HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-19-REC-min-att=�� Town m7 "��^^pu�gtmx^ Recreation and Community Programs MciissuBatdto CPKP Ic|: 781-698-4800 Director ofRecreation and Community Programs Fax: 781-861-2747 News & Updates RecreatioN& Community Programs January 2022 Report • AEDfollow upfrom January Meeting — Melissa BaUkehad oconversation with the LFD regarding the request for the installation of AED's at several parks and open spaces that offer outdoor pioklebaU. This has not been a request received through LFD. • The Munroe Center for the Arts has aOPwith aproposed phased approach. The Munroe Park isunder Recreation jurisdiction and this will likely need tnbebrought before the Recreation Committee aspart ofthe approval process • The Select Board unanimously approved the Recreation Committee FY23 fee recommendations atits meeting onJanuary loth. � Save the dates: • FebnJaryInd —ParkQ'Playground|rnprovernenis—Kinneens Community Meeting * February 9th — Hard Court Resurfacing — Center ReCCommunity Mtg w March 1st—Registration opens for summer cannp3/c|inics/proQrarns,aquatics passes, and swim lessons * March 2»u — Hard Court Resurfacing — Center RecCommunity Mtg m March 7 m — Election Day in Lexington * March I5m—Spring program registration begins m • K4arch28y — Annual Town Meeting anticipated tobegin 39MARR[TTROAD, LEXINGTON, MA02421(office) Budget & Capital * FY2020Capba[ o Ath|eticField|nlprovernenLs—The backstop and fencing bythe dugouts atthe Diamond baseball field was replaced in mid-December. o Old Reservoir Bathhouse — Staff continue working with DPF to finalize the design. Once completed, the pre -fabricated bathhouse will beordered. FY202I[apka|: o Athletic Fields Feasibility Study - Staff has met with the consultant twice over the past month. Weston 8'Sampson will present anupdate iothe Recreation Committee at its February meeting and it is anticipated that the final report will becompleted inWinter 2O32. � FY2022Capka|: o Park O'Playground Improvements —Rindge The third and final community meeting for the Rindg8Playground replacement project vvashe|dOn Wednesday, January 12m . The design recommendation will bemade tothe Recreation Committee at the January meeting. * FY2023Capi1a|: o Hard Court — Center RecCenter: GaUagher/FahasCourts Reconstruction —The stakeholders meeting for this project vviUtakep\aceonFriday,Jonuary21u. It is anticipated that there will be 1-2 public meetings in the next few months and an update will be presented to the Recreation Committee at its March meeting prior tothe 2O22Annual Town Meeting. w Spring field permits were due onFriday, January 7m,2O22. The season will run from mid-March until June 19th o The preseason field permit holder meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in mid-February. o Starting in March, requests for summer permits will open. * The Center After Dark program was going well until the recent snowstorm on January 7m. The lights are currently off and will resume once staff determine it safe to do so, weather permitting. ~ Acontractor completed a series of repairs at the Crumb Football Field bleachers on Thursday, January 6m. Additional work will beneeded inthe near future. The bleachers are a school district property and the costs are being reviewed with the School Administration. Theraoeutic Recreation o There are 21 inclusion requests for winter programs. o ATherapeutic Recreation intern will bejoining the department onJanuary 18r» The intern is from Regis College and will be completing her 14 week, formal internship. Pine Meadows Golf Course 0 The repair work 8tthe Clubhouse will gOout iDthe coming weeks and anticipated tOhe complete prior tothe start ofthe 2O22season. The cost estimate iSapproximately $132Kand will bepaid through the Recreation Enterprise Fund. Recreation Division Programming: • The winter basketball clinics began on Saturday, January 8th at Estabnook Fiske, and Harrington. The majority ofdinicaonebeinQ|ed bycoaches from EVOhonps. o At Estabrook, there is Smart Start Basketball (12 participants), which is run by Lexington resident Fred [rinitifor Kindergarten and 11t graders. The combined ��w � � �radeboysan�1 ,_»u �rade�ir|s/3Iporticipants\and3 grade boys (33 participants) clinics are also offered a1Estabrook. o The girls 3rd and 4th grade clinic /32 participants) is offered at Fiske. o The boys /1hgrade clinic (33 participants) isoffered JtHarrington. m For the winter basketball leagues, practices and games resumed the week of January 3rd after abreak