HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-03-REC-min (includes attachments)`ONS MORN' o� X775 tic i- �i z a� APRIL 19' �FXINGSO� Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Lisah Rhodes, Vice Chair Christian Boutwell Carl Fantasia Lisa O'Brien Claire Sheth Town of Lexington Recreation Committee RECEIVED 2022 22 Nhlr, 9':02 aim 'roWN CLERK LEXINGTON IVIA Tel: (781) 698-4800 Fax: (781) 861-2747 Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting March 3, 2022 A virtual meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 7:00pm through the Zoom platform. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Lisah Rhodes, Christian Boutwell, Carl Fantasia, Lisa O'Brien, and Claire Sheth Staff Present: Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation, Christine Dean, Community Center Director, and Chris Filadoro, DPW Superintendent of Public Grounds Others Present: Suzie Barry (Select Board liaison), Sara Cuthbertson (541 Bedford Street, Lexington), and Suzanne Lau (18 Phinney Road, Lexington), Annual Town Meeting Preparation The Committee began the meeting by discussing Article 25 — Appropriate for Worthen Road Recreation and Education District Land Use Map Concept Plan (Citizen Petition). Christian Boutwell drafted a memo that explains the Committee's position and sentiments concerning this article. Once finalized, the memo would be sent to the various financial committees and decision makers in town. Members of the Committee expressed their appreciation towards Mr. Boutwell for crafting a well-written statement and undertaking this initiative. Sara Cuthbertson, resident at 541 Bedford Street, attended the meeting on behalf of the School Committee as Kathleen Lenihan and Deepika Sawhney were both unable to attend. Ms. Cuthbertson informed the Committee that the School Committee will next meet on Tuesday, March 8t' and a joint meeting between the Select Board and School Committee is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, March 9" to discuss the recent announcement from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) that Lexington has been invited into its eligibility period, which is the first step in the process towards a new/renovated Lexington High School. Prior to editing the memo, Lisah Rhodes made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to recommend to Town Meeting, through the Select Board, that Article 25 be indefinitely postponed." Claire Sheth seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 6-0 to approve this motion. Suzie Barry, Select Board liaison, recommended that some edits be made to the memo. In the last paragraph, the term rebuilding was included on the second line so it read "the renovation or rebuilding of Lexington High School." The date of the MSBA decision (March 2, 2022) and the Recreation Committee vote (March 3, 2022) along with the official title for Article 25, were added to the last paragraph. The official title was also included at the beginning of the memo. After the revisions had been completed, Rick DeAngelis made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to approve the edited memorandum on Article 25, datedMarch 3, 2022, to be submitted to Suzie Barry, Select Board liaison, and copied to the following: Jim Malloy, Town Manager, Dr, Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Schools, Kathleen Lenihan, School Committee Chair, Glen Parker, Appropriation Committee Chair, Charles Lamb, Capital Expenditures Committee Chair, and Jon Himmel, Permanent Building Committee Chair." Christian Boutwell seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 6-0 to approve this motion. An edited version of the memorandum is attached to the meeting minutes. The Committee then had a conversation about the Recreation capital improvement projects that will be voted on at the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, informed the Committee that there are four articles that are not part of the consent agenda. They are: Article l0e (Center Bathrooms/DPW Maintenance Building renovation), Article 10f (Gallagher/Farias Courts reconstruction), Article 101 (Lincoln Park master plan), and Article 16h (Town Pool water heater replacement). Lisah Rhodes, Vice Chair of the Recreation Committee, recommended that the Committee host its own Town Meeting Members Association (TMMA) information night, which would provide an opportunity for Town Meeting Members to attend and learn more about these projects. For Article 10e, Ms. Battite reported that the consultant has provided 90% design documents and they will be included in the presentation. An updated cost estimate was received and it is anticipated that the cost for the renovation of the restrooms/maintenance building will be in the low $700,000s. Suzie Barry expressed her support for a separate Recreation TMMA night. Lisa O'Brien also thought this would be a good idea, especially how a new Lexington High School could potentially impact the restrooms and courts. Rick DeAngelis, Chair of the Recreation Committee, summarized the three objections/sticking points of the Center Bathrooms projects as not knowing when and where a new LHS will be constructed, needing more certainty with the pricing, and what to do if people will not support the article since addressing the storage concerns is not included in the initial phase. Claire Sheth reminded the Committee that the same arguments were raised around the Center Track reconstruction project and in her opinion, it is less likely that the courts would be more meaningfully impacted as compared to the track. Christian Boutwell emphasized that if delayed, the tennis courts will be taken offline due to safety and playability concerns. While the MSBA process could take as long as five years before construction begins, Mr. DeAngelis questioned if the community would really be willing to have the courts offline for five years since Lexington believes in and supports recreation so strongly. Being a devil's advocate, Lisa O'Brien noted that with the MSBA invitation, the new LHS is now more imminent as compared to when the Center Track was reconstructed. Ms. Rhodes added that with two large public building projects in the new LHS and Police Station, Town Meeting will need to be fiscally responsible, so it will be important to be able