HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-03-GCC-min RECEIVED 2022 21 Mair, 132 Il iu s Greenways Corridor Committee Final Minutes I OWN CLERK 3 February 2022 4:30 to 6:00 pm via Zoom Conference LEXINGTON MA Members Present: Mal Crawford, Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Bob Hausslein, Bobak Moshiri, Keith Ohmart (chair), Stephen Perkins, Mike Tabaczynski Members Absent: None Other Attendees: Susan Kenyon Meeting Minutes of Dec 2, 2021 approved unanimously. Reports/Updates Route N route tweak. Keith reported that the signage for the entrance into Willards Woods has been moved from the end of Red Coat Lane to between houses number 5 and 9. Route 13/Manor route update. Keith reported that the Cider Mill Lane homeowner's association has approved locating a post and signage at the right of way. Post to be installed in the spring. Keith has talked with DPW and secured permission to trim the shrubs along the "paper street" between the end of Blake Rd and Williams Rd. Discussion of whether to label the route "O" or "P" ensued. Most favor "P" but agreed to "sleep on it." Keith will order new stickers for letters beyond "O". Peggy suggested keeping in mind the ramp from Essex St down to the bikeway in the future with an eye to connecting that neighborhood. Jefferson Drive trail connector update. The connector is now in place. Keith reported that Mike will handle getting permission from the Burlington Conservation Commission for placing ACROSS signage in the Landlocked Forest. It was also suggested that we pursue getting signage on Jefferson Drive which points to the trail linking up with Wright Farm. Route "4" Discussion. With the connection in place, consideration now shifts to the rest of the route and how to label the connection across 95/128 between this new route and route N. Mike suggested that the best way to skirt Wright Farm in the near term is to cross Grove St at the eastern edge of the farm and follow Grove St west to Carriage Drive. We will also need to do some field assessment of how wet the trail under the power line gets. It will be important to resolve any trail adjustment in the coming months to ensure that it is correctly included in the new brochure. FY23 PIR request update. Keith reported that funding for the next edition of the brochure has been included in the town budget that will come before Town Meeting in March. If approved, funds would be available as of July 1, 2022. There are very few of the prior edition remaining — anyone with stock should return it to Bob's shed. Broad agreement that the printed maps are very valuable and best made available in the map boxes along the routes. Susan Kenyon will convene a subgroup in the next few weeks to coordinate the design/production of the new edition. Keith, Bobak and Eileen will participate, and Alex can help with review. Keith will contact a designer to join the group. Related to the brochure, Keith will arrange a Zoom meeting to include Mike, Susan, Bobak and Kathy Santos (webmaster) to coordinate on the best approach to the QR code on maps and signage that links to the GCC's website. We agreed that having a "you are here" feature is important. Leadership for Spring CLC walks. Keith encouraged committee members to consider leading CLC walks this spring, particularly one along route N. Let Keith know if you are interested. March 26 Bike/Ped Safety Open House tabling opportunity. Keith and Peggy will participate in this event with whatever brochures may be available. Will also see if copies of the map portion can be made. There will be a similar opportunity at Discovery Day in May. Alex suggested we consider outlining a path from the table to the nearest wayfinding map along the bikeway in the center. WalkMassachusetts Network. Keith and Peggy mentioned the existence/formation of a walking network with other towns in the area. Peggy has joined the group to represent GCC. Ongoing Business Bike/Ped Plan funding update. Keith reported that $65K has been included in the FY23 town budget heading to Town Meeting in March. With $15K Sheila Page has in hand, there should be $80k available to hire a consultant to prepare the Bike/Ped plan. Keith and Peggy drafted GCC statement of support that was sent to members prior to the meeting. Suggested upgrades should be sent to Keith and Peggy and a new draft will be reviewed at the next meeting. The Bicycle Advisory Committee is working on one as well and Sustainable Lexington may also weigh in. These statements are intended to inform any discussion that might arise at Town Meeting and later when the Town seeks a contractor. Transportation Safety Group report. Peggy is representing the GCC on this group which meets monthly to coordinate safety work across various town department. Peggy will sound out the TSG on the use of paint on streets along routes with no sidewalks and limited visibility e.g., North St between Carl Rd and the entrance to Willards Woods. New Business Review January 31 Steward/Conservation Commission Meeting outcomes Keith reported on the following: -Meagherville Muddy Angle NOI application — Peggy is preparing for multiyear permit to allow construction in phases. -Concord Ave Land Management Plan — has a place in line in the Conservation Department's FY24 plan -Idylwilde sidewalk plans will allow us to make a small route adjustment to Route H in the future. -Keith will initiate a discussion with Carol Kowalski re ongoing maintenance for non-Conservation boardwalks, i.e., Bridge School. Debris disposal is the major concern. Comments re Mike's latest mapping updates (distributed previously by e-mail) Send any comments directly to Mike. Affordable Housing Trust support. Keith reported that the GCC had been encouraged to engage with the Trust with an eye towards any possible easements or connections to adjacent conservation areas and ACROSS trails. Ledgemont Redevelopment. Peggy noted that redevelopment of this site at the NE corner of the Hayden Ave/Spring St intersection may provide an opportunity to revise the connection between Hayden Woods and the Takeda property along route H. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm Next Meeting: March 3, 2022, at 4:30 pm via Zoom Future Meeting Dates: April 7, May 5, June 2, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 1