HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-25-Part 2-AC-MIN.pdf APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE 79 DATE: March 25, 1974 TIME: 7 : 30 P.M. PLACE: Town Office Building, Room 111 PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman-Gen. Gov't. , Donald B. White, Vice Chairman- Schools, Elizabeth M. Flynn, Secretary, Levi G. Burnell, Patricia K. Hagedorn, Howard L. Levingston, Richard M. Perry, Comptroller I . CONSERVATION Present: G. Frick M. Rawls F. Bailey, Selectman a) The following presentation was put together and approved by the Board of Selectmen: 1. Full time Conservation Administrator, 2. Full time Secretary This entire package will run approximately $12,000. There are many details yet to be worked out Selectman Bailey stated. b) Ken Briggs informed Conservation that the possibilities for this job should have the following qualifications : experiences of a civil engineer; hydraulic engineer; landscape engineer. c) Chairman Furash emphatically stated that he felt there was not the proper job description presented to the Committee. He further made it very clear to M. Rawls and G. Frick that in order to have any setup work, the relationship between the Town Manager and the Conservation Commission must be improved. The Chairman further said that he felt this proposal would not be well received on the floor of Town Meeting for two reasons: 1. this would make the Commission too active and 2) the proposal was not well enough documented. d) The question of temporary help was suggested however M. Rawls stated she felt this was not the answers II . BUDGETS a) Police - 3800, 5250, 5450 The cost of gasoline and oil has and is continuing to go up. Chairman Furash made a statement re gasoline saying that the added fuel funds must stay in the proper line item. If money isn't spent it will be returned. Selectman Kenney was in agreement with this. b. Chairman Furash reminded Selectman Bailey that on February 19, 1974, the Appropriation Committee asked for a Policy Statment re use of Town Cars for personal use. c. Account 5600-5700 Electricity - A statement from Appropriation Committee was requested for Town Meeting comparing January 1973-January 1974. Selectman Bailey will see that this is done. 80 d. Chairman Furash is to communicate to the Selectmen his definite wish that David Hughes will not be acceptable as a Personnel Director. e. Line item 1600 reduced by $7,000 - $35,893. Upon motions duly made and seconded, the expenses as presented by Selectman Baildy were VOTED acceptable. III . AMMENDMENTS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE 1974 REPORT OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE (Copy Attached) Upon motions duly made and seconded the above report was VOTED acceptable to the Committee. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 P.M. Monday, April 1, 1974 in Cary Hall prior to the opening session of Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, c.(7,L v ' mak.- )) /, ,0 t, Elizabeth M. Flynn/mo'b Secretary llia:ch 28, 1974 l',1 ._•::_ _"�� d'S _AND CaiLmM{M 1 ?„ sl _1c7k This amended report covers Article I throe h 28. Our new rocciamend pions for Article 4 ai.e shown it the attached Table. Those recommendations should be substituted for those in our original report. We have not heard; as yet, from the cool (or ittee on their final budgets End therefore4 must recommend on this item when it arrives on tin floor of Town cetinn'. We are still unable to rocomiitend und3 r Article 12 because bids have not yet been s:::coived for the proposed Animal Shelter. We find Article 19 highly problematical. C;e have requested additional inforiiation to validate the $100,0004125,000 cost estimates. We are concerned that the right job bE clone in terms of value, but are not sure that the price quoted is correct. It may well be that this project should be done in sections, beginning with a more normal $50,000 appropriation. Again, we will give our final en dation on the floor of Town : eeting. Respectfully subi ittod Edward E. P trash, Chairman Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman-Gen. Gov°t. Donald B. White, Vice Chairman-Schools Elizabeth .+i. Flynn, :3ecretary Arthur T. Bernier J. Harper Blaisdell, Jz . Levi G. Burnell Patricia K. Hagedorn Howard L. Levingeton Richard i%,. Perry, Ex-Offficio AR '1ML1 .. tj ,Y 1,..._?c;? - RINE__` 9,4.. t Account Department or Rc conmendsd .-11.9.s. ._,.... Cc`O n ...._—........,. 2 }- /7 5 _f 12 m,_ _s. )-- 1000 Personal Services ;$ 43.123 1050 Expenses 9,500 Lig_ tee'vq c gf9ce 1060 Personal Services 56,000 1065 Expenses 1,400 20 +7a -W.r°n sWills2�9 n4Pa 10?5 Clerical Pool-P.S. 30:383 1080 Office Furniture & Fixtures 3,500 1090 Professional Services 18,000 1125 Fire & Police 14edical 3,700 1130 Director of Guides-P.S. 1,000 1135 Out-of-State Travel 4,000 1140 Training & Travel-Out-of-State 2:775 1141 Tuition & Training Fees 10,050 1142 In-State Travel 6.250 S e t ep t a,an'_'j r&qi.