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Meeting of the Appropriation Committee, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1968, 7:30 p.m
Present: , D. Grant, Chairman; J. Blaisdell; R. Blomfield; L. Burnell;
E. Furash; R. Gary; R. Perry, Comptroller; D. White; L. Zehner;
R. Souza.
Reserve Fund Transfers made since last formal meeting of the Committee.
Committee was polled by telephone and voted to transfer:
$7,225 to Interest account, for interest on tax anticipation
$1,000 to Clerical Pool
$4,500 to Veterans Aid and Expenses.
Committee on Data Processing
Dick Perry reported that the committee has met twice. Members are:
Dick Perrry, Chairman; Ed Furash, J. Mitchell, John Bevan, Robert Farwell
and Robert Whitman. They met with School Committee. Dick Perry is
sending a letter to all Town Departments and Committees asking how each
one might use data processing. He also asks what records they must keep
and what theirp present method of record-keeping is. He will evaluate
the results of this inquiry and the Committee on Data Processing will
use it as a basis for study.
Reserve Fund Requests Present Balance of Reserve Fund is $4,100.
$1800 requested by PWD Supt. Bursae for transfer to Road Machinery, Capital
Outlay. Bulldozer was burned. Fire Insurance paid for the loss, but
the money goes into estimated receipts and next year's E & D.
Voted to transfer $1800 to Road Machinery, Capital Outlay
$1350 requested by Mary McDonough to be transferred to Elections - Town Clerk.
This is to lease four additional voting machines because of heavy
Voted to transfer $1350 to Acct. #1950, Elections - Town Clerk.
Warrant for Special Town Meeting, Sept. 11, 1968
Art. 2 - North Lexington Sewer - Selectman Cataldo gave the follmwi.ng information:
Bids came in at $248,155 (low bid), wk to which must be added engineering
fees. Total cost of this project will be $277,933. The balance from
1965 and 1967 Appropriations for this sewer is $185,000. Therefore
$92,000 is needed in order to let the contract.
Mr. MacKinnon says that, if the Town votes to authorize the Selectmen to
apply Federal funds which they will receive for this sewer, it will not
have to put up money. Usually a Town appropriates the fulls amount, and
Amyf anyfederal funds receive go to the following Rear's E & D. However,
there is legal authority to apply federal funds as received; the Town
must vote to do so by 2/3 vote of Town Meeting and the Emergency Finance
Board must approve.
The funds previously appropriated are less than needed because the estimate
of the cost of increasing the size of the force main from 20" to 24" to
accomodate Bedford's use was low and because the cost of sewer construction
has increased by possibly 25% during the two year's delay.
Mr. Cataldo estimated that the increased cost to Lexington would be about
$15,000 to $20,000. Bedford will pay 1/3, State and Federal funds have
been granted based on the original estimate, and additional state and federal
funds will be requested on the basis of the actual cost.
Voted to recommend favorable action
Art. 3 - Veterans' Benefits -
Art. 3 - Veterans' Benefits
$21,000 had been requested from Reserve Fund for the remainder of
the year. $4500 was transferred to carry the Dept. to Oct. 1.
Bob Gary suggested putting this Article in the warrant in case
the Committee preferred to ask for an appropriation from E & D
fund for part or all of the money needed instead of depleting
the Reserve Fund.
$35,000 appropriated in March Town Meeting
4,500 transferred from Reserve Fund
39,500 total budget
35,293 expended by Aug.31
4,206 balance
Expenditures have been averaging $4200 per month. This balance will
last only until the end of September. Veterans aid recipients have
increased from 22 last year to 29 this year; there is no informa-
tion as to how many of these are due to telephone strike which is
now over. It seems clear that at least $10,000 will be needed.
Voted to recommend. that $10,000 be transferred from E & D
to accoutt P200
Selectmen's Office
Line Cole came to discuss the need for an additional clerk in the
Selectmen's office. Their budget allows them three office employees,-
an executive clerk, assistant clerk and switchboard operator. They
are now using an additional assistant clerk, paid for from the clerical
pool. They have enough money to carry her for this year but would
like a commitment to add 1 permanent employee next year. This would
allow them to keep their present, very satisfactory xxt staff.
Public Works Projects
Ed Furash requested that the Selectmen g t make a list of Public
Works Articles for which funds have been authorized but bids have
not been received so that we might have some idea of which projects
may require additional appropriations. The Committee agreed and
Dick Perry will try to get such a list from the Se&ectmen and Public
Works Dept.
Moody Rating
Dick Perry has provided financial information to Moody in the hope
that a better rating may be given the town anda lower interest rate
obtained for its bonds.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth F. Souza, secretary