HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-14-AC-MIN.pdf � �� APPt�OPRIATIOI'd CGI�`iitiilTrPLN: DAT�: February 14�, 19'74 — T I�vu�: 7 :3� P.Ivi. PI,ACEs Town Office Builclin� - Room G.15 Pt��;SEIvTs Edward E. r'urash, Chairm�.n, Jack L. P�Zitchell, Vice Chairman - Gen. Gov't. , Donald B. White� Vice Chairman, Schools, J. H. Blaisdell, Levi Go Burnell, Richard i�i. Perry I . LIBKARY Presenta F'. Bailey R. Hilton It was suggested by the Vice Chairman that the high cost of fuel and electricity be examined again as it may be trimmed somewhat. This may be possible due to the fact that the new addition will not be com�aleted until late September -- air conditionin� will not be necessary at that time . Telephone - one more trunk is to be �.dded, plus two more extensions . Intercoms are bein� used now very successfully. A copy of the Library Materials Budger was distributed to all members of the Gommittee for their review (attached) . New Personnel - there will be only one-half person for custodial help added. Possibly may need some new Pa�e�. II . Cs�i�i�;RAL DISCUSSION A. Irirs . Flynn reported that she had spoken with the i�ecreation Committee and was informed about Articles 38 and 39 -- Picnic Areas and Camping Areas and that they were Bicentennial. Bob T�3in broke down the ::�10,0�0 � Article 3�i - `�2,OOC� and Article 39 - �s,000. Plannin�; Board Articles Article 85 - Wetlands �4,0�0 " 86 - �r�aster Plan - �5,Q00 " 87 - Parking, Etc. for Bicentennial - �6 ,000 B. Conservation Articles Article �b� - Baskin Parcels " �h - Graziano Family - �40,�n0 - ED " 47 - T+iarco - �7 ,000 Tde�otia�in� for Settlement " 4£3 - Hillside Ave . Parcels - �15,000 - 2 willing sellers� " 49 - Hillside Ave . " j0 - Grey I�1uns - �90�0�0 �:asement " Sl - Greener & Ztihiter - �33,000 - opinion of Va1ue " 52 - Vinebrook - �6�000 " 53 - Great T��Teadow - �4�,000 - 8 acres " 54 - " " - lot 84 - ;j�5,000 negotiabZe " j5 - Conservation Fund - :p3�000 " 5b & �7 - ido dallar value - yYill leave Article in and :nake statement to Town P�ieeting. � � A CARY MEMORiAL LIBRARY February 12, 1974 LIBRARY MATERIALS BUDGET � ,�,,,,. Town, Trustee, and State Funds MATERIAL 197} 1972 1g73 Fiscal '75 _ _ Comments _ _ Generai Ref. , including (12 mos. ) standin orders 9 548 8 OfJO 8 000 8 250 8 2 0 '73 actual Encyc�opedias 725 1 ,250 800 800 ___ _ . National Union Catalaq 1 585 1 ,600 1 ,600 1 ,750 Children 's Library 8 500 9,000 9 200 9,766 Branch 3,g50 4 000 4 250 4,511 _ _. Periodicals iobber 2,500 3 ?00 3,5�� 4 500 4,4$9 '73 actual sOther Subscri tions 800 in "Ref." in "Ref." in °1Ref." N.Y. Times -- micro and index _._ 500 500 ,500 515 Gov't. standing _ -. . �rder 175 240 320 46 - - - - 'Gavernment Printing ,_. � �ffice 275 200 250 200 Recardin s 2 600 2 70d 2 $00 2 q7S Films -- Coo . 