=. 1145 Community Services 50 /146 Juvenile Services 12,000 1148 Safety Program Expenses 500 T En Clerk°s lam tasl t /150 Personal Services 41,164 - 2200 Expenses 1.135 1250 Vital Statistics 650 Pers ennel Dertmep ,-- 1300 Personal Services 20,000 1350 Expenses 100 !sten ,ESO in T0sts 1450 Expenses 640 32ard o Lupeals 1500 Personal Services 7,831 15.50 Expenses 1,750 Plan 3oard 1600 Personal Services 35,893 1650 Expenses 2,960 1700 Gr©u �ne� p 216,000 1?50 Municipal Property & Workmen's en's Comp.►8£3,720 1760 Lxponses 7,000 1775 FeesDaia Ilmat 34,250 1800 Expanses 7,500 E,1.ect .cyls 1900 Selectmen Jurisdiction 18,160 1950 Town Clerk Jurisdiction 14,800 IganLsiamilima 2000 Pergonal Services 6,350 -`' ' 050 Exp:n.;es 6,775 '1P so .. ?'t 2250 E.rp nses 3,735 C?')i1;P KallPr l = -0as a tis 2300 Expenses 150 Account Dapkriseaht or adr--e '2. v 2360 ExpoTi e 3 150 „2100 Expenses 500 2450 Expenses 10600 2460 Expenses 3,5130 Recrogilonietsminm 2470 Personal Services 72,265 . 2480 Expenses 17,000 2500 Personal Services 51,025 2525 Expanses 3,270 2575 Foreclosure a: Eedcuptiea 450 mnIu six.,° PPlaIs AI . 2800 Personal Services 77.972 2850 Expenses 3.250 2860 Revenue Shay:ins- Administrative Eelp. 50w* *To which the sun of $500 in available and anticipated P.L. 92-512 funds (Federal Revenue Sharing Funds) is to be applied. 992==e _'e iss_W 3 sIlpa 2925 Office Machines-Capital Outlay 5,850 2930 Office Machines-Main1 . & Repair 5,500 2935 Office Services-Copier .c Supplies 5o700 2940 Motored Mail 15,225 "2299...; ° PM 'tenant 2950 Personal Services 45,856 3000 Expenses 1,300 Bolth_PardrImmi 3250 Personal Services 33,007 3300 Expenses 41,165 3450 Rabies Clinic 1,515 3500 Personal Services /1,336 3550 Expenses 2,595 3750 Personal Services 861,909* *Of which $10,000 is to he trans-� eri'ed from the Park?ng Motor Fund 3800 Expenses 97,000 3900 Parking Meter Maintenance 3,000* *Of which $3,000 is to be transferred from the Parking Meter Fund ZILILDIRALUDDI 4100 Personal Services 793,655* *Of which the sum of $375,000 is available aid anticipated P.L. 92.512 funds (Federal Revenue Sharing Fund e) is to be applied. 4150 " Expenses 4.3,072 -Q4200 Ambulance Maintenance 1,500 +".)0 Forest Fires 200 4300 Personal Services "1,500 4350 !Expenses 900 4360 Auxiliary Fire Expanse 300 • % t Depa t::.ent or h sc ammonded 3` - --- -46/75 L12,m21s.1-- 1 ?0 ;; Persu;i tl a,ery Ccs $ 47.307 ' - = .- Expen3as 1.310 e•-•IZia1 o e 1 I 11,90:: Per-son :;erv1' c.ee 956.9344 •i.%f vh .,h -..A.4, ( 00 is to be transferred to a. :e riest1 iew Perpetual Care Fund, a.id $/,000 I s %o be transferred from the Westview : ele of Lots Fund. • Dice, .a Pt mi li a, Works Office 4,715.-, Personal Eery: von 128.730 I 500 Lx?ene.ae 5,150 illellititilliDiLZWABOAt 510.) Personal Servs cee 181.536 5150 Expenses 4.000 I' Viaintenance 52C : Person 3erv'ces 44.816 • 525x. Expenses . 108,000 1e taut t>12-.aatc 54uc, Expenses 88.000* •O f *lids $4„4 O is to be transferred from the Parking Meter Fund .5457. Enemas 101.000 ' AUS-.3 .a1 5:,0:: E sxppo ss 1058000* *01 eht h $30000 is to be transferred r-. from the Parking Neter Fund 211gra i fiCallalliene & Street Sipa 5:',5 : F.xpan:31,a 11.500 5,:i1; E� ee �� 135,000 0121. ; L tie & Ser ”vices 5 i '; .xpens�+s 36,450 C labilontra tD 105,000 illillita-kliiik! W. 5'.5: Expena e 60,000 i+ t astanw oce d& Service' • 5';0'.) t xpensne 37,675 . 'asl 530: expense, 55,000 i0uL � t, r, �xpenses 1,350 .) -:S Expenses 6,300 ULtShAlliaillass. '.) . 5'. ,;zpeneea • 3.200 r r.►,):', t xpenees 3,150* *CI which $1.0000 Is to be transferred f-am the Won't-view Sale of Lots Fund. arson Services 7.480 i - l , t.dftini 4trati or 150 7:--ir Kil L :xpensef 60,660 5�) E'�ci7eraeys 7 400 s141 :. # • 1101 i;x7monaws 250 I 4, Acct-z ut Department or Rece,rmendesd 7500 Personal Services $ 300,349* -4550 Expenses 92,004P* *S11,957.25 is also avc 1 l .ble as State aid to Librarians. **To which will be added $60033,.27 received from the Cony Dog License Fees. 7800 Contributory Pension Fund 274,175 7825 Non-Contributory Pension Fund 130,000 7850 Expenses 2,525 7900 Persona/ Services '"* • 7925 Expenses 7950 Out-of-State Traiei 7960 Vocational Education-Tuition & Trans. 7970 Athletics *To which $300,000 unexpended in the 1973-74 School Persona: Services Budget, and $279,625 in available and anticipated P.L. 864, P.L. 874+,, ESEA 89-10 and State FETCO. funds is to be applied, and the balance is raised and appropriated under this Article 8100 Operating Budget 239,534 -5200 Capital Budget 12914.-rAYEADI _ 8500 Interest on Debt 349,761 -3525 Izzterest on Loalle--Taxa Fond Antic. 125,000 8550 Maturing Debt 1 ,571,000 w