during the holidays. o Games scheduled at Clarke for 5/6 1h grade league onSaturday, January l5 thvvere played aiFiske due tothe Clarke school play. � The Friday afternoon & evening Ski/Snowboard programs at Nashoba Valley began on January 14th. There isatotal of170participants inboth ofthese programs, which are ~ The Evening Drop -In Gym program at the LHS Field House opened for the season on Tuesday, January 4th . ° Themajority ofwinierprograrnshovestarted. While there have been some cancellations, enrollment inother programs remains otnormal levels. Operations: Staff are currently inthe planning process for the Summer 2022season! The hours of operation and program offerings at the aquatics facilities and the summer camps & clinics schedule will befinalized inthe coming weeks. Summer registration will open on Tuesday, March Im . Summer staff recruitment is also ongoing. Returning staff had to submit their �� app|icadonhvJanuary 7m. The application deadline for new applicants will beMarch Town of Lexington Recreation and Community Programs K4e|bsaQattite [PRP Director of Recreation and Community Programs Memorandum To: Recreation Committee From: Hayato Tsurumaki, Recreation Supervisor Date: January 6,2O22 Subject: Portable Toilet Program Tel: 781-698-4800 Fax: 781-861-2747 During the December 2019 Recreation Committee meeting, the Committee approved a pilot program for the Recreation and Community Programs Department to lease portable toilets at 6 athletic fields in Town. The program was scheduled to begin spring of 2020 at six locations included Adams Park Clarke Athletic Field, Diamond Athletic Field, Estab/ookAth|etic Field, Bridge Athletic Field and Harrington Athletic Field. This pilot program was delayed due to COVID and was implemented in Fall 2021 at all sites except Bridge, which is scheduled to be added for Spring 2022. At the time of approval, the Committee asked for feedback on the pilot program prior to continuing toanannual service. The organizations with permitted use atthese Slocations were asked to provide staff with post season feedback. Overall, the program has been well received by the organizations who regularly permit the fields in addition to the community use. The complaints from community members and abutters to the parks significantly decreased with regards to lack of access and inappropriate use of the parks caused by lack of access. Tonight's request is to: 1\ The Portable Restroom Program beprovided annually asaservice ofthe Department beginning in2022. This community service will continue tobereviewed onanannual basis. Z\ The locations include the Outdoor Recreation Facilities under the Recreation and Community Programs ownership, which may have organized permitted use throughout the year and orinresponse tocommunity needs. Thank you for your consideration. � i � � a �'. _ �� � s `FTS s - �'� �� �'� ���• "�^ .{ a- - _ _ � -_ �< � "�sa � �.�E «rt'��` �=sem\ft -�-"""�.� K> -. _ �' Lexington Little Leagut January 2022 Discuss feasibility of including sponsorship of local companies at Lexington Baseball and Softball Fields Purpose Approach Reach LJ Financial opportunity Win-win for Little League and Lexington based businesses Local and out-of-town audience at fields during peak spring and III 11111lig III to 8 Banners at each field: ® C2 and C4 or Lincoln 1 & 2 * 4' x 8' Vinyl Clips for attaching to fences First preference is to leave up for duration of the spring and summer seasons; alternative is o only display during scheduled Little League activity Sponsorship opportunity will be limited to Lexington businesses and organizations Reach°: \: � \� ����� � }( �� � e� �� � :` �� �s :��( : \gamesperfield erda 50-60 attende per game 220 people 4 er field per weekend weeks: app. I $ $ views per e \ games $':field per day, 50-60 d-- a-:g«m: 220 people per fild per weekend . local visiting>team 8 weeks: app. 00 views pe season Revenue O�portunity $600 per sign Cost per sign and dips for attaching: app $150 6-8 signs per location; 12-16 total $5l - $7,200 net Use of Funds General: • Defray costs for registrations and allow for more clinics and off-season training rentals for Lexington youth • Scholarship fund for LHS graduates Infrastructure: • Replacing/ Renovating storage units at fields • Field maintenance equipment New and Upgraded Equipment: • Tarps for mounds and home plate area • Pitching Machines • Hitting Nets Long Term Upgrades • Future additional batting cage(s) • Scoreboards at Lincoln fields • Possible lights at Center and Lincoln