HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-12-AC-MIN.pdf 243 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: October 12, 1976 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: Town Office Building - Room G-15 PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Peter Hall, Vice Chairman- Gen. Gov't. , Donald White , Vice Chairman-Schools, John Blaisdell, Secretary, Martin Gilman, Mitzi Kutchin, Jack Campbell, Patricia Hagedorn I . The meeting came to order at 7:35 P.M. The Appropriation Q Committee met with the Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commission and the Recreation Committee . II . CONSERVATION a. Dr. Kassler stated that somehow the Conservation Commission has to get together with Recreation to make use of our Conservation land, i.e . , cross country .skiing trails. 75% of the townspeople do not know of existing areas for such. b. Mrs . Frick stated that Yr. Prentiss spends half of his time with the Recreation Committee preparing maps of the various trails . c . Estabrook drain needs immediate attention. d. Behind with Hobbs Brook Basin Salt Study. e . Selectman Miley stated that due to the financial status of the Town, priority is to be given to "safety items" . f. Grey Nuns situation is progressing III . ENERGY USAGE Chairman Kassler read a statement concerning the above subject. A consultant firm is going to speak to the Board re the ways of conserving energy. 1976 bill was in excess of $950,000. The Appropriation Committee will be advised as to the time and date of this meeting. IV . RECREATION A. Mr. Busa, Chairman of the Recreation Committee gave a list of priorities : 1. Center Pool - S11, 000 appropriated at March Town Meeting for engineering studies. Mr. Busa stated that $50,000 should be alloted for intial studies. 2. Walking Trails - $5,000 3. Tennis Courts - Diamond Jr. High - 4 courts. 4. Upgrading of ballfields - 30 fields in town - each year 3 fields - $15,000 a year for 5 years. ,135, 000 Total 5. Master Plan for Recreation has been accepted by the Planning Board - however, not by the Selectmen 244 RECREATION (Continued) 6. Chairman Furash outlined how he felt the Plan should be implemented: a. We would expect a presentation from the Recreation Committee after approval from the Selectmen. b. How facilities serve each group in Town. c . A look at operation costs as well as capital items. d. Existing budget of the Recreation Committee not considered frozen or sacrosanct but a zero budget to give the opportunity for justification of each program. e . A 15-page summary of the 1st draft is expected by December. f. Chairman Furash stated that the Appropriation Committee would not make any judgment on the Plan until after the Board of Selectmen act on it. Meeting adjourned at 8 :55 P.N. with the Selectmen. V . ENERGY USAGE Chairman Furash stated that the Appropriation Committee suggested the Energy Usage to the Board last Spring. (Material on file . ) VI . ASSOCIATION OF TOWN FINANCE COMIVIITTEES Meeting on October 30, 1976 - Chairman Furash made note that he felt all new Committee members should attend. VII . APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE REPORT a. Stuart DeBard report was circulated to the Committee . b. Recommed that perhaps a condensation of report be considered (i.e . , 82x11) VIII . BUDGETS a. Mr. Blaisdell stated he felt that there was no need of constant green sheets to be given out each week - especially so early. (Mr. Perry to meet re this) Mr. Levingston stated that we must be sure not to get them too late: b. Upon motions duly made and seconded, the Appropriation Committee voted to approve $3800 for the Appropriation Committee budget instead of proposed $4000. SO VOTED Appropriation Committee voted to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 9:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Next scheduled meeting is for Wednesday, October 18, 1976 at 8 :00 P.M. with the School Committee. Re pe ful ubm d, n Blai e 1/mo'b Secretary