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Meeting of the Appropriation Committee, Nov. 28, 1966, 7:30 p.m.
Present: Frank Parrish, Chairman; J. Blaisdell; A. Gary; D. Grant;
A. Kenney; G. Kolovson; D. Noyes; R. Pe. ry; A. Souza;
L. Zehner
Reserve Fund Request
$5,600 requested to be transferred to account #1700, Group Insurance.
$60,200 was appropriated in March (the same amount as in 1965) ; however
of employees. Committee was
rates increased and so did the number m' er p yees
assured by Selectmen that there would be no saving wane by paying this
Blue Cross insurance yearly rather than paying monthly as at present.
Voted to transfer 45,600 from Reserve Fund to Account #1700.
School Budget Estimate - Frank Parrish estimates the total will be
837,000 more t:.an last year, 4600,000 increase in salaries, 4140,000
increase in expenses (up 450), $97,000 other increases (adult education,
v-� athletics, miscellaneous). This includes at least five items of
410,000 or more which might be considered capital expenditures, e.g.
filling pit back of High School, tarring roof on 2 schools. Should
these he separate Articles? It was suggested that we sponsor a
question on the ballot to find out whether the voters are in favor of
this rate of increase of school budget. Discussion of this proposal and
of possibility of recommending a decrease in some parts of this budget
at Town Meeting. Don Grant will try to find out what items can be
cut without the likelihood of their being replaced by the court.
Recreation Committee - Vincent Hayes and all members of that committee
met with the AppropriationCommittee to discuss their plans in general.
Their 1967 budget has been submitted, but not yet passed by Selectmen.
Capital Expenditures - they will request a wading pool at Central
Playground ($20,000) and 6 tennis courts (428,000) in 1967, plus some
swings and other small items.
Long range plans - would like to have neighborhood playgrounds within
1/2 mile of each neighborhood, more tennis courts at Harrington (12
courts within 10 years) , and Baskin (6 courts). Some wore money for
development of Harrington will prouably be asked in 1968. Eventually
we will need another s:ri::_..iing pool.
Budget - CEC has projected expenditures should average 430,000 per year
(410,000 for development of land already acquired, 420,000 for other
projects) Recrea;;ion Committee says this is agreeable if it excludes
special projects such as the wading pool anti tennis courts. Later
discussion with CLC indicated that such projects were meeInt to be
included in their esti-ntes.
Neighborhood lots - money appropriated for these lots has not been
spent, although money for Central playground was spent immediately.
Mr. Hayes stated that Recreation Committee has no control over the money
after Town Meeting appropriates. John Carroll spends it and does the
work when he can fit it in. They have urged the Selectmen to speed
the development of these lots. Discussed possibility of contracting this
Salaries and Expenses - Salary schedule is tied with that of Town, however
part-time help is not included in schedule.
;Reimbursement - Retarded pk child-.en program is 50% reimbursable by
State. Cherry sheet sho.rs 4276.36 was received for 1965 - this seewa low.
Director will give a copy of reimaurseuent requests to Dick Perry so he
can check to see whether correct maou..ts have been received.
Projections of 1967 expeases
Non-School personal services ..•e up aouut 4115,000. Salary schedule will
go through as planned, but without dreehe in grace. Tnerefore increases
4 ' will be about 8% plus step increases, or total 12%
Debt, interest and principal payaents ._re up about `;100,000.
School bulla-et, up about 3837,000.
Total budget increase will be more than 31,000,0„0, or about 35 on tax levy.
Capital Expenditures Committee met with Appropriation Coamittee
Present: Hugh Chapin, Chairman; V. Boughton; J. Mitchell; Davis; :li..Lawls
Hugh Chapin gave the following information:
Actual 1966 capital expenditures $1,188,000
1966 projection for 1967 c.e. 's 1,237,000
present projection for 1967 c.e. 's 1,125,000
These figures, however, exclude any amounts necessary for the following:
Cen„er Redevelopment, Worthen Road, Land Acquisition, Additional public works
projects. These four categorie's were discussed separately.
Land Acquisition — Planning Board now proposes the following expenditures:
3650,000 1967
650,000 1968
100,0:0 1969
100,000 1970
50,000 1971
The possibility of undertaking such a ma;}or land acquisition program in the
immediate future, while land is still available, by bonging for this purpose
was discussed but not agreed upon.
Center Redevelopment — 3100,000 per year for several years has been proposed
for beautification (including acquiring land for parking lot).
Plannin ; Board would like to extend oeautific. tion project. The present
appropriation will beautify one side of Mass. Ave. from 'Yaltham St. to the
Selectmen would like u total 3360,01;0 in the next four years 375,000 per
year. This would include parking lot development funds. They wish to wait
to see wh .t has been done with present beautification money before going ahead.
Worthen Rd.— estate will consider tieing to slip ramp or exit at Pleasant St.
if Jorthen is completed. They seem to say they will give connection after
.;ort;ien is completed, question is how long after. Selectmen are following
this up. i'igure is still x;671,000 to complete -Worthen at once. If land
acquisition program is undertaken, Town would end up constructing most of
it at Town's expense now or later.
Additional Public 'Yorks Projects
There are plans for industrial development of Hartwell Ave. fxn area from
hia;uire Rd. to Air Base, with q strong commitment from one firm. Selectmen
may request 3500,000 for sewer trunk and laterals.
Selectmen Cole and Cataluo entered meeting to give further information on
this subject of additional sewer request. 380,000 would provide sewer to
one building (assessment would pay for this in 6 years, they anticipate);
$200,000 would. serve all Ilartwell Ave. They would get more information and
a real commitment before asking for money for this sewer service, which would
be in addition to the regularly scheduled sewer trunk and laterals.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth F. Souza, secretary