HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-24-AC-MIN.pdf 227 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: May 24, 1976 TIME: 7 :30 P.M. PLACE: Town Office Building, Room 111 PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Donald B. White , Vice Chairman- Schools, Peter Hall, Vice Chairman-General Gov' t. , J.H. Blaisdell, Secretary, Mitzi Kutchin, Patricia Hagedorn, Richard M. Perry, Ex-officio P� I. Minutes of May 3, 1976 were read by Secretary Blaisdell and were approved by the Committee with one correction under Item III -- "It should read: Account #5450 - Road Machinery, instead of Account #5500. II . RE-ORGANIZATION OF APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE Upon unanimous approval of the Committee the following officers were appointed: Edward E. Furash - Chairman Harry A. Hall III - Vice Chairman-Gen. Gov't. Donald B. White - Vice Chairman-Schools J. Harper Blaisdell - Secretary III . APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Furash approved a bill amounting to $1,518.24 to cover the cost of printing the Appropriation Committee Report for 1976. (Spaulding Company) IV. CONSERVATION a. Chairman Furash presented the Committee with a letter from the Conservation Committee Chairman, Angela Frick to EAT Realty Trust, dated April 29, 1976, re land adjacent to North Lexington Brook. (on file ) b. A request for a Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $450.00 to pay for Secretarial services for the last six weeks of fiscal '75- '76 was discussed by the Committee. Mr. Perry stated that there were such funds put 'into the clerical pool to cover these services. Secretary Blaisdell suggested that the Committee not pass on any such matter until it passes through the proper channels. V. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING A memorandum dated April 15, 1976, from Town Manager O'Connell re the challenge of the Collective Bargaining Law - Chapter 150-E- Mass. was presented to the Committee. It so stated that Arlington is now challenging the binding arbitration feature and it is now before the Mass. Supreme Court. (on file) 228 VI . SELECTION OF NEW TOWN MANAGER a. Mr. Perry stated that the Personnel Advisory Board was working on this. Chairman Furash stated that he would like a formal communication re this matter. b. A memorandum from Chairman Kassler re this subject was presented to the Committee stating the desire of the Board of Selectmen to have any suggestions to the qualifications of the new Town Manager forwarded on to them by the Appropriation Committee . c . Mrs. Hagedorn was asked by Chairman Furash 'to work on this, i.e . , job descriptions and possible ways to cut down on advertising expenses. d. A memorandum dated May 20, 1976 from Chairman Kassler to Chairman Furash re estimated costs for Town Manager advertisements was presented to the Committee - total cost was $3,350• e . Secretary Blaisdell stated he was extremely hesitant to go outside the Commonwealth to fill this position. He also added that to go nationwide would not be wise . VII . SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL a. A memorandum from Chairman Kassler, dated May 13, 1976 re the above subject was presented to the Committee. `— b. Chairman Kassler asked if the Appropriation Committee could put someone on a Committee to be formed. Chairman Furash stated "no" on this , however, the Appropriation Committee would let the Board of Selectmen know just what they thought should be done . Chairman Furash further stated he would like this worked on over the summer in order that we might reach a positive solution. The following members of the Appropriation Committee were asked by the Chairman to work on this: Peter Hall, John Blaisdell, Martin Gilman, Jack Campbell, Donald White . C . Mr. White stated he felt that we would have to find a way to develop a transfer station. The trash will have to leave this town one way or another! VIII . PUBLIC WORKS A memorandum from John McSweeney dated May 12, 1976, to Robert Hilton and James Maclnnes, re elevator and air conditioning contracts was presented to the Committee and put on file until September 1976. First request here was made February .2, 1976. XI . PERSONNEL ADVISORY BOARD A memorandum from the above Board re summer employment in the recreation and DPW departments to Town Manager O'Connell was discussed by the Chairman. This matter will be further discussed with the PAB. P, 9 - zso 23.1 X. DPW Use of Town Cars - Mr. Hall is to investigate this. We would like to see all town cars parked in the town lot at night. Chairman Furash said. XI . ENERGY USAGE Mr. Levingston will see the Town Manager or Chairman Kassler re this. XII . RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS Town Manager O'Connell joined the Committee at 8 :40 P.M. to discuss the above subject. a. Animal Control Transfer has been withdrawn. b. Tentative Allocations - total $32,000. 1. $10,000 Requested - Account 5250 - Town Bldg. Maint. 5,000 Approved 2. $ 5,000 Requested - Account 5450 - Road Machinery - gas, oil, repairs 2,500 Approved Town Manager O'Connell stated that the DPW has already reduced vehicle use. Chairman Furash asked the Town Manager if all town cars were parked on town property after 5:00 P.M. where they could be seen. Mr. O'Connell said that Mr. McSweeney drove the town car to and from work, however, he pays for his gas and oil. He further stated that he would look into a couple of the others i.e. , Messrs Coschia and Empey. Street sweeping has increased. Much of snow removal was done by town trucks - outside trucks were cut-off; this helped to keep snow removal budget down, Mr. O'Connell said. Mr. Furash stated that he felt the real cause of our being out of money here was the repairs, not gasoline, i.e . , bulldozer repair. Mr. O'Connell said he had spoken to Mr. McSweeney as to who approves what repairs. Mr. Campbell was asked to work on the problem i.e. , what repairs are being done and at what cost. 3. $ 8,000 Requested - Account 5600 - Street Lights 4,000 Approved 232 4. $ 2,000 Requested - Account 5550 - Traffic Regulations- 1,000 Approved Street signs 5. $ 7,000 Requested - Account 5700 - Sewer Maintenance 3,500 Approved Upon motions duly made and seconded the above amounts were so VOTED by the Committee . SALARIES T.own Manager O'Connell apologized to the Chairman for the lateness of this material reaching the Appropriation Committee . However, by the meeting of June 14, 1976, he assured the Committee that there would be facts and figures available to them. Chairman Furash emphatically stated that should there be something the Committee really doesn't like , we will want something done about it. Mr. Furash asked the Town Manager for a list of every employee and their last years' salary and what the Board is approving for this year and then a second list of the salaries last/this year's in the different groups. I would like this for our June 14th meeting. Chairman Furash stated he would like a member of the Appropriation Committee to get familiar with the salary system and the PAB and has asked i'Irs. Kutchin to work on this. SEWER PROJECTS Town. Manager O'Connell mentioned the possibility of federal funding under the Water Pollution Act may be forthcoming. If this is approved a special Town Meeting would be called. XIII . APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS John Blaisdell - Sanitary Landfill Martin Gilman - Sanitary Landfill Peter Hall - DPW - Use of Town Cars Sanitary Landfill Donald White - Schools Sanitary Landfill Howard Levingston - Energy Usage • Jack Campbell - Sanitary Landfill DPW - repairs Mitzi Kutchin - Personnel Advisory Board - salaries Patricia Hagedorn - Selection of New Town Manager Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for Monday, June 14, 1976 at 7 :30 P.M. in Room 111. A Respect ully:su}$mi,tted, John B laise del 1/ Al