HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-15-AC-MIN.pdf 40 9 The Appropriation Committee held e meeting at 7:30 P.M., on Mon- day, November 15, 1971, in Room 111, Town Office Building, Lexing- ton. Present were Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Arthur T . Bernier, John H. Blaisdell, Levi G. Burnell, Howard L. Levingston, Donald B. White and Richard M. Perry, Comptroller. RESERVE FUND BALANCE, as of this date, $100,897.00 Joining the meeting were Mr. Barnes and Dr. Monderer, of the School Department, Mrs. Olsen, observer for the League of Women Voters and R. C . Scott, a citizen interested in Learning Disability Program reimbursements. - �'�.. The Chairman advised members of the following meetings: 1. November 22 - Comm. to adjourn to meet with the School Comm. re: expense budget 2. November 29 - Comm. to meet with Library Trustees 3. December 1 - TMMA Land Use meeting L1.. December 8 - Bicentennial meeting for citizens 5. December 9 - Citizens for Middlesex County The Chairman read a Memo from Dr. Fobert, Superintendent of Schools, with respect to the 1972-1973 Personal Service budget teacher and staff needs, an attempt to maintain present ratios and possible program changes were discussed. Member Bernier was assigned to serve on the Selectmen, s Committee that is studying the Town' s role in the Mystic Valley Mental Health program. The Chairman, also; read to the Committee a letter from Stuart De- Bard, Exec . Secretary of the Massachusetts Association of Town Finance Committees . The letter was an invitation to co-sponsor the filing of a bill which would empower a Town Meeting to limit in- creases in a school budget over the previous year, but only by a four-fifths vote . The letter, also, requested a poll of members to see if they would accept a $5. dues increase to provide the cost of representing the Association at hearings on this and on some of the other municipal finance billy to counter, in a slight degree, the leverage of employee organizations . Our Committee will VOTE on the above at the meeting on November 22. Mr . R. C . Scott was recognized by the Chairman and he presented an in depth report of his research •and studies into possible reimburse- ments to the Town for Special Education programs . He roughly pro- jected that approximately $308,000. more than the currently re- ceived $179,000., could be reimbursed to the Town if all available program monies were taken advantage of and utilized. The Chairman thanked Mr. Scott and stated that the School Department will be encouraged to explore all avenues of reimbursement for Minutes of meeting held on November 15, 1971 - page 2 Learning Dispbility programs. Dr. Monderer stated that the School Department was looking into the possibilities . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED, that the Ap- propriation Annual Statement for 1972 be forwarded to all Boards, Committees, Commissions and Departments . The next meeting night is scheduled for November 22, 1971. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth M. Flynn r"' Secretary The Appropriation Committee held a meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Mon- day, November 22, 1971, in Room 111, Town Office Building, Lexing- ton. Present were Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Arthur T. Bernier, John H. Blaisdell, Levi G. Burnell, Howard L. Levingston, Donald B. Nhite and Richard M. Perry, Comptroller. Discussion was held with respect to the letter received from the Massachusetts Association of Town Finance Committees requesting a vote on their proposals . Upon motions duly madeand seconded, the following VOTES were recorded and forwarded to the Association: 1. A majority favors this Association co-sponsoring a bill to permit Town Meeting, by a four-fifths vote, to limit increases over a School Committee budget of the previous year and by initiative petition, if necessary. MAJORITY VOTED IN THE AFFIRMATIVE 2. A majority opposes this action VOTE NOT NECESSARY 3 . A majority favors a $5. increase in dues for representa- tion at the Legislature on the aboveand a few other