HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-13-AC-MIN.pdf 245 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: October 13, 1976 TIME: 8 :00 P.M. PLACE: Town Office Building-Room G-15 PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Peter Hall, Vice Chairman- Gen. Gov't. , Donald White , Vice Chairman-Schools , John Blaisdell, Secretary, Martin Gilman, Howard L. Levingston, Patricia Hagedorn, Mitzi Kutchin, Richard M. Perry, Acting Town Manager School Committee : Patricia Swanson, Chairman, Otis Brown, Frank Michelman, George Wadsworth, Superintendent Lawson I . PURPOSE Introduction of School Superintendent Lawson to the Appropriation Committee as well as acquainting them with his goals. II . ITEMS DISCUSSED a. Great lack of vandelism in the schools has taken place - almost non-existent - a cash saving of $200, 000-250,000 per year. Parents are being billed for repairs: b. Reorganization of the administration is taking place. Dr. Lawson stated that he did not forsee adding any administrators c . Dr. Lawson "hopes to make Lexington school system the best in the state - I want to do this as economically as possible. d. Dr. Lawson stated that he had visited the schools about 50 times to check on classroom activities and general school administration. e . Dr. Lawson stated that they are trying to approach all expenditures at zero base budget. 80% of school budget is for personnel and unless a cut in this area can be made a significant cut will not occur. f. 5.5% salary increase granted last year, in addition to step increases have already built-in sizeable increases for next year. We are trying to maintain two separate budgets - one for expenses and one for personal expenses. g. There will be a better record kept re repairs. h. It is hoped that some classes will eventually be consolidated - 318 courses now offered. i. Chairman Furash stated that what we want is more for what we are spending. j . Metco - 280 students in Lexington. This Town is breaking even here Dr. Lawson stated. k. Yearly evaluation system - each teacher goes through a primary and secondary evaluation and why he has been added to the group. I will monitor the system to see that school committee goals are met Dr. Lawson said. No increase is automatic: 246: SCHOOL COMMITTEE (Continued) 1. Tenure- Tenure does not protect incompetentteachers. m. School Closings - decisions will be made on data collected rather than emotions. Special programs re- quired by Chapter 766 which result in increased personnel from 16 to 114 in special needs will play a strong part in school closings. There is still a great amount of data to be collected Mrs. Swanson stated. n. Mrs. Swanson stated in conclusion that just because there was money in the budget it does not mean it should be spent. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 18 , 1976 at 7 :30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 401°' / fizi,,,c,,, •hn Blaisdell/mo'b Secretary