HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-06-13-AC-MIN.pdf 5 C9 Meeting of the Appropriation Committee, June 13, 1966, 7:30 p.m'. Present: Frank Parrish, Chairman; Logan Clarke; Ao'bert Gary; Donald Grant; John Blaisdell; Allan Kenney; Donald Noyes; Richard Perry; Louis Zehner; and Ruth "'ouza. Committee Report for June 20 Town Meeting Draft prepared by Frank Parrish discussed and amended. Article 2 — Public Works Building (Barn) Bids opened and the following amounts are requested: Contract $347,658 (low bid) PWD work (sewer lines water, inside walls) 13,000 C'a Paving 18,000 Furnishings 5,000 Architect fee 25,900 Contingency Fund 6,442 TOTAL $416,000 18% higher than anticipated Additional amount may be requested(Cataldo) 15,000 TOTAL 6431,000 $36,000 was appropriated in March T.M. , leaving $380,000 or $390,000 which must be appropriated at this P.M. John Blaisdell stated that some savings were possible by negotiating with the contractor after contract was let; these were relatively minor 010,000 to $15,000). To effect major savings the building would have to be cut so that some jobs were performed by outside companies (e.g. truck wasi:ing, maintenance). Voted: to recommend appropriation of $390,000 to be bonded for 10 years. Article 6 — Appointment of Assistant Building Inspectors, discussed Voted: . to recommend favorable action Article 11 — Giftoaf land as result of cluster zoning Voted: Unfavorable action • Remaining Articles had been discussed and voted on at previous meetings, except for Article 15 on which too little information is available. Decided to inquire into Planning Board's recommendations and final plans and make our recommendation orally at Town Meeting. Meeting with Board of Selectmen Mr. Cataldo discussed the Barn, stating that the reasons for the 18% increase in price over that anticipated were: • 15% — 20% increase in priceof heating equipment April 1 wage rate increase Scarcity and price increase of such ;naterials as copper tubing Soil condition at one corner, shown by additional borings taken Low estimate of one of the engineers U`. He will recommend to the Building Committee purchase of an emergency generator at possible cost of $10,000. Article 11 — Gift of land — land adjoins and gives access to Town land. Article 15 — R. Cataldo will offer an amendment to reduce the amount appropriated. He questions the fair price of the Pihl land, accepts the option price of the larger piece, sugests $5,000 for Pihl land. Selectmen and Appropriation Committee agree to recommend $45,000 total, $36,000 + $9,000 (Pihl). Next Meeting, before Town Meeting, 7:30 p.m. in Cary Board Room. Respectfully submi ,ted, Ruth Souza, Secretary June 20, 1966, 7:30 p.m. The following changes were made in Appropriation Committee recommenda— tions to Special Town Meeting of June 20: Article 2 — Barn. Method of financing changed, $77,00G to be raised by transfer of unexpended balances from various Articles, $328,000 to be bonded. Total $405,00:.1 (+ $20,000 voted March). Article 11 — Gift of land, changed to favorable action because Planning Board wants this land as access to presently owned Town land. Article 16 — Final figure of amount needed is $653.39. Article 15 — Land purchase for roads — nothing is known yet, to be postponed. Respectfully submitted, Ruth F. Souza, secretary