HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-18-AC-MIN.pdf 472 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: Monday, December 18 , 1972 PLACE: Town Office Building, Room 111 TIME: 700 P.M. PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, J. Blaisdell, Levi G. Burnell, Howard L. Levingston, H. Bigelow Moore, Richard M. Perry, Comptroller, Donald B. White OBSERVER: Mrs. Carol Caro, League of Women Voters I . MEETING WITH CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE Messrs. Robert Kingston, Chairman, George Silverman and Lee Whitman met to discuss various items in the proposed Capital Expenditures budget. The "sewer program" and how it has fallen behind was discussed briefly. Vice Chairman Mitchell suggested that the study should be updated and that the drains should be included in this study. GRS Funds and how they may be applied were discussed in a brief manner. II . MEETING WITH BI-CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Messrs. Kingston Howard, Chairman, Richard Michelson, Warren Butters, Frederick James were present at this preliminary meeting merely to explain the difficulties that the Committee has been confronted with thus far: financial, trying to arrive at an estimated cost; what would be gross expenses for activities; what, if any, assistance for outside funding will be available . Mr. Howard stated that at the present time there is a fourteen member committee with one youth member working on the plans. Every established organization has been invited to meet with. the committee and so far specific commitments have been very few. These commitments, Mr. Howard said, will help to reduce the cost to the town. A 'Program of Events' were presented to the Appropriation Committee with an estimated budget of $100,000. Chairman Furash and members of the Committee felt very strongly that this presentation was both vague and very sketchy. It was suggested that before the Bi-Centennial Committee comes to Town Meeting, they must be very sure as to what the citizens want in relation to a celebration. For example , it was the feeling of the Chairman that the magnitude of people anticipated would warrant the National Guard, and should the President be invited, this would be too many people for the Town to handle. The other questions put before the Bi-Centennial Committee were: whether or not any professionals had been called upon, had the rights for production been investigated, should the celebration be handled on an amateur or professional basis, should this be a town event or a national event and what work had been done to solicit outside funds. Summing this meeting up, it was stated that a clear agreement must be made as to how far the Town is willing to go and that the Committee should better prepare themselves with much stronger objectives before they next meet with the Appropriation Committee . MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN Present were : A. Kenney, Chairman, F. Bailey, A. Busa, E. McCurdy, S . Brown, W. O'Connell, Town Manager -y✓' This meeting was held to briefly discuss the Reserve Fund Transfer of $8 ,500 for professional services (plans and specifications) needed to restore the Buckman Tavern. Chairman Furash stated that his Committee saw no problem as they felt it an extraordinary and unforseen expense and that it is essential to maintain and preserve historic sites. This was agreeable with all present so a move was made by Mr. Kenney to make the transfer. A request was made from the Appropriation Committee by the Chairman to the Selectmen to include an item in the warrant as to the possibility of changing the dates between the Town Meeting and the elections. Meeting with the Selectmen was adjourned at 10 P.M. IV. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the "Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District" was sent to the Committee along with a copy of the final budget for the 18 month period from January 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974 -- $2,488,955. Lexington's share of said budget is $244,694. V. RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS Acct. #1142 $ 250.00 In-State Travel Acct. #1550 $ 50.00 Board of Appeals Increased Activity- Expense Adv. Acct. #1090 $1,500.00 Professional Serv-This is to cover ices Mr. Charles Downe for the Planning Board. Acct. #1125 $1,000.00 Fire & Police Medical Exams Medical Half Dept. Acct. #5700 $2,000.00 Sewer Main. 4 7 4 RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS (Continued) Acct. #1090 $8,500.00 Professional To cover plans and Services specifications for restoration of the Buckman Tavern. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to transfer the above amounts requested. OPENING BALANCE: $50.993.31 CLOSING BALANCE: $37,693.31 Upon motion duly made and seconded EXECUTIVE SESSION was voted at 10:25 P.M. Meeting was recessed at 10:40 P.M. DATE: Resumption of recessed meeting of December 18, 1972 TIME: 8:45 A.M. PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Arthur T. Bernier, Legi G. Burnell, Howard L. Levingston, H. Bigelow Moore, Richard M. Perry, Comptroller, Donald B. White A. Kenney, Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Walter O'Connell, Town Manager, John McSweeney, Director of Public Works I . RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS Acct. #5700 $ 1,500.00 Sewer Maint. Acct. #5450 $12,000.00 Road Machinery Acct. #5850 $ 9,400.00 Sanitary Landfill Acct. #3800 $ 990.00 Police Expense Up-date Police Rules & Regulations (5 For - 2 Against) Acct. #4150 $ 405.55 Fire Expense McCann Associates to cover cost of Fireman's exam. Acct. #5500 $13,397.76 Snow Removal 75 Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to transfer the above amounts requested. OPENING BALANCE: $37,693.31 CLOSING BALANCE: -- II . MATTERS DISCUSSED a. Chairman Furash would like a report on all road machinery on or about February 1, 1973. �..� This report should include : rundown of all equipment; age and condition, what will be spent for any new equipment? a description of U program for monitoring equipment, driver programs, etc. Mr. McSweeney was in agreement with this request. b. Town Manager O'Connell would like some time set aside early in January with Appropriation Committee to discuss in detail how the size of Reserve Fund is arrived at. This was agreed upon and a date will be set up. c. The Sanitary Landfill will require further discussion. The Chairman feels that our Landfill is one of the better ones in the Commonwealth and this was unanimously agreed upon by the Committee. Town Manager O'Connell was advised that a member of the Appropriation Committee would be appointed to study this program in depth. It is most important to find out what it will cost to run in the future and this area should be explored in detail before the Town Meeting so that it will be clear that a firm position is being taken. d. The Town Manager requested a future meeting with the Committee to discuss budget planning and the Committee 's attitude for '73 in regard to the Reserve Fund. Meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 2, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ', LA: 4- -; El za$eth M. Flynn/mo'b Secretary