to answer questions satisfactorily. The dissenting vote from the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) on the Center Bathrooms project is because the individual thought the funding source should have been the tax levy, not CPA. Mr. DeAngelis stated that the Committee should be prepared to make a choice of only one project, if called upon to do so. Mr. Boutwell reiterated that the Center Bathrooms project would be a renovation and upgrade of the current facility, not construction of a new building, and that being able to adequately educate Town Meeting and reduce any confusion will be critical towards the passage of these articles. The presentations should be data -driven and Ms. Rhodes indicated 39 MARRETT ROAD, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421 that the permitted court hours in FY2021 and the total tennis/pickleball memberships sold in 2021 are included in the Gallagher/Farias presentation. Ms. Battite added that while the department has data on permitted use, it is more difficult to capture drop-in use at the Gallagher and Farias Courts. Regarding the Center Bathrooms, Mr. DeAngelis emphasized that they are absolutely deplorable and are in need of a renovation. He asked if the renovated Center Bathrooms could serve as a design parameter for the new LHS. Ms. Battite reminded the Committee about the memo that was submitted with the 5 -year capital plan, which highlighted the decision-making process. If funding for a facility is not approved, then the Committee will need to discuss how to divest from that facility. In their current conditions, the Gallagher/Farias Courts and the Center Bathrooms are not safe, accessible, and equitable. It would be worth the investment now so the community doesn't lose access in the meantime. If the courts stay open in their current condition then the Committee will need to ask the Town to maintain them. It would not be possible to take fees for play due to the reduced level of service. Ms. O'Brien questioned how to best make this information accessible on Town Meeting Information night. Ms. Rhodes suggested that the committee send any bullet points they have to Melissa to compile, as well as be present at the Town Meeting Info night to answer questions. Mr. DeAngelis suggested that the Committee consider having their own forum. Ms. Barry explained that there are eight Articles the Town Meeting Members have requested more information on: the Battle Green Streetscape, the new Police Station, Article 25, four Planning Articles, and the budget. She suggested that the agenda may already be full and went on to explain that there will be some members that have yet to sit in Baffin Hall for Town Meeting, or who may not closely follow Recreation. She recommended that the Committee offer a time for members to tour the projects, come look at the current state of the restrooms and engage them. Offering a video tour is another option. She stressed the importance of making a case that these projects are a need, not a want. Lisah Rhodes suggested setting another meeting date on March 24 from 7:00 — 9:00pm. Ms. Battite shared the slides with pictures of the Center Recreation Bathrooms that were taken on February 28, 2022 to show the condition of the facility. She noted the Town's goals around equity, access and inclusion and stressed that those goals in of themselves should make this project a priority if it is to remain open to the public. The broken lights, inadequate storage for DPW, and vandalism due to the seasonal use and poor lighting, are all issues to be addressed. Mr DeAngelis suggested that with the new coat of paint the building does not look that bad. The narrative is needed to go along with the pictures to make a strong case for the project. Because the pictures do not tell the whole story, he added, we need to. Ms. Battite reminded the group that the building was closed for three weeks in the spring of 2019 for repairs, costing $6,000 - $7,000 in expenses. Chris Filadoro offered to meet with staff next week to review any notes and details that DPW may have relevant to the condition of the facility. Ms. O'Brien stressed that the members should reach out to everyone they know and ask them to be vocal about this need. In addition, they should contact their Town Meeting Members. Mr. DeAngelis stated that the condition of the restrooms are such that if asked, he would direct folks to walk to a local business instead. Ms. Battite asked Ms. Barry about the current process for individuals or groups to speak in favor of a project. Ms. Barry suggested reaching out to the different users and encourage them to speak to the Town Meeting Members. Mr. Boutwell offered to create a one -pager of bullets point about these projects for the Committee to send out to their constituents. Ms. Battite added that the biggest role of the Committee is to advocate for Recreation needs. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the group review the publicity at the March 16 meeting and then staff can send it out to all the permit holders and user groups. Ms. Barry pointed out that if the advocacy piece was approved at the March 16 meeting and subsequently sent out, it would allow a week to build momentum prior to the start of Town meeting. She added that it is not just sports users that are impacted but it includes other groups such as attendees of the July 4t' fireworks. Others added groups like Babe 39 MARRETT ROAD, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421 Ruth Baseball, the Farmers Market, and LexFun. Ms. Barry suggested posting a sign on the door of the restrooms as another way to help advertise the process. Ms. Battite confirmed that a meeting with public comment will be scheduled for March 24 to provide information on the capital articles. She questioned if this would be for all the Recreation articles or just those specific to Center Recreation. Ms. Barry suggested focusing on those that are not on the consent agenda. Ms. O'Brien reminded the group that it would include Golf, the Lincoln Park Master Plan, the water heater at the Town Pool, hard court resurfacing and the restrooms at Center Recreation. Mr. DeAngelis recommends prioritizing the order in which the articles are discussed. Mr. Boutwell offers the bathrooms, courts, Lincoln, water heater, then