400 400 ` 425 476 Pa erbacks 500 500 600 600 �ar e Print 35� 250 400 400 Wouid be 7,7�g McNauqhton 5,410 6,811 6 811 7,000 w/o cut Totat Committed 37,718 38�651 39,456 42,207 General Adutt 22,547 26,425 26 919 31 ,793 rus ee Bu ge TOTAL -- Trustees and Town 60,265 65,076 66,375 74,0�� same or less SPECIAL PROJECTS 6,923 10,H57 11 ,957 11 ,957 Nn increase in State (State Aid) (sci .-Tech.) lang. & (Revolution; (psych. , Aid expected lit. (l , Ref. ) soc. , � 100-survey_ Ref. } Town RLL FUNDS 67, 188 75,933 78,332 85,957 Approp. : S2,OQ0 Eiooks added 10 165 10 9�8 1� 55$ 1�,250(es t J ^oun o� o ar increase � mos. mos. . mos. mos. over previous year -t-6,3Z9 +8,745 +6 024 +7,�35 61. C. DPVJ � lt�r. Burnell reported the followin� as a result of his meeting with io�,mm ���nager C'Connell : 1. Articl.e 1? - Dog Kennel - �vaiting for bids which are hi�,h o i�?o dollar fi�ure yet. 2. Article 14 - Expect �1,000 3` Article lg - �25,000 - ready to go when Sprin� starts. 4. "Article 23 - Butler a�yle Building - y�75, 000. �. Article 2� - Hancock at. Will go as far as $60,000 urill go. . , 6o Selectmen have eliminated Clamdi�ger. '� h G:�iC Trucks (put sanders an chassis?) _ ..+ 8 . Instead of ��00,000 new equi�ment it is now about �200,000. .: 9. John P�caweeney's priority list w�s �iven te the Chairman �=-� for his review. 10. �,qui?�ment on o�der and not received: 2 pickup trucks � tr�ic ks 1 small sidewalk tractor 1 smal.l �ander D. General 1. A letter from N;r. C. F. Gallagher af the Recreation _ _ Committee was c�rculated to the Committee (attach�d) . ?. Don White suggested that word be spread to people with influence to hold down the tax rate. — 3. Chairman Furash suggested that some old Articles be cleaned out - thus some extra revenue - check with Selectmen. ITI . SANITARY LANDFII�L rresent: J. Hals P� Rif.fin P. Marshall a) Zt is now costin�; $110,000 to operate the Sani�ary Landfill. b) They are advocating Town Wide Pickup. Daily - Public Schools Bi-P�;onthly - Rubbish & Paper Nonthly - Glass & ��7eta1 Per�c�dically - leaves & bulky waste co5t: $z5a, 000 c) This will add $1.00 to the tax rate . d) The Chairman fe�t that this was a much better prepared pro�;ram than presented last year, however it needs much deeger investi�ation. Meeting adjourned at 1Os00 P.IvI. Next meeting schedulEd for Saturday, February IH, 197� at 9: 00 A.I�"�. ` Respectfully submitted, y1..{ N L A � `J �1' ��,/C��/C..._ `�J'' ,��T"f��//7� � Eli�� beth I�r?. Flynn/mo•b `�e ez•�-!;a,z•ti,. J5 ORh�NC p� _� a¢ TOWN OF LEXINGTON �•� ��3� MASSACHUSETTS ; � =Ja"�` RECREATION COMMITTEE uaa�9*x teXINGT�r _._ �`i��'•�. 12, �974 ,�ir. Edward E. Furash C hai rrnan A?�nropriations Comr�_itt�e Town Of.�ices I,exin.gto�, iuia��. �2173 �aa,� �'d, At txi� recent meRtin�; ti,�i.t�. y�ur �ommittee, tt�e R�c.reation (�:nmr�ittee felt that wP didn't adec�uately cover. the b�.ck�rpund ix��'ormation relative t� the Warra.nt Artic�.e covering study mr�nies �nr tne C;eriter Pc�ol Complex. �'��..1 awin� is additiona�i_ info�rna,tiaxi �n �:r..�.� �rticle. 