HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-18-AC-MIN.pdf The Appropriations Committee held a meeting at 7:30 P.M., on Wednesday, February 18, 1970, in the office of the Comptroller, Town Office Buil- ding, Lexington. Present were Robert M. Gary, Chairman, Edward E. Fur- ash, Vice Chairman, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Richard M. Perry, Comptroller, J. H. Blaisdell, Jack L. Mitchell, Donald B. White and Louis A. Zehner. Acct. #7500 - Library P.S.- it was decided that the requested Library Techic. an could be postponed for one year and that $1600. for overtime should be sufficient . This would cover a part time employee . Acct. #7550 - Library Exp. - upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED that an over-all budget of $70,000. plus $3,497.28 due from the T"..1 dog licenses would be recommended for appropriation. Meeting was held at 8:00 P.M., in Executive Session with the Conserva- tion Commission. Present were Stanley A. Brown, Chairman and Angela V Frick. Status of Conservation Articles, as discussed, is as follows: Article #77 - $3,000.-Busa land- the owners still want to farm the land, and if an easement is negotiated it will be at the last minute-this Article does not have high priority. Article #78 - $16,000.-Stoico land - owner is determining extent of damage if the easement is taken. Article #79 - $20,000.-Juniper Hill (Hamilton) The land is assessed at $4,000. and the owner is waiting to see if Town Meeting accepts the land for conservation and the price will probably then go up. Article #80 - $114,000.-Kendall Rd. The owner A. Tropeano estimates that this will be the sum requested for damages if an easement is taken. Article #81 - S20,000.-Ricci land-Clematis Brook-Waltham Street. Still negotiating. May go to eminent domain. Article 9: - Drummer Boy land. This is the highest priority of both onservation and the Planning Board. $30,000. is probably a low figure. 8100,000. for the parcel of 40 to 50 acres is probably more realistic . Conservation would like to purchase. The Planning Brd. would like an easement above the Edison Company easement. This is most important within an area of 35 to 40 acres should the land be developed. Proposals to purchase or go to eminent domain are under way. Conservation will try to get an appraisal by the Saturday meeting. An opinion will be accepted. Article #95 - $3,000.-Grove St, The Town C ousel feels that the title is too cloudy. A. Zelski feels eminent domain should be used, but, Town Counsel feels that the Town would be liable to damages. Article #96 - 416,000.-Heritage Motel site . Are inclined to leave this alone because of the Hatch Act. Motel will be built if it complies with the provisions of the Hatch Act. Article #97 - $90,000.-West of Maple St. The Planning Brd. Would drop this at this time. An appraisal is needed to fix a price for eminent domain. Member Blaisdell suggested that all land Articles should have an ap- praisal that was fairly reasonable before such Articles were submitted for vote at the Town Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Meeting held on February 18, 1970 - page 2 Discussion was again held on Article #7500, and it was agreed that x xxmaxaxklsxxtlmxaka 818;23$xxxxxxxasaaxatiax $968. would represent a 74 increase for the two custodians and their overtime. $1,600. would allow for an adult part time techician to cover peak time . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to approve the budget at $210,635. Meeting was held at 9:30 P.M. with Chairman Thomas. Taylor of the Permanent Building Committee. Discussion was held in Executive Session on the following: Articles #34 and #35 - The PBC has no fixed cost estimate . They will have a brochure prior to Town Meeting and are estimating between 42 and 5 million. The architect is working on specifications and cost estimates . Tkaymmummtxxxkimgxharxtbutixmaxxxxfmaxmanskimmtimmultiixtkaxlitailx 43166,000. to be raised on the tax levy in Article #35 is to complete final plans only. Article #35 requests the amount required for Final Plans and specs. for obtaining bids and letting the contract for the new Jr. High. If Article #34 fails and Article #35 is passed, another Town Meeting would be necessary to appropriate construction funds. Should another referendum occur, the entire expenditure for final plans would be lost . Chairman Gary asked how PBC would be able to handle the Library addition. Chairman Taylor felt that they could handle this year, but he will let Appropriations know by Saturday if they feel that the addition is actually necessary this year. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Meeting was held at 10:05 P.M. with Superintendent of Schools Fobert and Chairman of the School Committee Clarke . They explained the need for their requested increase in teaching staff and that their increase in budget over 1969 of $950,000. is a final slid figure . An over-all budget of $8,380,300. will be the operating budget, including the addition in staff and increases in the salary guide. Dr. Fobert stated that Lexington had been chosen with 29 other school systems in the State under project MACE to be reviewed by an economist as to the most efficient way of spending school appropriations . Respectfully su)1tted, Elizabeth M. Flynn, S . The Appropriations Committee held meetings on Saturday, February 21, 1970 and on Monday, February 23, 1970. Present were Chairman Gary, E . Furash, J. Mitchell, J. Blaisdell, R. Perry, D. White and L. Zehner. Discussion was held on February 21 with respect to a letter from E. Clarke, Pres . of the Library Trustees re Library P.S. cut. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to approve a $968. addition for the custodians but not to approve $1,600. for a part time Library Tech. The budget as approved is $210,635. The Police P.S. budget was adjusted to *599,735. Article recommendations were approved for the Com. report. At the meeting held on February 23, the written text portion of the report was completed. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Perry, Comptroller