HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-03-AC-MIN.pdf r 2 3 U Meeting of the Appropriation Committee, Monday, Feb. 3, 1969, 7:45 p.m. Present: R. Gary, Chairman; J. Blaisdell, L. Burnell; E. Furash; R. Perry, Comptroller; D. White; R. Souza School Budget discussed preparatory to meeting with School Committee Tax Rate - Estimate by Dick Perry Assuming:Selectmen's figures on their own Articles First interest payment on J.H.S. due before July 1 Reserve fund paid from Overlay, not from tax rate No money from Local Aid fund; other Cherry Sheet amounts as usual On this very conservative basis, tax rate would be $61.90, a 14.5k r-1 increase over this year's $53.80. It would be $1.50 less, or $60.40 if we assume 50% of the usual Local Aid fund is available (all other assumptions as above) . Budgets discussed and approved: #5700 $29,225 #5750 8,500 #5800 67,167 #5850 45,400, deleted extension of water main #5900 53,800 #5950 10,500 #6000 30,975 appribving 2 courts resurfaced instead of 4 #6050 2,500 #6200 2,050 Equipment Rental questioned in the case of budgets #6100 and 6150 where it appears that rental of aerial lift by Shade tree Dept. will cost well over $5,000 for the year. Initial cost of the lift was about $15,000. Committee would like to inquire in this and all other equipment rental cases whether the rental fees we charge ourselves shouldn't lemxxxxxxxxxx correspond more closely to the depreciation change for the equipment. This lift, for example, is expected to last ten years. Police Expense for 5% shift differential requested discussed with Selectmen and Chief Corr. The chief felt it was not practical to rotate shifts on a 30 or 60 day basis. He now makes Ala changes once a year Night work is more dangerous, he says, and different skills are required for day than for night work. For example, the day switchboard operator has a much busier and more complicated task. Of the 21 men on night duty, 7 have requested day duty. Cost of giving 5% more for night duty would be about $9200 for first year. Civil Defense Don White reported that there is no chairman of the Advisory Committee. He met Mr. Burrell to discuss his budgets. This is a "status quo" budget. Mr. Burrell does not believe the Fire Dept. can handle Civil Defense because CD is basically a coordinating job, coordinating fire, police, health, public works. Reimbursements listed in his explanation sheets have not been received. #4300 approved by committee for $6500 #4360 for $400 School Committee came to discuss their operating budget. They said that the model provided by Appropriation Committee had helped them in formulating budgets and in discussions with the Administration. Personal Services increased by $858,000; of this only $143,900 was a discretfonary increase; $715,000 is the costa of personal services if no changes are made. Expenses increased by $142,500, of which $91,000 is for bus contract. Increase, exclusive of busing, is $51,500. Increase in pupils anticipated is 258. 96 are due to closing of Lexington Academy. Added staff 18.5 new people, including 1/2 in administration to answer telephone in Science building. There will be 14 more classroom teachers because of increased enrolment in High School. Pupil:teacher remains the same 15.8:1 (cf. 15.7:1 in 1968) Cost per pupil will increase about $75 per pupil, from $827 to $904. Administrators' salaries requested by Appropriation Committee. P.L. 874 funds and other funds to be available to Town amount to $239,310. Next Meeting Thursday, Feb. 6, 7:45p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ruth F. Souza, secretary