HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-02-AC-MIN.pdf 2 0, 7 The Appropriations Committee held a meeting at 7:30 P.M., on Monday, February 2, 1970, in the Comptroller's Office, Town Office Building, Lexington. Members present were Edward E. Furash, Vice Chairman, who chaired the meeting, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Richard M. Perry, Comptroller, J. H. Blaisdell, Jack L. Mitchell, H. Bigelow Moore and Donald B. White . Meeting was held at 8:00 P.M. with Robert C . Hilton, Director of Cary Library and Elizabeth Clarke, Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees . Discussion was held on Personal Services and Expense budgets and pro- posed Articles to be submitted to Town Meeting by the Library. Acct. #7500 - Library P.S. The rationale for an estimated overall increase of LeIN, 9% in the proposed wage structure is to help in ging experienced personnel. At present, the starting pay for professionals and the pay for U clerical help is hindering hiring and also contri- buting to the loss of personnel to better paying jobs . They propose to raise the Librarian 9.2% and all others 91. Appropriations pointed out that with 2I22.221.222, most are up to a 12% increase. With respect to custodians, it was stated that wages are in line with the Town. A question with reference to an excessive amount of over-time for one custodian, was answered that the man is invaluable in repair and maintenance of library equipment and that he does work the amount of over-time requested. Acct. #7550 - Library - Expense $79,745 requested The budget was cut $5000. last year and the loss was reflected in the purchase of new books. This year the cost of books is up about 9% and the cost of periodicals has soared. New equipment requested is essential they stated. A new roof will be delayed with the prospect of an addition to the Library. ARTICLES - Library $4825 for painting the trim and installing carpeting for the East Lex. Branch Library ARTICLES - Library 11 00`0. will be requested for preliminary plans and. specifications for an addition to the Library. Appropriations thought that this figure was high. A meeting will be held later to discuss this. Both Mr. Hilton and Mrs. Clarke stated that the recataloguin that was terminated in 1965, for financial reasons, will be completed definitely in 1970. State Aid could provide the financial assistance . The meeting with the Library representatives was ended at 9:45 P.M. Meeting was held at 10:00 P.M. with members of the Conservation Comm. Present were S . Brown, Chairman, W. Smith, A. Frick, F. H. Totman, Jr., Jules Sussman, Advisor and Paul Mazarell, Supt. of the Park Dept. The following Articles for Town Meeting were discussed: (_ Minutes of meeting held on February 2, 1970 - page 2 SIMONDS AND NO. LEXINGTON BROOKS WATERSHED (Drummer Boy land) They have an option to purchase 2 acres for $1,000. 50 acres is in the parcel. To take by eminent domain or purchase would be approximately X100,000. This Article has the Conservation Commission' s priority. MUNROE, FESSENDEN AND MILL BROOKS WATERSHED 250 acres is in the parcel. They would like @ 45 acres. For easements they estimate @$32,000. - to purchase @ $90,000. VINE BROOK WATERSHED 13 acres in the parcel - in negotiation - $26,000. is the price HARDYY'S POND AND HOBBS BROOK WATERSHED ( Juniper Hill) - in negotiation - @520,000. CLEMATIS BROOK (Ricci Farm) are seeking an easement near the brook - if land is rezoned for apartments at TM project will probably be out Conservation Articles are requesting approximately $200,000. The meeting with Conservations ended at 10:25 P.M. At this time Selectmen Chairman Cataldo and Town Manager O'Connell joined the meeting. The following budgets were discussed: Acct. #7350 - Cemetery - P.S . Requested laborer denied Acct. #7400 - Cemetery - Exp. Selectm. say requested $7,785. for supplies and equip. is necessary Acct. #3750 - Police - P.S. APPROVED Acct. #3800 - Police - Exp. Selectmen remain with $73,400. over-all budget - Approps. open Acct. #4100 - Fire - P.S. APPROVED Peet. #4150 - Fire - Exp. Selectmen approve $47,400. Approps, open Member White suggested that possibly Appropriations could attempt to get Town Meeting to return the proposed School Budget for study and reduction. The next meeting night is scheduled at 7:30 P.M., on Thursday, Feb- ruary 5, 1970, in the Comptroller's office to take final action on Article #4. The following meeting night will be held at 7:30 P.M., on Monday, Feb- ruary 9, 1970, in the Comptroller's Office . Meetings will be held at 8:00 P.M. with Dr. Cosgrove of the Health Department and at 8:30 P.M. with the Capital Expenditures Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted Elisabeth M. Flynn, Secretary