HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-27-AC-MIN.pdf 335 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: February 27, 1978 TIME : 7: 30 P.M. PLACE: Town Office Bldg. Room 111 PRESENT: George Silverman, Vice Chairman, Richard M. Perry, Secretary, John Blaisdell, Peter Hall, John Campbell, Martin Gilman, William Dailey tai I . REPLACE LD rz The following points were made : 1. Town Youth Counselor reports to the Town Manager and is paid directly by the Town. 2. Hot Line so far is very successful. 3. "Outreach Worker" has access to high school and Jr. high school children - these are kids that go for help on their own and would rather their parents did not know about it. 4. The relationship between "Replace" and the police department has greatly improved. 5. It was stated by Mr. Clough that he sees no conflict with ' ' MVMH - the approach of Replace is much different from IIVMH - _ oriented more toward the young people and their problems. 6. No fees charged. 7. Big problem now is the need for more space ; it is hoped that maybe some space can be sought in part of the vacant school buildings (Parker) . 8. The feed-back on the work that is being done by Replace is so far very goods 9. Fund raising is a very consuming job - the Director cannot devote too much time here as it would take him away from counseling, etc . 10. It was so stated that if the $6,605 in private donations cannot be raised than it will be necessary to cut-back on services. 11. Replace receives the following free : accounting and legal services; rent; secretarial help. 12. The following statements were made by the members of the Appropriation Committee : Mr. Gilman - I would be inclined to go along with Replace and their proposed budget as I feel they are doing a successful job and they are relatively new. I also think they should look into the possibility of grants, etc . 336 REPLACE (Continued) Mr. Blaisdell stated he was definitely opposed to the increase . This is not the responsibility of the townspeople to pay for i .e . , those living on fixed incomes ; Vinebrook and Greeley Village residents. The number of kids that are being reached is relatively small. What they need here is a group of businessmen to run this. Mr. Campbell stated he felt that the center does not seem to be run very well -- is this a drop-in for socialability purposes or for need? I feel that the parents can and should in most cases pay a fee for the services. Mr. Dailey said he felt there was an overlapping of services here . I do not think we need a $17 , 000 plus a $14,000 persons Mr. Furash asked where the report was that was requested in the 1977 Report of the Appropriation Committee . I simply would say "no report - no money" . Mr. Furash also said that he felt it would be wrong to let "Replace" off the hook as far as fund raising was concerned. We should keep pushing this. II . LIBRARY 1. Security System - a savings on books is being realized now. There have been enough people caught to justify the system. 2. $5,000 increase is not to add books but to meet inflation prices. Book prices estimated to be up 10-12% next year. 3. Grant of $5,000 just received so will leave Appropriation Committee 's reduction in budget stand. III . ARTICIE 59 Mr. Lupo appeared before the Committee to inquire as to why the Appropriation Committee voted "favorable action" on Article S9 re Weights and Measures. It was explained to him that the decision was based on the fact that there was no money requested in the Article . Mr. Lupo also had some questions re personnel matters and was told by the Committee to speak directly to the Town Manager. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Committee voted to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 9:00 P.M. to discuss Conservation Articles with the Commission. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 6, 1978 at 7 :30 P.M. Reepectiv2ely submitted, Ri"c airci�r�I i' P Y b ecreary