clerk Why up 20%? 1250Vital Statistics Why up 20%? 1550 Board of Appeals How does this compare with actual expenditures? 1700 Group Insurance Current status report on negotiations. 1750 Municipal Property & What part of this is rate Workmen's Comp. increase? What part coverage *.' extension? • 1760 Town Report Still $6800? 1775 Law Fees Current Status. 1 - 1800 Law Expenses Current Status. 1 -2- 1900 Elections-Selectmen Gee: Cost of Transporting voting machines looks excessive . What are "other contractural services?" 1950 Elections-Town Clerk Voting machines number? detail, purchaser 2400 Town Celebrations Why regular Appropriation Committee for 1975 when Bicentennial Committee active? 2450 Historic Districts How compared with actual Committee expenditures? 2480 Recreation Up 20% - needs reduction. 2700 Tax Collector Amount of expenses transferred to accessors budget? 2850 Comptroller Up 8%. 2925 Office Machines/ Still $6350? Calculators Capital outlay and office machines too high. 2935 Office Services Current status? Copier-Duplicator 2940 Metered Mail Current status? 3300 Health Dept. Expected hospital rate? 3550 Dog Officer Cost of answering service vs telephone machine? 3880 Police Unquestionably high police services. Item 294 - clothing & Uniforms too high if no new personnel. Item 315 - Telephone - High increase - $1,000 up. Item 525 - Automotive Item 530 - Communications equipment more explanation needed. Item 599 - Equipment - did we replace this last year? -3- 4150 3-4150 Fire Budget up over guide- lines. i.e. , Items 220, 221, 225, 2617 274, 320, 371, 373. Item 377 - aren't we doing our own repairs with the Cherry Picker anymore? Item 550 4350 Disaster Services Creeping up again? 5000 DPW Way up above guideline. Advertising? Books and Periodicals? 5150 Engineering Dues and membership. 5250 Town Office Bldg 20% increase here. Too Carey Hall, etc. high. Items 266, 315-02, 372-01, questions on. Item 373-09 - Air Conditioner? Item 373-11 - more electric doors? Item 373-15 - status on Carey Hall? Item 515 - Furniture & Fixtures - Explain? Item 373-18 - Ventilating Hood - provide explanation please . Item 373-20 - Storm Windows. Thought this was an emergency and already done? 5400 Highway Maintenance Item 251-01 - Seal Coating. Up 10%. Why consistent increases across all classes? Item 375-01-02 - Masonry supplies. Detail please. Item 375-03-04 - Sidewalk construction. Will this be done in 1974? Has this been a separate Article in the past? Comparative figures for last T few years. Note : Is it economic to spread ' seed and loam over so many budgets? -4- 5450 Road Machinery Questions on Items 262, 263, 266, 299. 5500 Snow Removal How related to new equipment requests? Actual 1973-74 expenditures? 5550 Traffic Regulations Up 50%. Traffic counters. Street Signs General level of spending. 5600 Street Lights Turn them outs 5700 Sewer Maintenance Budget is up 10% over guide- lines. 5800 Garbage Collection Status of contract. 5850 Sanitary Landfill Item 247 - Fill? Item 281 - Trees? Item 410 - Rentals and Storage Actual experience. 5900 Water Maintenance What is basis of 15$ increase. Too much. Item 264 - small tools. What control on small items? Power tools? Item 299 - supplies etc. , detail on. 6000 Park Division 15% increase . Too much. Items 250, 264, 266-01, 266-02, 281, 283-02, 290-01 all questionable. Item 599 - why our own green- house? 6100 Shade Tree Division 15% increase . 6150 Dutch Elm Division Budget up more than double. Items 264, 266 questions on. 6400 Cemetery 20% increase. Questions on Items 250, 299. 7150 Veterans Benefits Up 120. 7550 Library Items 210, 230, 310, 320, 315, 373 -- will building be ready?