1.. iSe�'�. Our preliminary es�timates �'or the �nool were such t:�at t.aP rP�_�ized trl�,t ��re d.idn' t h�,ve �hP expertise �n the ::ommittPe c�r in the D.P.�l. to desi�n ar�df or judgP thP best proced.ure to fa7_l.ow flr� the possiblP renovatioz�s, improvementG, or rPp�.�cement c�f the r�gSPTI'� �c'Ol. _ Tne pre�ent �aool is aver forty ye�rs old and needs major repair� or r�plaeemen�. �dditionallyf th� pool z�n't l.�,rge enou�h for our �resent pro�rams. 1'h� b�.th fa.cilities cir� not meQt `� ths Stat� Cn�es, We made emer�ez�cv rPpa.ir� to t:ne pca�l �. few �.Tea,rs agc� wit�� the understanding that we were buyin� a �ew yeass �f' o�eration. a lle po��_ i^ 1_eaking a��ir althou�n not a.nvwhPre �� bad �� �efnre the repairs were ma.de. W� mu�t cYia,n.ge trle fzlter ��r t:ne l�.r�e pool (olc�est �ool� �.nd it is our unde�Gtandin� �'rom T�r. G 'Conn.eJ_l that t�P nnGt� c�f s�me v�ri.11. �ppe�.r in the Pub�_ic Works �ortion. af Article 4. ihis �'ilter is urgently r�?ec�ed a.rxd. we �.re m�kizz� sure ti�at i� t��.s �ufficient ca.�a.citSr to take car.P o�' a l arger �r nPw ��ol s�i��_l.c� c�ur jQint study indic�,te tnat t:nis is the mQ�t �e�.sible sc�lut�.o�.J � �'Yiis projPct has be�n rPfleeted ir� our sever.z.l ten --��_� �re?;�e�tions t� thP C`�pi-t�,l E��nenc�iturPs rommittee. 2. Sco�e We pr.oposP to work in con.eert �=ith the Permare:rn.t RG:�i�e�.i�� Com..:.ittee to stu�y ju�t what will mPet +he m�wn' s °�A�uirernAnts for a pac�l �'acil.ity. Qur n?.rec�ar, i�1r. Ben Bertini, 'rzas concluded that an �,-s�z�,ped paol 125 � X 4a ' �'ith �, 3� ' X 35 ' divin�; 1�e11 i� rPqu3_red �'pr_ �ur pro�'ra.m. A�.�.itic�na.l)_y, the �ath ilou�e �acili�ies mlast b� upda�ted ai�d incre�.sed in si�e to me�t St�.te rP�uiremPnt�. ��ii-Fh these p��sible ch�n��� an� ti�P m�nie� invc��.vPc� , the Camm�_ttPF #'�e1s th�.t we shau�d investi�;at� the possiblity of cove�is��' thP pacal. �ar jre�r raund u�e, l.�c�.tic�n of t�e �ao�l (Is t;hPr� a� mare r. � r�b1� 1 n��.�i�n`�) � �o��i�k,� P �.-�a-.;e _.,ay�c� . _ ��..��c3�r trie 5c�.�c�^�- - .P�.+.._... ... _. � .. , _ . _ 1 � E , � ' , � � �ssi�tance Pro�r�.m�, �,nd other r�l ate�. c�uQc�ionG. � LhP stu�v monie� woulc� cever all en�ineering ��s+s and �ive us preliminary plarzs for. t�e project. We would an7 y use that �orti an �f' �i;he m�niPs in th� ArtirlP tnat t�A Recreation CommittPe �.r_d PPrr�anent Builc�ing Committee felt nPcessa-ryd WP trust tha.t thi� inform�.tion wi1� �.���u�tely £i1.�_ �rnu in �n thi� Ar1:icl.e c�,z�d we sta.nc�. rPa.dy t� meet wi.th you ta di��u�s the mat�er mc�r� .ful� y. Thanks f�r the op:��rtunity to meet w�th yc�ur C��nmittPe �L2� I�XP �:Q�� �:�1?� ��t}�;. l4�'1�� c'-1J .�;-}(�J'`� �1.?�' msT'�1.^, r'.n �.0 �L'P�'�'T!t',P,C�. 'ti�`�'_i'�7. _�.�a..7..� il� .�r'��.�."`�'s � �� .._ �� � .�.-y �,,. 's. _�'. CrallaghQr, Jr. .��,�rea.i;ie�n Commi t+P� _ . Fr ��^ i?��rPatic�n �:ommi�tee :J;em�iers `:'�wn N:�,nager ��irP��:or of Recreation s�r��.i�'n Advi�oxy C�mmi�+Pe See Memorandum enclosed