HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-09-AC-MIN.pdf 203 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: February 9, 1976 TIME: 7 :30 P.M. PLACE: Town Office Building, Room 111 PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, John Campbell, Peter Hall, J. H. Blaisdell, Martin Gilman, Richard M. Perry, secretary I . DPW Peter spoke to Chairman Bailey re the following: a) Would they go for $98,000?- yes: b) Only 1 truck involved. c ) No catch basin - Peter Hall is to go next Fall on a "catch basin" trip. II . PRINTING OF APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE REPORT - Spaulding Co. TT-MI- off-set if we give them information by 16th to 20th. b) We will get proofs back by the 22nd. c ) It will be delivered to us by March 5th. Upon motions duly made and seconded, the above schedule was so VOTED. III . RESERVE FUND TRANSFER Request of $25,000 to cover anticipated 6-10 inches of snow during balance of winter Upon motions duly made and seconded, the amount of $25,000 was transferred from the Reserve Fund to Account 5500 - snow removal. SO VOTED IV. UESTIONS TO BE DISCUSSED WITH BOARD OF SELECTMEN a street and sidewalks b) traffic signals c ) aged - REPLACE d) fire department e ) flagpole f) sanitary landfill g) cemetery h) Lincoln Street i) Brook reclamation j ) Conservation fund k) Land Management Program 1) Studies 204 V. CONSERVATION a) workout an agreement with Conservation Commission. b) some data for the report? VI . TRAFFIC SIGNALS Yes or no answer here and we need it by Monday, February 16th. VII . FLAGPOLE a) any trouble with borings? b) would like to see more information here on entire project. c ) would like Board report if contributions can be made by the Board of Public Trusts. d) would a change in flagpole come before Historic Districts? e) Mr. McSweeney will send to Appropriation Committee additional information on this. VIII . BALLFIELD LIGHTING a) figure should be in by Wednesday. b) bid prices will be in by this time and submitted by Town Manager O'Connell per Mr. McSweeney. XI . PERSONNEL BOARD (memo from J. Butler on file here) a) two requested positions in Collector's office and Inspectors. b) if CETA is available we will use. c) we do not recommend the addition of 2 more full time positions. (there is not enough data available at this time to warrant this) . Chairman Furash stated that this concurs with the feeling of the Appropriation Committee on adding more full time help. X. BUDGET DISCUSSION a) Budget memos were distributed to the Committees by the Town Manager and discussed. b) BC/BS - an increase of 70% Family - $46.48-79.00 Individual - $17.14-29.12 Chairman Furash stated that this will need a great deal more discussion. Perhaps we should look into private insurance companies. Meeting adjourned at 1000 P.M. Next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 15, 1976. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Perry/mo'b Secretary