golf, in order of complexity and need for education. Staff will be asked to attend to answer questions, including Melissa Battite, Peter Coleman, Chris Filadoro, Dave Pinsonneault, and Mike Cronin. Ms. Barry suggested recording the meeting and posting it on the Town website to be available for those who are unable to attend. The question of an in-person tour was raised. Ms. Battite suggested that the tour be of just the Center Recreation Area, meeting in the Town Pool parking lot. Although a bus tour for Town Meeting Members has taken place in the past, there has been no information about one this year. The Committee agrees upon Sunday, March 20 from 1:00 — 3:00pm for a tour of the restrooms and courts at Center Recreation. Ms. Barry suggested asking LexMedia to record the tour. It was also agreed that tour be publicized directly to the Town Meeting Member list, posted on the Town Website, distributed via the Public Information Officer, and blasted to all user groups. Ms. Battite asked School Committee Member, Sara Cuthbertson, how to invite student athletes, to which she shared she would pass the information along to Dr. Hackett. She also suggested sending it along to the PTO Chairs. Ms. Battite recapped that she will secure March 24th on zoom for a public meeting, create a flyer for distribution, set out A -frames for publicity, and create social media blasts to user groups. She will also ask Mike Cronin to come to the March 16 meeting to provide the most updated project information available at that time. If there is anything ready prior to that date, she will send it out to the group. Lisah Rhodes made a motion to adjourn. Lisa O'Brien seconded the motion. The March 3' 2022 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8: 49pm. The next virtual meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 16' at 7:00pm through the Zoom platform. Respectfully submitted, Christine Dean, Community Center Director Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation The following documents distributed at the meeting are attached: • Recreation Committee Memorandum on Article 25 39 MARRETT ROAD, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421 `OVS MORN' O� 1775 NG APRIL P �FXINGTO�' Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Lisah Rhodes, Vice Chair Lisa O'Brien Christian Boutwell Claire Sheth Carl Fantasia March 3, 2022 Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Tel: (781) 698-4800 Fax: (781) 861-2747 .':!I" .:::.ii o Irk c„irm:t.:.. .II iilr. ;:�::'oirkirm...:.�H To: Suzie Barry, Lexington Select Board Liaison to the Recreation Committee Cc: Jim Malloy, Lexington Town Manager Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Lexington Public Schools Kathleen Lenihan, Chair, Lexington School Committee Glen Parker, Chair, Lexington Appropriation Committee Charles Lamb, Chair, Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee Jon Himmel, Chair, Lexington Permanent Building Committee From: Lexington Recreation Committee Committee Position on 2022 ATM Article 25 Article 25 — Appropriate for Worthen Road Recreation and Education District Land Use Concept Plan (Citizen Petition) is a citizen article on the warrant for the 2022 Annual Town Meeting that seeks an appropriation of $175,000 to fund the creation of a "Worthen Road Recreation and Education District” and the development of a "Land Use Concept Plan" for said district to be conducted under the aegis of the Permanent Building Committee and the Department of Public Facilities. The Recreation Committee has not been afforded the opportunity to discuss Article 25 with the proponents, however, based on review of the available materials we believe that the article is driven by the proponents' laudable interest in a comprehensive review of, and planning for, a possible future high school building project in this area. The Recreation Committee shares the proponents' interest and is deeply committed to supporting a timely and comprehensive evaluation of potential development in this area. Indeed, part of the very charge of the Recreation Committee is to be "...responsible for the planning and administration of public playgrounds and recreational centers in the town...", and the area in question in Article 25 is largely composed of the Center Recreation Complex, the crown jewel of outdoor recreation in Lexington, comprising no less than the Farias Basketball Courts, Mabee Pool, Gallagher Tennis Courts, center track and field, center playground, skate park, Center 2 softball field, Center 1 baseball field, Crumb Football Field, Fitzgerald Little League Field, and last but not least, the Worthen Road practice field, current home of the Lexington Farmer's Market. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 The Town Manager also appears to share the proponents' interest and has already convened the Center Recreation/LHS Working Group to understand and evaluate the complexities of a possible high school building project in the area of concern in Article 25. The working group comprises: Town Manager Jim Malloy, Deputy Town Manager Kelly Axtell, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Julie Hackett, Director of Public Works David Pinsonneault, Director of the Recreation and Community Services Department Melissa Battite, Director of Public Facilities Mike Cronin, Conservation Director Karen Mullins, Town Counsel Mina Makarious, Select Board members Suzie Barry and Doug Lucente, School Committee Chair Kathleen Lenihan and member Deepika Sawhney, and Recreation Committee Chair and Vice -Chair Rick DeAngelis and Lisah Rhodes. The Recreation Committee is delighted by the recent MSBA decision on March 2, 2022, to accept the Lexington Public Schools application for the renovation or rebuilding of Lexington High School! The Committee believes that the already convened Center Recreation/LHS Working Group is best positioned to lead the evaluation of the potential impacts of a high school building project as best fits the process as it moves forward within the guidelines of the MSBA. The Recreation Committee voted unanimously (6-0) on March 3, 2022, to recommend that Article 25 — Appropriate for Worthen Road Recreation and Education District Land Use Concept Plan (Citizen Petition) be indefinitely postponed at 2022 Annual Town Meeting. 2